

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2025-03-11 08:22
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






Research in our group spans topics in cryptography from theory to applications,incluing significant research efforts in complexity-theoretic approaches to cryptography,evelopment of new cryptographic systems,cryptanalysis,protocol evelopment,applie cryptography,quantum computation,an applications that inclue electronic commerce,electronic voting,wireless communications,an protocols for sensor webs. See herefor more information.

Among various topics that we consier are privacy in wireless sensor webs (a ifficulty balancing problem -- consier the role of privacy in meical monitoring systems,for example),privacy in RFID systems,privacy issues in atabases,privacy in web base applications (look below for the iscussion of anti-phishing technologies,for example).

Our work is guie by a strong sense of social nees -- for example,we are actively involve in research in bringing avance computing an communication technologies to those in the eveloping worl. The role of security takes a crucial role here.

Berkeley is a pioneer in evelopment of the sensor web moel -- base aroun wireless "motes" with limite computing power an sensing evices. Because of the limite power requirements,making these motes security presents fascinating technical challenges.

We are builing large-scale testbes for our ieas incluing: * DETER -- a virtual Internet for testing prorogation of worms an attacks * OceanStore -- a system for storing ata in global scale istribute systems * Wireless City Taipei -- the worl largest wireless network experiment -- built in Taipei.

We are active in exploring the interaction between programming languages an computer security -- an area often calle "software security."

We are major innovators in the fiel of Human-centric security; the paper that helpe launch that fiel ("Why Johnny can't encrypt") was written here at UC Berkeley. We continue to be active in this area.

Preventing "phishing" an attacks is a central focus of our research.

We have an active research group (much of it joint with Berkeley's International Computer Science Institute) working on high-performance network security monitoring an intrusion prevention. Much of the research is groune in operational eployment at a number of sites.

We are known for our work on the security of electronic voting. Berkeley faculty helpe foun the ACCURATE center,which stuies voting technology an its policy implications; other institutions involve in the ACCURATE project inclue Johns Hopkins,Rice,SRI,Stanfor,an U. Iowa. In 2008,Berkeley helpe lea a grounbreaking stuy commissione by the California Secretary of State to perform a top-to-bottom evaluation of California's voting systems.

We participate in an interisciplinary effort to unerstan the factors that rive threats to security. This work takes the view that,while security is a phenomenon meiate by the technical workings of computers an networks,it is ultimately a conflict riven by economic an social issues that merit a commensurate level of scrutiny. As a result,our goal is to tackle key social an economic elements of security: how the motivations an interactions of attackers,efeners,an users shape the threats we face,how they evolve over time,an how they can best be aresse.

•Berkeley Center for New Meia

•Berkeley Institute of Design

•Berkeley Quantum Information an Computation Center

•Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center

•Berkeley Wireless Research Center

•Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society - The Banatao Institute

•Collaborative Center for Internet Epiemiology an Defenses

•Founations Of Resilient CybEr-physical Systems

•International Computer Science Institute


•Tsinghua-UC Berkeley Shenzhen Institute

•VeHICaL: Verifie Human Interfaces,Control,an Learning for Semi-Autonomous Systems





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