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1、M.S. Data Journalism数据新闻硕士

Journalism in the 21st century involves fining,collecting an analyzing ata for storytelling,presentation an investigative reporting. The journalism school offers a Master of Science in Data Journalism for stuents intereste in avance skills.

Who Shoul Apply
The M.S. in Data Journalism is a three-semester program that provies the hans-on training neee to tell eeply reporte ata-riven stories in the public interest.
The current era nees journalists able to extract stories an meaning from ata an massive information flows. This new egree trains stuents to be confient about using ata in furtherance of the journalistic mission.
Applicants o not nee to have experience with ata or computation to enroll in this program. All stuents are require to atten founational courses (see below) that allow those with no ata experience to hone their skills in ata acquisition,extraction an analysis.
Stuents who enroll in the ata journalism egree are not eligible for amission to the Stabile investigative or ocumentary programs. They have the option,however,to take investigative,vieo an other classes.




Data Journalism stuents begin their program in mi-May,taking founational computational an ata courses as well as a course on the funamentals of reporting. In the fall,they continue honing their journalistic skills with the core course,Reporting II,along with Writing with Data,an the Data,Computation,Innovation I workshop,where they will explore cutting-ege storytelling using ata an computation. In the fall,stuents begin work on the Master’s Project,a substantive piece of ata-riven journalism that they are expecte to complete in the spring. They also join the Master of Science stuents in taking a suite of courses calle Journalism Essentials,which covers the business,historical,legal an ethical issues of the fiel. In the spring,they take two,15‐week seminar an prouction courses with the Master of Science stuents. One will have a ata focus an the other can be any subject/meium. They also take Data,Computation,Innovation II an finish the Master’s Project.
Semester 1 - Summer
Founations of Computing 计算机基础
The course is an introuction to the ins an outs of programming an ata analysis using the Python programming language,with which stuents will buil a founation for future coing-intensive classes an journalistic work. After this course,stuents will be able to fin an execute solutions to most any coing- or ata-relate problem they encounter in the newsroom. The course focuses on cleaning an analysis using the Python programming language,the comman line,Jupyter Notebooks,an the ata package panas.
Data & Databases数据和数据库
Stuents will become familiar with a variety of ata formats an methos for storing,accessing an processing information. Topics covere inclue comma-separate ocuments,interaction with web site APIs an JSON,raw-text ocument umps,regular expressions,SQL atabases,an more. Stuents will also tackle less accessible ata by builing web scrapers an converting ifficult-to-use PDFs into useable information.
Machine learning an ata science are integral to processing an unerstaning large ata sets. Whether you're clustering schools or crime ata,analyzing relationships between people or businesses,or searching for a neele in a haystack of ocuments,algorithms can help. Stuents will generate leas,create insights,an evaluate how to best focus their efforts with large ata sets. Topics will inclue builing an managing servers,linear regression,clustering,classification,natural language processing,an tools such as scikit-learn an Mechanical Turk.
Reporting I报告1
In this introuctory reporting course,each stuent will be assigne a beat an will be expecte to prouce news stories on ealine. Stuents will learn to think like reporters an to practice the core skills of the trae: eveloping sources,conucting interviews,structuring a story,writing clearly,an getting the facts right. As ata journalists,they will also seek out an analyze ata,both to eepen their reporting an to ientify promising leas. In this way,the tools an techniques learne uring the summer will be immeiately applicable as ata stuents begin to evelop a journalistic minset an the capacity to fin an prouce journalistic stories.
Semester 2 - Fall
Reporting II 报告2
Stuents will continue to will learn how to apply their ata an computational skills to real-worl journalism. They will hone their ability to construct a narrative from both quantitative an qualitative sources,how to think critically,how to report uner ealine an how to ocument so that others can replicate an critique their work.
Written Wor书面用语
In this class,stuents will prouce polishe reports that mix qualitative an quantitative observations an analyses an that inclue "backstory" pieces escribing the computation they performe an the basis for the inferences they have rawn in the story.
Data,Computation,Innovation Workshop I 数据、计算、创新研讨会I
Stuents will explore cutting-ege computational an ata-oriente forms of storytelling. Through class iscussion,guest speakers who are innovating in the fiel of journalism,an experimentation with novel applications an technologies,stuents will refine skills they have evelope to prouce works that exist on the frontiers of professional journalism. The workshop will also act as a space for stuents to iscuss an further evelop their final Master’s projects.

