加州大学-圣塔芭芭拉(University of California, Santa Barbara简称UCSB)属于加利福尼亚大学系统,是美国顶尖的以研究科学为主,且学术声望非常高的研究性公立大学。校园两面环海并拥有紧邻著太平洋的一片美丽迷人的海滩...
作为公立常春藤盟校之一,UCSB有着傲人的学术成就和优美的校园环境,每年都吸引着无数的世界优秀研究学者在这里进行深造和学术研究,如今UCSB已经是全美乃至全世界重要的学术发展重地之一。加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California与加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学洛杉矶分校、加州大学圣地亚哥分校、加州大学欧文分校、加州大学戴维斯分校、加州大学圣克鲁兹分校一样,是世界顶尖的高等学府。
此间学校亦被誉为公立常春藤之一,同时也是美国重要的学术联盟美国大学联合会61所知名大学成员之一,环太平洋大学协会成员。加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校在2018USNEWS世界大学排名第28名,美国大学排37名;在公立大学中位列第8;在2017年度世界大学学术排名(ARWU) 位列全球第45名。
一、Master of Arts---Geography地理学硕士
The Master’s program offers two plans: the thesis (Plan I) an the examination (Plan II) alternatives. The thesis (Plan I) will summarize the results of original scholarly research in Geography. The thesis shall conform to the style require by the Library/Grauate Division an shall be suitable in form an format for publication.
论文项目 和 考试项目
GEOG 200A Introuction to Geographic Research 4.0 地理研究概论
GEOG 200B Introuction to Geographic Research 2.0 地理研究概论
GEOG 200C Introuction to Geographic Research 4.0 地理研究概论
GEOG 201* Seminar in Geography 2.0 地理研讨会
GEOG 210A Analytical Methos in Geography I 4.0 地理分析方法1
GEOG 210B Analytical Methos in Geography II 4.0 地理分析方法2
GEOG 210C Analytical Methos in Geography III 4.0 地理分析方法3
1、Earth System Science (ESS)地球系统科学
Measurements,analysis,an moeling of hyrologic,atmospheric,cryospheric,oceanic,an terrestrial systems,as well as the interactions between systems.水文,大气,冰冻圈,海洋和陆地系统的测量,分析和建模,以及系统之间的相互作用。
2、Human Geography (HG)人文地理学
Measurements,analysis,an moeling of human activity,culture,an society,incluing human spatial behavior an cognition; spatial ecision-making an ecision support; urban an regional moeling,planning,an policy; human movement an transportation systems; resource an environmental management; population; human-environment relations; an health geography.人类活动,文化和社会的测量,分析和建模,包括人类空间行为和认知; 空间决策和决策支持;城市和区域建模,规划和政策;;人类运动和运输系统;资源与环境管理;人口;人与环境的关系以及健康地理。
3、Moeling,Measurement,an Computation (MMS)建模,测量和计算
Techniques,incluing analysis,statistics,an computation that are particularly well-suite to the moeling of the complex geographic phenomena. important sub-areas inclue numerical moeling,spatial statistics,remote sensing,computational moeling an atabase systems (incluing geographic information systems),an cartography an visualization.技术,包括分析,统计和计算,特别适合复杂地理现象的建模。重要的子领域包括数值模拟,空间统计,遥感,计算建模和数据库系统(包括地理信息系统),以及制图和可视化。
An unergrauate grae-point average (3.25 or >) is require. The University minimum GPA for amission is 3.0. All entrants are require to submit verbal,quantitative,an analytical GRE scores upon formal application http://www.ets.org/gre total combine verbal an quantitative scores must be above 302.
The minimum score for consieration is 550 when taking the paper test,213 when taking the computer test,an 80 when taking the internet test.
Application Dealine: December 15th
二、Master of Environmental Science an Management (MESM)环境科学与管理硕士
Program Overview
The Master of Environmental Science an Management (MESM)program is a two-year* professional egree program esigne for iniviuals who plan to enter or re-enter the workforce upon grauation. The program focuses on application an problem-solving an has three parts: the first-year core curriculum,the secon-year work in one of seven Specializations,an the Group Project or Eco-Entrepreneurship Project.
The MESM egree is not intene as an intermeiate egree for the PhD; however,MESM alumni are aequately prepare for PhD stuies in many isciplines,incluing Environmental Science & Management.
Core Courses核心课程
The Bren School MESM egree requires stuents to complete a core curriculum that provies soli founation in couple human an environmental systems. Stuents become conversant in the language,knowlege,techniques,an methoologies of various isciplines while eveloping general analytical skills,problem-solving abilities,an the aaptability that is inispensable to professional success. Our objective is to provie a founation of multiisciplinary knowlege plus quantitative an analytical skills that will enable stuents to interpret,esign,communicate,an implement policy an management solutions. Stuents normally complete the core courses uring the first year of stuy; the courses are esigne to accommoate varying levels of knowlege.
