

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2025-03-15 12:30
  • 43
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>







Researchers from UCLA an USC have receive a four-year,$6.1 million grant from the National Institutes for Health PRISMS Program to stuy an evelop wireless sensing an analytical evices that can preict – an help mitigate or prevent – the onset of peiatric asthma attacks an other isorers. ?The UCLA/USC?Center for Biomeical Real-Time Health evaluation for Peiatric Asthma (BREATHE)?will evelop technology to reuce the incience of meical emergencies an allow caregivers an people with chronic conitions to monitor health conitions in real time.

The principal investigator for BREATHE is Alex Bui,professor of raiological sciences at the UCLA Davi Geffen School of Meicine (joint appointment in UCLA’s Bioengineering Department). ?Research will be le by Professor Bui an Co-Directors Maji Sarrafzaeh,istinguishe professor of computer science at UCLA’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering an Applie Science,an Dr. Frank Gillilan,professor of preventive meicine at ?USC’s Keck School of Meicine.

BREATHE researchers seek to create en-to-en software infrastructure for peiatric sensor-base health monitoring. The BREATHE platform will securely collect an array of physiological an environmental ata from sensors,ranging from heart rate to air quality. It will analyze the ata in real time,integrating it with the patient’s meical history an other contextual factors,an then convey vital information to patients or caregivers via smartphones or other evices. The?BREATHE platform will help us answer an array of questions about the potential environmental causes or influences on peiatric illnesses.

Center for Encrypte Functionalities

The Center for Encrypte Functionalities was establishe in 2014 by an NSF Secure an Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Frontier Awar,uner the irectorship of Amit Sahai. The Center for Encrypte Functionalities tackles the eep an far-reaching problem of general-purpose software obfuscation. The goal of obfuscation is to enable software that can keep secrets: software that makes use of secrets,but such that these secrets remain hien even if an aversary can examine the software coe in its entirety an analyze its behavior as it runs.

The Center,heaquartere at UCLA,is a collaborative effort with Columbia University,Stanfor University,Johns Hopkins University an the University of Texas-Austin.

Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC)

The Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC) was establishe in 2009 with the support of a $10 million grant from NSF’s Expeitions in Computing program. The awar focuses on the evelopment of high-performance,energy-efficient,customizable computing that can revolutionize the way computers are use in health care an other important applications. Domain-specific computing uses customizable architectures an high-level computer languages tailore to particular application omains.

The Center,uner the irectorship of Professor Jason Cong,is a collaborative effort between UCLA’s computer science,electrical engineering,mathematics,an raiological sciences epartments,as well as the computer science an engineering epartments of Rice University,UC Santa Barbara,an Ohio State University.

Scalable Analytics Institute (ScAi)

The Scalable Analytics Institute was establishe in the fall of 2013 uner the irection of Professor Carlo Zaniolo. The focus of the Institute is on the continuing growth of ata an the eman for smart analytics to mine that ata. Such analytics are creating major transformative opportunities in science an inustry. To fully capitalize on these opportunities,computing technology must solve the three-pronge challenge create by 1) the exploing size of “big ata,” 2) the growing complexity of big ata,an 3) the increase sophistication of analytics that can be use to extract patterns an trens from the ata.

Center for Autonomous Intelligent Networke Systems (CAINS)

The Center for Autonomous Intelligent Networke Systems was establishe in 2001,uner the leaership of Professor Mario Gerla,with six laboratories in the Computer Science an Electrical Engineering epartments of the UCLA’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering an Appplie Science.

The Center’s mission is to serve as a forum for intelligent agent researchers an visionaries from acaemia,inustry,an government,with an interisciplinary focus on such fiels as engineering,meicine,biology an the social sciences. Information an technology will be exchange through symposia,seminars,short courses,an through collaboration in joint research projects sponsore by government an inustry.

Center for Information & Computation Security (CICS)

The Center for Information & Computation Security was foune in the fall of 2003 uner the irectorship of Professor Rafail Ostrovsky. In 2004 Professor Amit Sahai joine the leaership team to serve as associate irector. Heaquartere within the Computer Science Department,the Center’s mission is to promote all aspects of research an eucation in cryptography an computer security. The Center explores novel techniques for securing both national an private-sector information infrastructures across various network-base an wireless platforms,as well as wie-area networks. The inherent challenge in this work is to provie guarantees of privacy an survivability uner malicious an coorinate attacks.

The Davi Geffen School of Meicine at UCLA an the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering an Applie Science have forme a new center whose mission is to improve the quality an reliability of new health care technologies,reuce the length an cost of hospital stays,an allow more patients to heal in their own homes.

The UCLA Center for Systematic,Measurable,Actionable,Resilient an Technology-riven Health,or Center for SMART Health,will foster collaboration among engineers,computer scientists,clinicians,biomeical researchers an information technologists. Researchers will evelop an test health care evices an systems — incluing mobile technology,big ata analytics,screening technologies an meical robotics — in orer to aress challenges in the way health care is elivere.

The center’s co-irectors are Dr. Arash Naeim,an associate professor of meicine an the Geffen School’s chief meical officer for clinical research,an Maji Sarrafzaeh,a istinguishe professor of computer science an electrical engineering.




