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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





Master of Finance at MIT




☑ Please iscuss past acaemic an professional experiences an accomplishments that will help you succee in the MF in program. Inclue achievements in finance,math,statistics,an computer science as applicable.

☑ Describe your short-an-long-term professional goals. How will our MF in egree help you achieve these goals?

☑ Share personal qualities that will enable you to contribute to the avancement of our mission.

☑ Relevant,verifiable etails,such as awars,rankings,meia references,etc.,are requeste. This essay contains 3 istinct points; please aress each point in your essay AND your entire response shoul be 500 or fewer wors.


Master of Finance at JHU


今年的Essay题目有所改动,第一个题目要求申请者在500字内定义“Business with Humanity in Min”,以及如何在未来5年内推动这一理念。第二个题目提供5个选项,分别是领导力描述,成就,作为未来的商业领导者想要解决的问题,最大的挑战,或者希望与招生委员会分析的信息,申请者可选择一个作答即可。字数仍然是500字以内。


☑ Business with humanity in min means many things to ifferent people. Please explain what business with humanity in min means to you an how you will apply your knowlege,skills an abilities to avance this ieal over the next five years. You may elaborate on any past experience you have ha which emonstrates your commitment an interest in this area. (500 wors maximum)

1). Business leaers have the ability to create opportunities,buil proucts an systems,an inspire others to action. Please escribe a time you create an opportunity,built a new prouct or system,or inspire others to act. The example you provie an elaborate upon may come from your professional eneavors,acaemic pursuits or civic engagements. (300-500 wors)

2). Please tell us about a major accomplishment you have experience in your professional or acaemic life. What i achieving this accomplishment teach you about yourself? (300-500 wors)

3). Please ientify a tough problem that you are committe to aressing as a future business leaer. What role will you play in the solution? What skills an abilities o you have (or might you nee to acquire) to tackle this task? (300-500 wors)

4). Please provie any aitional clarifying information that you wish to share with the Amissions committee regaring your acaemic recor,personal history or professional attributes. (300-500 wors)

5). What challenges you the most (i.e.area in nee of improvement)? How have you worke to overcome this limitation?(300-500 wors)


Master of Sciencein Finance (MSF) Program at Braneis IBS

布兰迪斯大学的金融专业在美国各大院校中一直名列前茅,在TFE Times(前身为Financial Engineer)排名第六。被列为STEM专业的金融专业,侧重金融学习中的定量方法以及金融领域的实际运用。



☑ The written essay question is as follows:

1). How will a egree in finance help you achieve your short-term an long-term goals in this fiel? (500-1000 wors)

2). If necessary,you may submit a secon,optional essay with aitional information that you woul like the Amissions Committee to consier as part of your application.You shoul use this space to iscuss gaps in your employment,acaemic issues (probation,ismissal,failing graes,GMAT or GRE performance,etc.) (500-1000 wors)


Masterof Finance at Washington University in St. Louis

圣路易斯华盛顿大学金融专业不仅可以提供给学生更深入系统的专业培训,而且提供多个研究方向,包括公司金融和投资(Corporate Finance&Investments),财富与资产管理(Wealth an Asset Management),计量金融 (Quantitative Finance)以及全球金融(Global Master of Finance ),供申请者根据个人兴趣和职业目标灵活安排课程。



Your answers to the questions below will give us insight into who you are an how you will fit into the Olin community. We encourage you to be honest,innovative,an thoughtful in your essays.

☑ At Olin,we aim to know every stuent by name an story. Please share your journey with us an why the pursuit of this egree is the right ecision for you. (500 wors maximum)

☑ Please escribe your immeiate career plans after grauation from Olin. Don’t worry,we won’t hol you to them. (300 character maximum)


☑ Is there anything else you woul like to share? If so,please provie any aitional information not previously aresse in the application that woul help the Amissions Committee assess your caniacy. (300 wors maximum)

除了Essay要求以外,很多院校的金融专业还要求申请者们录制Vieo Essay,借此考察申请者的英语口语能力,思辨能力,性格特点及与学校的匹配度。面试题目随机出现,个数不一,因此建议申请者们提前梳理自己的经历,熟悉学校的项目特点,根据以往面试者的经验多多练习。


Master of Finance at MIT

麻省理工学院金融专业Vieo Essay要求提交60秒钟的Vieo,借此了解申请者的口语水平,沟通能力以及与斯隆商学院的文化契合度。

Vieo Essay

All MF in applicants must submit a 60-secon vieo essay responing to an open-ene question. You will nee to use an internet-connecte computer,with a webcam an microphone. The Vieo Essay tab will appear in the left-han navigation of your application onLY after you have complete all other sections of the application. once you view your question,you will have one minute to prepare your 60-secon response. As part of the application review,the Amissions Committee will evaluate your response to assess your communication skills an fit with the MIT Sloan culture. The general knowlege question is esigne to help us get to know you better an oes not require prior preparation.


Master ofFinance at JHU

约翰霍普金斯大学金融专业的Vieo Interview要求申请者回答两个问题,题目随机。

Vieo InterviewYou will be aske two ranomize questions. You will have one minute to verbally respon with an answer to each question an will only be given one chance to answer each question.


Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program at Braneis IBS

不同于MIT金融专业的Vieo Essay和JHU金融专业Vieo Interview的要求,布兰迪斯大学的金融专业除口语测试外,还要求申请者在限定时间内写一篇规定字数的小Essay,加大了难度。相信被托福考试“虐”过的同学们拿下这个Vieo Essay不在话下。

Vieo Essay

Applicants must submit a brief vieo responing to three questions pose by the Braneis IBS community,as well as a written response to a fourth question. The vieo essay is a great way for the amissions committee to learn a little bit more about you. You will be prompte to complete the vieo essay once you have submitte your application.


Master of Washington University in St. Louis


Application Interview Vieo

International applicants applying to Specialize Masters Programs must submit a vieo interview as part of the application process. once you enter your citizenship information in the"personal ata" section on the application,a unique URL link will besent to your email aress,within two to four hours,with instructions outlining the vieo submission process.




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