学位要求学生完成核心课程,为人类和环境系统提供坚实的基础。学生熟悉各种学科的语言,知识,技术和方法,同时培养一般分析技能,解决问题的能力以及职业发展成功不可或缺的适应能力。我们的目标是提供多学科知识以及定量和分析技能的基础,使学生能够解释,设计,交流和实施政策和管理解决方案。学生通常在第一学年完成核心课程; 这些课程旨在适应不同层次的知识。
ESM 201 Ecology of Manage Ecosystems管理生态系统的生态学 4 units
ESM 202 Environmental Biogeochemistry环境生物地球化学 4 units
ESM 203 Earth Systems Science地球系统科学 4 units
ESM 204 Economics of Environmental Management环境管理经济学 4 units
ESM 206 Statistics & Data Analysis统计与数据分析 4 units
ESM 207 Environmental Law & Policy环境法与政策 4 units
ESM 210 Business an the Environment商业与环境 4 units
ESM 241 Environmental Politics an Policy环境政治与政策 2 units
ESM 401/402 ABCD Group Project or Eco-E Project集团项目或Eco-E项目 14 units total
Coastal Marine Resources Management (CMRM)沿海海洋资源管理
Conservation Planning (CP)保护规划(CP)
Corporate Environmental Management (CEM)企业环境管理
Economics an Politics of the Environment (EPE)环境经济学与政治学
Energy an Climate (EC)能源与气候
Pollution Prevention & Remeiation (PPR)污染预防与治疗
Water Resources Management (WRM)水资源管理
Career Development职业发展
MESM grauates have foun employment with government agencies (regional,state,an feeral),corporations,nonprofit organizations,an environmental consulting firms. Please refer to our Career Development Placement Statistics for examples of employment obtaine by Bren grauates. Aitional information regaring career resources,incluing Career Development program highlights,staff biographies,an internship an job placement information,can be foun on the Career Development: Prospective Stuents page of the Bren School website. Career services-relate questions can be irecte to amissions@bren.ucsb.eu.
Require Unergrauate Preparation for the MESM Program
The Bren School welcomes applicants from any unergrauate major,an we value a iverse stuent boy. The Bren faculty expect applicants to have complete the following minimum prerequisite coursework:
§ Science – two courses (quarter or semester)科学课程
Applicants may meet the science prerequisite requirement through any combination of two courses in chemistry,biology,physics,earth science,or atmospheric science (incluing lower- an upper-ivision courses). Prospective stuents may want to view syllabi for MESM core courses on natural science (ESM 201 Ecology of Manage Ecosystems,ESM 202 Environmental Biogeochemistry,an ESM 203 Earth System Science). By reviewing these syllabi,prospective stuents will better unerstan topics covere in these courses an therefore will ientify relevant topics for prior stuy.申请者可以通过化学,生物学,物理学,地球科学或大气科学(包括低年级和高年级课程)两门课程的任何组合满足科学先决条件要求。
§ Math – two courses (quarter or semester)数学课程
The Bren School emphasizes quantitative an analytical approaches to environmental problem solving,so it is essential for stuents to have an aequate mathematical founation. Stuents may meet the math prerequisite by taking at least two math courses incluing calculus,statistics an probability,econometrics,or linear algebra,among others.学校强调解决环境问题的定量和分析方法,因此学生必须拥有足够的数学基础。学生可以通过至少两门数学课程(包括微积分,统计学和概率,计量经济学或线性代数等)来达到数学先决条件。
§ Social Science – one courses (quarter or semester)社会科学
Solving environmental problems requires unerstaning not only science-base solutions,but also the social,political an economic context to etermine feasibility. The social science prerequisite can be met by taking at least one course in economics,anthropology,sociology,environmental stuies,psychology,or political science,among others.解决环境问题不仅需要了解基于科学的解决方案,还需要了解社会,政治和经济背景以确定可行性。通过至少学习一门经济学,人类学,社会学,环境研究,心理学或政治学等课程,可以满足社会科学的先决条件。
Please note that only courses for which stuents earne a grae of C or higher will be counte towar meeting MESM prerequisite requirements.要求以上先修课课课程成绩必须在C以上
The MESM application will open in the Fall of 2018. MESM applications are normally ue early January every year.
加州大学-圣塔芭芭拉(University of California, Santa Barbara简称UCSB)属于加利福尼亚大学系统,是美国顶尖的以研究科学为主,且学术声望非常高的研究性公立大学。校园两面环海并拥有紧邻著太平洋的一片美丽迷人的海滩...
作为全美最畅销的申请指南,《费思克本科选校指南》Fiske Guie to Colleges是美国高中生选择大学的必备参考书。...