Semester 3 - Spring
Stuents in the Data Journalism track choose from the many spring Seminar an Prouction classes that are open to all stuents. But they are also require to take one ata-focuse Seminar an Prouction class.
Data,Computation,Innovation Workshop II数据、计算、创新研讨会2
This course buils on the material from the fall semester workshop an will procee in similar fashion,with a focus on eveloping the stuents’ abilities to tell journalistic stories with ata,computation,an new technologies. Throughout the course they will be encourage to hone funamental skills such as ata analysis an visualization,but they will also explore the potential for emerging tools like sensors,rones,an virtual/augmente reality through workshops an guest lectures. This semester will be pace an organize ifferently from the fall workshop,which was largely focuse on eveloping one substantial project. This semester,stuents will be expecte to prouce work at a faster pace,but the work will be no less rigorous an polishe.
Data-Focuse Seminar an Prouction Classes以数据为中心的讨论会和实习课程
· Computational Journalism计算新闻
· Data Visualization数据可视化
· Using Data to Investigate Across Borers利用数据进行跨国界调查
· Investigating Campaign Finance调查竞选资金
M.S. documentary Specialization
A select program for M.S. stuents who spen a thir semester making a short ocumentary.
We train stuents to succee in the expaning worl of ocumentaries. You learn writing,shooting,soun recoring,eiting an the business of ocumentaries. Classes are small,focuse an hans-on.
The documentary Program
The documentary program combines worl‐class training in how to be a reporter with professional skills in visual storytelling. Stuents spen 10 months learning how to evelop sources; fin an verify information; use ata an evelop visual skills. They learn camera work,soun recoring an eiting. They also learn the business sie of ocumentary prouction – grant writing,negotiations,rights an clearances an how to evelop a winning prouction trailer.
The aitional semester – complete uring the summer – allows stuents to prouce an eit their vieo Master’s Project. documentary stuents generally work in teams an get iniviual coaching from avisers who are recognize ocumentary proucers. We expect the resulting films to be publishe: online,on cable or on broacast.
During the year,stuents in the documentary Program meet some of the worl’s most acclaime ocumentarians who visit our classes an show their work at our regular Film Friays series. Recent guests have inclue Alex Gibney,Rory Kenney,Stanley Nelson,Sarah Burns,Kirsten Johnson,Barbara Koppel,Matt Heinemann,Josh Oppenheimer an Ezra Eelman.
Uner the irection of Professors June Cross an Betsy West,stuents unertake courses in journalism prouction,visual storytelling,camerawork an eiting. Faculty avisers have inclue Phil Bertelsen,Tom Casciato,(link is external) Nina Chaury,(link is external) Julie Cohen,Rachel Dretzin,(link is external) Sabrina Goron,(link is external) Pamela Hogan,Any Freericks(link is external) an Simon Surowicz.



纪录片项目的学生能够接触到很多世界上最著名的记录片导演,他们会定期参加我们的周五电影系列,会展示他们的作品。最近的嘉宾包括Alex Gibney,Rory Kenney,Stanley Nelson,Sarah Burns,Kirsten Johnson,Barbara Koppel,Matt Heinemann,Josh Oppenheimer,Ezra Eelman。

Who Shoul ApplyThe amissions committee seeks applicants who can articulate their passion for ocumentary filmmaking. The Journalism School is committe to builing a iverse stuent population an we encourage applications from stuents of all ethnic an economic backgrouns. Previous experience shooting an eiting is welcome but not necessary.

During the fall semester,stuents take the core Reporting class,then test into Vieo 1 (for the inexperience) or Vieo 2 (for those with emonstrate experience in shooting an eiting). Beginning vieographers are expecte to evelop their skills. Concurrently,uring the first semester,stuents learn about the ocumentary canon an workshop story ieas for their own films. Projects are approve for prouction by the time the spring semester begins.
During the spring semester,stuents get hans‐on prouction experience an learn to craft compelling stories. Stuents are encourage to work in teams an by the en of the semester they pitch a work‐in‐progress trailer to a group of commissioning eitors from major outlets. In the past,these eitors have inclue representatives from the Sunance documentary Fun,HBO an CNN.
Stuents complete their Master's Project ocumentary in the summer. They grauate in December at a special grauation event. The following ay,their films are showcase at the annual Columbia Journalism School DocFest.(link is external)


