

  • 李丽Sara留学
  • 2024-10-21 09:54:27
  • 41
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





1、What to expect from Vesuvio volcano in the 21stcentury;

2、The tourist trade in Thailand before and after the tsunami of 26th December 2004;

3、The mystery of Bermuda Islands;

4、The state of Siberian forests;

5、Causes of smog in the biggest cities of the world and its consequences;

6、Reasons for tourism growth in Bali;

7、Tornado causes in the USA;

8、Gulf stream behavior in the years to come;

9、Restoration of animals living environment after fires in Australia;

10、Natural disasters of the 21st century.

11、What factors influence the location of industries in country/city X?

12、An investigation into the significance of preserving the quality of water in a continent/country/city?

13、An investigation into the degree to which City x can be considered a Sustainable City/community

14、To what extent is Biodiversity being managed successfully in city x ?

15、To what extent does the education and employment of women affect Country x’s fertility rate

16、To what extent do gender, educational attainment, and working parameters influence obesity risk?

17、To what extent has urban development affected human thermal comfort levels in Country/city x (a country/city that has developed in a rapid rate over the past decades)?

18、To what extent is the Company x corporate waste management program effective, demonstrating environmental sustainability?

19、To what extent is biodiversity being managed successfully at National Park X?

20、What types of urban design encourage high rates of vandalism of X neighborhoods?

【微语】在远方的天空下, 你勇敢地追寻知识, 每一份努力都会化作未来的星辰, 照亮你的前行之路。



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