

  • 留学家长报
  • 2025-03-15 12:25
  • 90
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



主持人:腾讯的网友大家好,欢迎来到腾讯的访谈间。坐在身边的这位是英国女王大学国际办公室联合处长Nuala Corr女士。你好Nuala。可以先跟腾讯的网友打个招呼,简单的介绍一下您自己吗?


Nuala:Hello,My Name is Nuala Corr,I am Joint Hea of International Office at Queen’s University Belfast.

腾讯的朋友们,大家好,我是英国女王大学国际招生处联合处长Nuala Corr.

主持人:Congratulations,Ms Nuala Corr,for winning this Tencent Awar for Favoure UK University Among Chinese Families”. Coul you please introuce your institute for Tencent users?


Nuala:We are elighte to be here to accept this awar. Queen’s University Belfast was foune by Royal Charter in 1845,Queen’s is the 9th olest university in the UK,an is known as ‘the Oxbrige of Northern Irelan’. Queen’s is also a prou member of the Russell Group which is equal to Ivy League in USA. We are prou of our rich heritage.

Queen’s is the 25th most international university in the worl,offering a worl-class eucation that prepares our stuents for leaership an citizenship in a global society. (THE Worl University Rankings 2018). In recent QS Ranking,Queen’s is ranke Top 180 in the Worl,15 Queen’s subjects in the top 200,Queen’s many subjects ranke UK Top 10,21 Queen’s subjects ranke in the Top 20 in the UK on Times Ranking,such as Accounting an Finance ranke Top 3,Foo Science ranke Top 4. Queen’s has over 2,000 alumni in China,which inclues grauates,awar holers,exchange stuents an Mitchell Scholars. The biggest Queen’s alumni network outsie the UK an Irelan. Queen’s Management School,it is highly ranke amongst business schools in the RG for quality of teaching,stuent satisfaction. One of the University’s strategic objective is on ensuring stuents are prepare for the work place.

We o this through,embee placements,internships,inustry-le projects. We are currently no. 1 in the UK for Knowlege Transfer partnerships,where we use expertise to influence the private sector.

Queen’s University is situate in Belfast,the capital city of Northern Irelan,plays a significant role in the UK’s relationship with China,with the Chinese Consulate General having a base in Belfast. The links with China ate back to an Alumni of Queen’s Sir Robert Hart who establishe the custom service an postal service in China.



主持人:Eucation in all areas have been eveloping very fast recently,coul you please share with us the achievement of your institution,especially in China?


Nuala:Yes. The university is very aapte to changes an we are trying to be a more an innovative university an to meet the nees of the changing market we're putting a lot more investment into research an into facilities to ensure that we are meeting the nees of society.

I have just come along a recent trip with our vice chancellor an presient. We starte by visiting Nanjing where the presient le the E9 forum. The E9 is a consortium mae up of a number of Chinese an UK leaing universities incluing Cambrige,Liverpool,Beijing University of Technology an Harbin University. There was a lot of iscussions about innovations an possible joint PHDs.

An we move on from that an went to Shenzhen where we celebrate our 20-year partnership. We run a founation with Shenzhen university an we followe that by hosting our very first alumni events which we ha over two hunre of our Alumni attene an we've ha over thirty thousan followers on WeChat,because of the alumni event. We ha brought along some key inustry such as Tencent an Huawei,CBBC to the alumni event an then after that we went to Shenyang where Queens actually works in partnership with China Meical University an we have a joint college in Shenyang calle China Queen's college where stuents can stuy pharmacy in Shenyang which is also very successful cooperation with us an we want to exten these in the future.


主持人:What is the biggest gain for your university in the year of 2018? What kin of plan o you have for the future?


Nuala:The biggest gain is actually for Northern Irelan on Belfast itself. The UK government have just confirme a billion-poun investment for the university which will bring along more skille job opportunities an innovation for stuents,so our university have le very much from the eucation sie into that ay an it'll bring brilliant opportunities for both international an local stuents.

A great example of,we are starting to aapt to the nees more an to meet the requirements of society is that we are working more in research with inustries an we are looking to o more further collaborations in this area.

Moving forwar the University plans to become more innovative in terms of Joint PhD’s in a number of forms incluing jointly supervise PhD’s,summer schools an increase links to inustry in China.

A great example of Queen’s university Belfast is an economic powerhouse of innovation an has a vital role to play in generating the knowlege an skills neee to fuel our economy – locally,nationally an internationally. An inepenent analysis by Lonon Economics has reveale that Queen’s University Belfast contributes £1.9 billion to the UK economy - economic benefit to cost ratio of 6:1.




英国女王大学是创新的经济发动机,在创造促进经济发展所需的知识和技能方面发挥着至关重要的作用 - 无论是从地方,全国还是国际层面来说。伦敦经济学咨询公司的一项独立分析显示,英国女王大学为英国经济贡献了19亿英镑 - 经济效益与成本比为6:1。

主持人:What kin of plans o you have in 2019?


Nuala:we have lots of plans,especially to work on better an more successful with our partners that we have. In China we have over forty partner universities. one of the universities key ambitions an strategic objectives is to make sure the stuents are prepare for the workplace. We're setting up an a lot of links with inustry an we're embeing placements an internships,summer programs into all of our egrees to ensure that stuents are very internationally aware of hear when they come out of university.


主持人:How o you perceive the current eucation market?


Nuala:We believe china has become a more sophisticate market. We also can see that china institutions are becoming very strong an they are appearing a lot higher in the rankings an maybe when we starte in china an so we have to be more flexible in our approach an with our partnerships. An a goo example of this is the joint PHDs where we woul have to work very closely but in a more flexible manner with these cities.


主持人:What kin of opportunities o we nee to seize? Also,what kin of challenges o we nee to tackle?


Nuala:In orer to encourage stuents to come to the UK,we have to be more istinctive in our offering an provie more opportunities for stuents such as inustry relationships an more flexible collaborations with Chinese partners. A goo example of this is the proposal to investigate the possibility of joint PhD programmes.

The opportunity we nee to seize is for more internationalization between the UK universities an Chinese universities. So that also inclues stuents from the UK travelling to china to make the most of the cooperation.

The challenges are within the UK are challenges with Brexit an the uncertainty of what that might bring. Thankfully,though it oes look like it will impact the international stuents coming to the UK an we just nee to make sure that we're working very closely with the government. An on our recent visit to Shenyang,our vice chancellor an presient receive a call from the prime minister Theresa May,so he ha to return to a meeting with Theresa May an at Belfast.




主持人:The support an recognition of the Tencent users,especially Chinese stuents,an parents,playe an essential part in helping you win this awar,what woul you like to say to them?


Nuala:We woul like to thank the stuents an families who have votes for us. We are so elighte an so overwhelming to receive this awar. Belfast is a very frienly city an Queens' is very frienly campus. We're renown for quality life an for being the most frienly city in the UK. It's very family-oriente city as well. We're so elighte an that we were recognize in that manner by the families. We really look after the stuents when they come to queens an we love to see the parents an families attening grauation which is such a special time for us an we like to take this opportunity to invite families an stuents to come an visit Belfast an experience high an beautiful Belfast in Northern Irelan in the UK.


主持人:Thank you.


Nuala:Thank you.







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