

  • 留学二三事
  • 2025-03-10 21:28
  • 49
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






Application Dealines

Roun 1: October 1,2018 (Decision by December 14,2018)

Roun 2: January 7,2019 (Decision by March 8,2019)

Roun 3: March 4,2019 (Decision by May 3,2019)

Roun 4: April 29,2019 (Decision by May 31,2019)

Application Requirements

1. Unergrauate Degree

A minimum GPA of 3.0 in the final year of a bachelor’s egree from a recognize university. (GPA3.0)

2. GMAT or GRE Score

There is no minimum GMAT requirement. If you choose to take the GRE,you can use the GRE Comparison Table for Business Schools to calculate your equivalent GMAT score.(GMAT没有具体要求,考GRE的可以用商学院的换算表算一下)

3. Work Experience

We recommen caniates have at least two years of full-time work experience but there is no minimum requirement. For average work experience,please see our class profile .(建议至少两年工作经验但是没有最低要求)

4. Professional References

Before submitting your application,it is require that you submit two requests for professional recommenation. online reference forms are then sent to be complete by your referees. Full instructions for referees can be foun in your online application .(2封推荐信)

5. Essay / Reflection Question

Essay:what are the things that you have one in your life that emonstrate Passion/ Grit/ Resilience/ Innovation/ Drive/ Ambition an more? This can cross all or any aspects of life outsie of work – hobbies,volunteerism,awars,entrepreneurial ventures,sports an the arts. We believe that exposure to a rich iversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience,an prie ourselves on builing a iverse class of exceptional iniviuals who will go on to make the School prou as professionals an alumni.

Reflection Question: List 3-5 attributes or characteristics that best escribe you. (3~5个描述自己特征)

Require vieo interview (2 questions) with a new time written response component (10 minutes in length). (一个视频面试还有一个10分钟的写作)

6. English Language Proficiency

IELTS score of 7.0 (Acaemic) with at least 6.5 for each component (雅思 7.0,小分不低于6.5 )

7. Interview

All caniates who are amitte to the program will be interviewe. Interviews are by invitation only.(所有申请者都需要面试)