Prouce watchog journalism that makes an impact.
We offer an exclusive track for stuents looking to specialize in investigative reporting. We also offer many classes that incorporate investigative skills an techniques an are open to all stuents.
What We Offer
Teaching investigative skills is a core mission of the Journalism School. Many classes in our regular M.S. an M.A. programs incorporate the tools an methos of investigative journalism. M.S. caniates can also apply to The Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism. In aition to the regular M.S. curriculum,Stabile stuents take an investigative skills class an seminars in investigative reporting.
Stuents in investigative classes offere in the spring semester work in groups,each one investigating a single topic for 15 weeks. In the spring of 2015,one group in Walt Boganich’s Investigative Reporting Workshop participate in a New York Times investigation (link is external)of online sports betting,uncovering what the subsequent story escribe as “an ol-fashione shaow banking system where billions of ollars pass through paper bags,car trunks,casino chips an various money-launering schemes.”
In orer to grauate with a specialization in investigative journalism,stuents must apply to the Stabile Center as part of their application for amission to the school.
调查班的学生在春季学期中分组学习,每一个专题调查为期15个星期。在2015年,Walt Boganich的调查报告小组参加了一个纽约时报的调查,是关于在线体育博彩。揭露了银行系统之间数十亿美元的赌场筹码和各种洗钱黑幕。


Develop storytelling skills in vieo,auio,photo an mobile.

What We Offer
M.S. stuents have many opportunities to learn an evelop multimeia journalism skills uring the fall an spring semesters. Stuents have options for taking prouction classes in these isciplines: vieo storytelling,auio storytelling,photojournalism an mobile journalism. Aitionally,most non-prouction classes also feature some multimeia prouction training.
Stuents are given intensive instruction in the use of professional multimeia tools,but classes are always eeply focuse on eveloping reporting an storytelling skills.
Vieo storytelling classes teach stuents to shoot on professional-level vieo cameras an to eit on inustry-stanar software. Stuents are traine to ientify vieo-worthy stories,to effectively interview subjects an to film compelling sequences an scenes. These classes are esigne for stuents intereste in proucing films for the web an cinema.
Auio storytelling classes focus on breaking news as well as ocumentary storytelling techniques. Stuents are traine to report,interview,script an eit compelling auio stories suite for raio broacast or pocasting. These classes are esigne for stuents looking to work on raio,in igital newsrooms or inepenently.
Photojournalism classes cover in great etail the mechanics an artistry of photography. Stuents are taught how to report an photograph using professional-level cameras an to eit photos on inustry-stanar software. Stuents are also taught the aesthetics,ethics an history of photojournalism. These classes are esigne for stuents intereste in becoming photojournalists with eep technical an reporting skills.
Mobile journalism classes focus on using mobile an social tools to report,prouce an istribute breaking news stories. Using iPhones,apps an social meia platforms,stuents are taught to report an prouce high-quality journalism on fast ealines. Stuents are also traine in best practices for social publication an promotion. These classes are appropriate for any stuent looking to work in a moern newsroom.






In aition to these classes,many instructors encourage an work with stuents to incorporate multimeia elements into their reporting.
Please note: The classes liste here represent recent offerings at the Journalism School. Choices vary each semester epening on faculty availability an other consierations. Classes escribe now may change or be roppe to make room for new aitions.
City Newsroom 城市编辑部
Professor: Doy Tsiantar&Simon Surowicz&Mike Hoyt
Data Visualization 数据可视化
Professor: Jonathan Soma
International Newsroom 国际新闻编辑部
Professor:Ann Cooper
Multi-Platform Design & Storytelling 多平台设计与故事
Professor: Mario Garcia
Multimeia Storytelling 多媒体故事
Professor: Alan Haburchak
Multimeia Storytelling: Science & Environment 多媒体故事:科学与环境

Professor: Duy Linh Tu&Marguerite Holloway

Whether your goal is to work in local or network television news,as a raio reporter,for an online publication or as a freelance journalist in an international setting,our faculty will teach you the prouction skills an stanars of great reporting an storytelling for the eye an ear.
What We Offer
Stuents at the Journalism School have many opportunities to learn the skills neee to excel in broacast journalism an tell stories in vieo or auio. Both vieo an auio classes are core components of the M.S. program in which stuents work on ealine pieces as well as on longer stories. Stuents can learn on-air skills,take a raio or pocasting class,experiment with virtual reality an hone the techniques that are essential to working in a igital newsroom.

M.S. caniates can also apply to the thir-semester documentary Program,esigne to train stuents in the art of ocumentary filmmaking.

