是一所位于美国加州的顶尖公立大学,属于加州大学系统之一,位于南加州圣地亚哥市的拉荷亚(La Jolla)社区。校区坐落在海滩边,被Newsweek评为全美“最性感”的理科学习场所。成立于1959年,拥有一个占地866公顷(约12990亩)的校园。虽然成立只有短短的五十余年,却位列加州大学系统内前三名,与加州大学洛杉矶分校 在学术上不分伯仲。其亦为“公立常春藤”中的顶尖者,曾产生二十位诺贝尔奖得主,是全美重要的学术发展重地。因此,大学研究拨款总额上UCSD高达19亿美元,位居全美第5。
Computer Science和Computer Engineering都人工智能这个方向。
课程设置: http://www.ece.ucs.eu/courses
M.S. Plan I - Thesis
M.S. Plan II- Comprehensive Exam,Stanar Option****
M.S. Plan II - Comprehensive Exam,Interisciplinary Option****
The breath requirement ensures that MS stuents share knowlege of funamental concepts an tools from across broa areas of computer science an computer engineering. Stuents must complete three grauate courses (twelve units) to satisfy this requirement. Courses must be taken for a letter grae an complete with grae of B- or higher. Breath courses are categorize into three areas: Theory,Systems,an Applications. 学生们在计算机科学和计算机工程的广泛领域中分享基本概念和工具的知识,只有以下三个领域:理论、系统和应用。
The epth requirement ensures that MS stuents acquire expertise in a general research or specialization area. Stuents pursuing the computer engineering egree must choose that as the epth area. Stuents must complete three grauate courses (12 units) of approve courses to fulfill the epth requirement. Courses must be taken for a letter grae. 确保学生在一般的研究或专业领域获得专业知识,攻读计算机工程学位的学生必须选择作为深度领域,以满足课程的深度要求(如果选择人工智能方向,只能选择这个要求)
M.S. Plan I - Thesis论文****
·Computer Science majors must take three courses (12 units) from one epth area on this list.
·Computer Engineering majors must take three courses (12 units) from the Computer Engineering epth area only.
·Courses must be taken for a letter grae.
·CSE 250A- AI: Probabilistic Reasoning an Learning概率推理和学习
·CSE 250B- AI: Learning Algorithms学习算法
·CSE 250C- Machine Learning Theory机器学习理论
·CSE 253- Neural Networks/Pattern Recognition神经网络/模式识别
·CSE 254- Statistical Learning统计学习
·CSE 255- Data Mining an Preictive Analysis数据挖掘和预测分析
·CSE 256- Statistical Natural Language Processing统计自然语言处理
·CSE 258- Recommene Systems an Web Mining推荐系统和网络挖掘
·CSE 258A- Cognitive Moeling-认知建模
·CSE 291- Statistical Learning an Combinatorics统计学习和组合学
·CSE 291- Graph Mining/Network Analysis绘图/网络分析
·CSE 291- Latent Variable Moels潜变量模型
·CSE 291- Topics in Statistical NLP统计NLP的主题
·CSE 291- Statistical Learning Theory统计学习理论
·CSE 291- Automate Reasoning in AI人工智能的自动推理
·CSE 291: Recommener Systems:推荐系统
·CSE 291: Av. Analytics an ML Systems av分析和ML系统
·CSE 291:Convex Optimization凸优化
·CSE 291: Machine Learning on 3D Data数据的机器学习
·CSE 291: Avance Statistical NLP高级统计NLP
·COGS 243- Statistical Data Analysis统计数据分析
·COGS 260- Image Recognition (w/ Z. Tu)COGS 260-图像识别(w/z.Tu)
·MAE 242- Robot Motion Planning机器人运动计划
·ECE 276C-Robot Reinforcement Learning机器人强化学习
A minimum of 8 an maximum of 12 units of CSE 298 (Inepenent Research) is require for the Thesis plan. Elective courses must be complete for letter grae. The remaining units are chosen from grauate courses in CSE,ECE an Mathematics,or from other epartments as approve,per theELECTIVES EXCEPTION LIST.
AMaximum of ONE unergrauate CSE upper-ivision course from approveELECTIVES EXCEPTION LIST**is permitte towars Electives. *Note,stuents are not permitte to ouble-count the grauate version or a similar course of the unergrauate exception towars the egree requirements.In aition,seats are not guarantee for approve list of CSE unergrauate course. Unergrauate stuents receive priority seating.*Please irect questions regaring exception list to cse-ms-avisors@eng.ucs.eu
These requirements are the same for both Computer Science an Computer Engineering majors. Courses must be complete for a letter grae,except the CSE 298 research units that are taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. Seminar an teaching units may not count towar the Electives an Research requirement,although both are encourage.
A thesis base on the stuent’s research must be written an subsequently reviewe by the stuent's MS thesis committee. It is then submitte as escribe in the general university requirements. The MS committee,appointe by the ean of Grauate Stuies,consists of three faculty members,with at least two members from with the CSE epartment.一篇以学生的研究为基础的论文,并由学生的论文答辩委员会审查。然后按照一般大学的要求提交。由研究生院院长任命的MS委员会由三名教员组成的老师来审核,其中至少有两名成员来自CSE部门。
M.S. Plan II- Comprehensive Exam,Stanar Option综合考试,标准选项
Uner this plan,the stuent must pass the comprehensive examination esigne to test the stuent’s knowlege in funamental computer science material. The examination covers a wie range of material across the breath areas,enabling stuents to emonstrate the cumulative knowlege they have gaine. 在这个计划下,学生必须通过全面的考试,以测试学生在基础计算机科学材料中的知识。这次考试涵盖了广泛的范围,使学生能够展示他们所获得的累积知识。
MS Plan II- Comprehensive Exam,Interisciplinary Option (Effective Fall 2015)综合老师,跨学科选择
GPA要去3.0; 托福80或雅思7.0; 需要提交GRE成绩,没有最低分数要求
Amission to the CSE grauate program is very selective.Our epartment receives over 4,000 applications annually. We seek applicants with a strong acaemic backgroun in computer science an engineering an/or a relate fiel an a emonstrate potential for success in grauate school. Each application unergoes a comprehensive review by the CSE Amissions Committee,which examines every component of the application an supplemental materials when consiering an applicant for amission. (Stanarize test scores an grae point averages (GPA) are an integral part of the evaluation process,but amissions ecisions are NOT mae base on these components alone.)
These competency recommenations are broken own into two categories: a baseline competency that is common across all epth areas,an aitional recommene backgroun specific to iniviual epth areas (incluing links to the grauate course escriptions),which are liste below:
Minimum baseline Competency Requirements (applicable to all epth areas):
Programming Language Competency最基本的要求
Competency in both C++ an Java
online courses:
Artificial Intelligence (e.g.CSE 250A):人工智能方向的先修课要求:
Multi-Variable Calculus: Derivatives,integrals,vector functions,graients an Hessians.多变量微积分:导数、积分、向量函数、梯度和黑森。
Linear Algebra: Vectors,matrices,ot-proucts an norms,eigenvalues an eigenvectors,singular value ecomposition.线性代数:向量,矩阵,点积和规范,特征值和特征向量,奇异值分解。
...小编就来为大家详细介绍一下谢菲尔德大学计算机科学系人工智能专业的主要内容,感兴趣的同学千万不要错过哦~ 【谢菲尔德大学人工智能专业介绍】 专业概述: 院系:计算机科学 时间:3年 专业概述: ......