对于英语基础较差的学生,首先需要巩固基础。可以选择班课形式的托福网课,班课进度较慢,讲解更通俗,适合基础打底。对于基础较好的学生,可选择一对一网课,针对性强,适合做深度强化提升。所以选择何种形式,要根据自身英语水平,打基础或深化提高Choose the form of TOEFL online course based on your English level. For students with poor English foundation,they should first consolidate the foundation. Class-based TOEFL online courses with slower pace and more plain explanations are suitable for basic enhancement. For students with better foundation,one-on-one online courses are preferred for targeted and in-depth enhancement. Therefore,you should choose the form according to whether your purpose is to build up the foundation or deep strengthen your skills.
针对不同目标段位的考生,网课形式也不同。如目标分在80分以下,以打基础为主,应选择班课,也可辅以少量一对一课;目标分在80-100分,要选择一对一网课,针对提升,老师可制定个性化学习计划。要冲刺100+,也只有一对一课适合,重点突破,效率更高。所以目标分高低决定学习侧重点,进而确定网课形式To determine the form of IELTS/TOEFL online course based on your target score. For those targeting below 80,class-based courses focusing on fundamentals are preferred,plus a small number of one-on-one lessons. For 80-100,one-on-one courses are better for targeted improvement. The teacher can also tailor a study plan for you. For aiming 100+,still one-on-one is the only choice for focused breakthrough with higher efficiency. Therefore,your target score decides your priority in learning,and further determines the form of your online course.
网课价格应该与其价值和效果相匹配。一般来说,托福一对一网课的合理价格是300-500元/小时。稍超出也可,但远高于这个区间的一般含品牌溢价,不值。此外,效果才是关键。如果价格很高,但老师、课程都一般,那毫无意义。所以不要被价格蒙蔽,要客观判断价格与实际效果是否匹配。最终找到价格与效果兼顾的网课。The price of online course should match its value and effect. Generally,the reasonable price range of TOEFL one-on-one lessons is 300-500 RMB per hour. Slightly higher prices are acceptable,but much higher prices often contain brand premium,which is not worth it. Besides,effect is the key. If the price is very high but the teachers and courses are just average,it would be meaningless. So don't be fooled by the price tag. Judge objectively whether the price matches the actual effect. Eventually find an online course that balances price and effect.
选择网课,老师的靠谱非常关键。可从多个维度判断:老师本人的成绩、教学经验、学生反馈,以及试听课的效果。这些都可以反映老师的实力。此外,还要上试听课,亲自感受老师的教学方式、课堂互动等是否符合自己的学习风格。只有老师靠谱,上课效果才会好。所以多方面全面判断老师的靠谱程度,这很重要。To choose a reliable online course teacher is extremely important,which can be judged from multiple dimensions: the teacher's own scores,teaching experience,student feedback,and the effect of trial lessons. These can reflect the teacher's competence. In addition,you should attend trial lessons to feel in person whether the teacher's teaching method and class interaction match your learning style. only with a reliable teacher can the learning effect be good. Therefore,comprehensively judging the teacher's reliability from multiple aspects is very important.
选择正规网课机构也很关键。首先,可选择能第三方支付的机构,如淘宝店铺,钱不会直接打入机构账户,有保障。其次,看看机构的真实评价。充分了解学员对其课程、老师等的评价,判断口碑如何。再者,查证机构的实体情况,证照等信息,确保其合法运营,防止被骗。只选择正规和信誉良好的网课机构,学习效果才会有保证。Making sure to choose formal online course providers is also very important. Firstly,you can choose platforms that support third-party payment,like Taobao stores. The money won't be transferred directly into the provider's account which is safer. Secondly,check out real reviews towards the provider's courses and teachers to learn about its reputation. Furthermore,verify the entity information of the provider,like licenses and certificates,to ensure legal operation and prevent frauds. only choosing formal and reputable providers can guarantee learning effect.