Money. Markets. Finance. Economics. CEOs. IPOs.
Learn simple an effective ways to break own a business evelopment,whether it's macro or micro. Hone your ability to explain the global economy to people who nee to unerstan these crucial subjects.
What We Offer
Experience business journalists teach our stuents how to interpret an earnings report or economic forecast,focus on the news an eluciate its broaer meaning.
M.S. stuents can choose from a roster of courses that equip them to cover these sometimes-technical subjects. All M.S. stuents also take an Essentials course on the business of meia uring the fall semester.学生需要在秋季学期学习跟媒体相关的课程。

In aition to the specific classes liste here,stuents have many opportunities to incorporate reporting on business issues into their work in other classes throughout the year.
Please note: The classes liste here represent recent offerings at the Journalism School. Choices vary each semester epening on faculty availability an other consierations. Classes escribe now may change or be roppe to make room for new aitions.
Business an Economic Reporting 商业和经济报告

Business an Financial News财经新闻

M.A. Business & Economics Seminar-in-Concentration硕士商业经济学研讨会方向

M.S. Essentials: Business商业硕士
Managing the 21st-Century Newsroom 二十一世纪的编辑部管理



Proof of English Language Proficiency语言要求:
Require by applicants to all programs
Current official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score reports are require for:
· M.S. an M.A. applicants: if you inicate that you i not complete your entire unergrauate eucation at an English-language university.
· Ph.D. applicants: if either English is not your native language OR you inicate that you i not complete your entire unergrauate eucation at an English-language university.
TOEFL scores are vali for two years from the test ate. Waivers of this requirement are rarely given an must be requeste an approve before the application ealine. The Grauate School of Journalism reference coe for ETS is 2120. On the TOEFL,we require a minimum score of 650 (paper-base) or 114 (internet-base); an for the IELTS we require a minimum score of 8.0.

Applicants to our programs are require to write 2-3 essays as outline below.
M.S. Applicants (2-3 essays)命题论文
· Autobiographical essay自传体
· Professional Interests/M.S. Essay专业兴趣
· Specialize program essay (only if applying to the Investigative,documentary programs)专题论文(仅适用于调查、记录片方向)
M.A. Applicants (3 essays)
· Autobiographical essay
· Professional interests/M.A. essay
· Program Interests essay
Ph.D. Applicants (2 essays)
· Autobiographical essay
· Acaemic Interests essay
Guie to Essays
Require by applicants to all programs
In a short autobiographical essay,tell us about yourself. You can write about your family,your eucation,your talents,or your passions about significant places or events in your life; about books you have rea,people you have met,or work you have one that has shape the person you have become. Our only requirements are that the essay be informative,well written,an reflective of your own voice; our only cautions are that you avoi poetry,purple prose,or writing about yourself in the thir person.

Require by applicants to M.S. programs
What le you to your interest in journalism? What experience,if any,o you have in journalism? What o you hope to gain through your work at the Columbia Grauate School of Journalism?
Require by applicants to M.S. specialize programs
Data Journalism Degree Essay - Explain why you want to pursue a egree in ata journalism an what ata project you envision oing uring your year at the Journalism School. Describe an example of what you woul consier a high quality ata journalism piece an explain what makes it a goo story. We also want to know about any previous experience with computation an projects that rew from ata or mae some use of ata analysis an/or reporting ata. You will not be require to emonstrate a strong ata portfolio,however,but instea emonstrate a strong interest in the subject.
Stabile Investigative Journalism Specialization Essay (for Stabile applicants only) We urge you to think very carefully about your skills,eucational goals an professional ambitions before applying to the Toni Stabile Center: Investigative Journalism Specialization. The bulk of the essay shoul make the case for your amission to the investigative journalism specialization. Please escribe how your eucational or professional experience has prepare you to unertake the investigative journalism specialization within your concentration. It will be helpful to the amission committee if you iscuss some ieas for your master’s thesis since this will be the most significant investigative piece you will complete at the school.
documentary Essay (for documentary applicants only) The documentary Program is a selective concentration for those who feel passionately about learning in-epth visual storytelling. The bulk of this essay shoul make the case for your amission to the ocumentary specialization. Please escribe why you want to make ocumentaries an what subject area(s) might interest you an why. In your answer,cite some ocumentaries you have seen that you think fulfill a journalistic potential.
Require by applicants to all programs
Current resume/curriculum vitae: Please inclue any honors or awars you have receive as a stuent or working journalist. Please note important stories you have evelope or covere.

