
加拿大线上ESL测试具有严格监考 - 确保考试公平公正

  • 留学殿堂
  • 2025-03-04 18:11
  • 650
  • 手机版

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加拿大线上ESL测试具有严格监考 - 确保考试公平公正


加拿大线上ESL测试before the exam,students are required to verify their identity by showing their ID photo to the camera. This ensures that the person taking the test is indeed the registered examinee. Some tests may also require palm verification and multiple identity verifications during the test. By authenticating identities,online ESL tests prevent impersonation and cheating.


During the online ESL exam in Canada,examiners require examinees to keep their webcams on at all times. The video footage is monitored in real-time by both AI proctors and human proctors. Suspicious behaviors like looking away from the screen or covering the camera will be detected immediately. The strict video monitoring ensures fair test conditions and no cheating throughout the entire exam duration.


In addition to AI monitoring,online ESL tests also have actual human proctors overseeing the exams simultaneously. The AI system flags suspicious behaviors while human proctors further investigate and make judgments. This combines technological accuracy with human discretion. Having both AI and human proctoring guarantees standardized and impartial test administration.


After students complete the online ESL exams,the test provider will thoroughly audit students' testing videos before finalizing scores. If any cheating behaviors are discovered,the score will be canceled. The rigorous post-exam review ensures the authenticity and credibility of test results. It serves as the final line of defense against academic dishonesty.


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