Journalistic Work Samples
Require by applicants to M.S.,M.A. an Dual Degree/Computer Science
Multimeia clips/writing samples – We require M.S. an M.A. applicants to submit three examples of their journalistic or other written work in support of their application.
· Please uploa these samples (in PDF or Wor format) into our online application.
· Please submit no more than a total of 15 pages.
· We will not accept,via post,any clips or writing samples,permanently boun or laminate work,notebooks,magazines,newspapers,books,etc.
· Do not submit work you have not written yourself or copy-eite.
· For applicants who o not have clips,the amission committee wants to see writing samples that emonstrate your ability to istill an interpret information,e.g. blogs,press releases,or short writing samples.
· For any auio or vieo clips,submissions shoul run no longer than 2-3 minutes each. We will not accept any DVD or CD isks with auio or vieo clips. Any materials submitte that o not meet these criteria will not be consiere.



The following companies registere to atten Career Expo 2017:
· ABC 美国广播公司
· Al Jazeera English 半岛电视台英文频道
· Bonten Meia Group
· Calkins Meia
· CBS News
· CNN美国有线电视新闻网
· Gannett
· NBC News & MSNBC
· Feature Story News
· Hearst Television
· HBO - Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel
· McClatchy
· Nexstar Broacasting
· News 12
· Quincy Meia,Inc.
· PBS Newshour/WETA/Washington DC
· PBS Newshour/ WNET New York Public Meia
· Regional News Network,Fios 1 News
· Spectrum News NY1
· Univision
· U.S. Broacasting Boar of Governors (Voice of America,Raio Free Europe/Raio Liberty)
· Vice Meia
· TEGNA Meia
· Telemuno
documentARY/Vieo Prouction Companies
· Efran Films
· The documentary Group
· Ikana Meia
· Left/Right
· Sierra Tango Prouctions
· Transform Films
· Al-Monitor
· American metal Market
· Atlas Obscura
· Bloomberg LP
· Blue Chalk Meia
· Brightwire Inc
· Bustle.com
· The Chalkbeat
· CNN Money
· CoinDesk
· The Daily Beast
· Daily Mail Online
· Daily Voice
· Dataminr,Inc
· Debtwire
· E&E News,Climatewire
· Elite Daily
· Forbes
· The GrounTruth Project
· The Hechinger Report
· IBT Meia
· The Intercept
· ImpreMeia
· Kinle SIngles
· Law360
· Mansueto Ventures
· Narratively
· NowThis
· Overtime
· Ozy Meia
· Pinebase
· Quartz
· RealClearMeia
· The Real Deal
· Retro Report
· The Root
· Royal Meia
· Seeker
· Storyhunter
· TheStreet Inc.
· The Trace
· Urban Omnibus
· The Weather Channel
· Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism
· Yahoo Finance
· Buyouts Insier
· BuzzFee News
· Chear
· Cone Nast Entertainment
· Consumer Reports Magazine
· Diverse: Issues in Higher Eucation
· Golf.com/Golf Magazine
· The Harlem Times
· Harper's Magazine
· LiveScience/Purch
· The Marshall Project
· Men's Health
· Mother Jones
· Nautilus Magazine
· New Jersey Monthly
· The New Foo Economy
· Newsweek
· Popular Mechanics
· Psychology Toay
· Purch
· Rolling Stone
· Scientific American
· Sports Illustrate
· Surface Meia
· Time Inc
· Tom's Guie/Purch
· Vanity Fair
· The Village Voice
· Alaska Dispatch News/Arctic Now
· The Berkshire Eagle
· The Journal News/USA Toay Network
· The Chronicle of Higher Eucation
· CQ Roll Call
· The Military Times & Defense News
· Morgan Publishing
· Newsay/AM New York
· The New York Post
· Nikkei Inc
· The Recor/USA Toay Network
· The Riverale Press
· USA TODAY Network
· The Washington Post
· American Public Meia
· Auible Originals
· Earwolf/Miroll Meia
· Gimlet Meia
· New York Public Raio
· The New York Times Auio
· NPR/NPR Planet Money
· KUER Public Raio/PRNDI
· Panoply Meia/Slate
· WGBH News
WIRE SERVICE/multimeia
· Agence France Presse
· Associate Press
· EFE News Services
· Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
· Reuters
· New York Financial Writers' Association




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