

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2025-03-07 01:56
  • 49
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





1、个人信息和生活( Personal Information an Life

1)自我介绍。( Please introuce yourself. )

2)你叫什么名字?有英文名字吗?( What is your name? Do you have an English Name? )

3)你多大了?( How ol are you? )

4)你来自哪里?( Where are you from? )

5)告诉我一些你自己的生活,包括你的家庭背景和你在哪里长大?( Tell me about yourself,incluing your family backgroun an where you grew up? )你如何描述自己的家乡?( How o you escribe your hometown? )

6)你跟父母一起住吗?你离开过家(独立生活)吗?你离开家会紧张吗?你喜欢寄宿学校吗?( Do you live with your parents? Are you away from home? Are you nervous about leaving home? How o you like a boaring school? )

7)你父母是做什么的? / 你父母的职业是什么?( What o your parents o? / What’s your parents’ job? )

8)你有兄弟或姊妹吗?( Do you have any brothers or sisters? )

9)你在家里扮演什么样的角色?( What role o you play in your family? )

10)你家里有宠物吗?你喜欢宠物吗?( Do you have any pets in your family? Do you like pets? )

2、学术背景和关于现就读学校的问题( Acaemic Backgroun an School

1)你现在就读哪个年级,准备申请哪个年级?( Which grae are you in now? Which grae will you take? )

2)你是否参加过向 TOEFL、SSAT 之类的标准化考试?考试得分是多少?( Have you taken any stanar test,like TOEFL or SSAT? What is the score? )

3)你们年级有多少人,你排在多少名?( How many stuents in your Grae an what’s your rank? )

4)这学期你修了多少门课?都是什么课?( How many courses i you take this term? What are they? )

5)请告诉我你现在就读学校的数学和英语的课程情况。( Please tell me Math an English classes you have in your current school. )

6)告诉我一些关于你的课程,你最喜欢的课程,为什么?( Tell me something about your courses,what is your favorite subject in your school? Why?)

7)哪一门课程对于你来说使最困难或最具挑战性?你是怎么克服的? (What courses have been most ifficult or most challenging for you? An what have you one to overcome these ifficulties? )

8)请告诉我过去三年里你所获得的学术上的荣誉。( Please tell me your acaemic honors you have receive uring the past three years )

9)你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么 ? ( What is your greatest acaemic accomplishment or failure? )

10)你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么 ?( Who is your favorite teacher? Why? )

11)你喜欢你的学校吗 ? 你是怎么描述你的学校的 ? ( Do you like Your school? How woul you escribe Your school? )能告诉我你在中国的学校生活吗?( Tell me about your school life in China. )

12)如果你能够改变你所在学校的一件事,会是什么?( If you can change one thing about your school,what is it? )如果你认为学校某个部分需要改进,你会给出哪些建议?( If you are not satisfie with any part of your school,woul you like to give some suggestions to help to improve? )

3、关于课外活动( Your Extracurricular Activities

1)你在课余时间都喜欢做什么 ? ( What o you like to o in your free/spare time? )

2)请和我们分享你特别引以骄傲的课外活动或其他个人成就。( Please share with us any extracurricular,or personal achievement of which you are especially prou. )哪项课外活动中你做的贡献最大?( What has been Your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity? )

3)你最喜欢什么运动?有多长时间?你是校队的成员吗?( What’s your favorite sports? How long have you playe? Are you a member of the school team? )

4)说说你参加过的活动(社区服务或者其他课外感兴趣的活动)?你担当什么职务?( What activities you are involve in (community service or other extracurricular interests you may have)? an what is your uty? )

5)你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情 ? ( Do you have any hobbies or special interests? )

6)你有什么艺术特长吗?( Do you have art specialty? )你会什么乐器?( Do you play any musical instrument? )

7)你喜欢阅读吗?你最喜欢那本书,哪位作者?你经常阅读那一份杂志或报纸?( Do you like reaing? What are your favorite books,author? What magazines or newspapers o you rea regularly? )

8)你读英文书吗?( Have you ever rea any English version books? )

9)你最欣赏哪一部电影或电视剧 ? 为什么 ? ( What is Your favorite movie or TV? Why? )

10)你如何平衡学习和课外活动?( How will you keep balance between the acaemics an extracurricular? )

11)还有什么是你想让我们知道的?( What else woul you like us to know about you? )

4、个人经历和成长( Experience an growth

1)去年暑假你做了什么? ( What i you o uring last summer holiay? )

2)你有什么优点和缺点?分别是什么?( Do you have any strengths an weakness? What are your strengths an weakness? )

3)说说你的与众不同之处。( What makes you ifferent? )

4)请用三个词来描述你自己。( If you can use three wors to escribe yourself,what are they? )

5)告诉我们一些关于你朋友的情况,你希望你的朋友如何描述你?( Tell us more about your friens,how woul you like your friens to escribe you? )

6)哪一个人对你影响最大 ? ( What person has most influence you in your life? )

7)你最大的成就是什么?( What has been your greatest achievement so far? )

8)你经历过最有挑战的事是什么,你从中学到了什么?( Tell me the greatest challenge you have experience,an what you have learn from it? )

5、关于所申请的学校的问题( Question about The School You Applie

1)你为什么要到美国读书?( Why o you want to stuy in America? )

2)你是怎么知道我们学校的?( How o you know our school? )

3)关于我们学校都了解些什么?( What o you know of our school? )

4)你对于我们学校最感兴趣的是什么 ? 为什么想来这所学校念书 ? ( What is of the most interest to you about our school? Why o you want to atten this particular High School?

5)你对我们学校最关注的课程是什么?( What i you like most about our school’s acaemy? )

6)你在我们学校想学习哪种(外)语?( Which languages woul you be intereste in pursing at our school? )

7)你会为学校做出什么贡献?( Do you think what contributions you will make for our school? )

8)你能为我们的社区带来什么或者你能为学校做出什么贡献?( What can you bring to our community or what can you contribute to our school? )

9)理想情况下,你希望我们学校为你提供什么?( Ieally,what o you hope our school will provie for you? ) 12)你对学校有什么期望?( Do you have any expectations from our school? )

10)哪一项标准对你选择高中最重要 ? ( What are Your most important criteria in looking at High School? )

11)你还申请了哪所学校 ? ( What other schools are you consiering? )

12)你会第一优先选择的学校是哪所?( Which school is your first choice? )

13)我们为什么该录取你 ?( Why shoul we accept you? )

6、关于自我规划( about Self-Arrangement

1)你认为出国后面临的最大挑战是什么,你打算如何克服?( What will be the greatest challenge to you,an what will you o to overcome it? )

2)你的目标是什么?你如何实现它们?( What are your goals? Describe how you will achieve them. )

3)你对今后的学习和生活有什么安排?( What is your plan for your future life an Career? )

4)你高中毕业之后想要做什么?( What will you o after you grauate from the High School? )

5)你梦想的大学是什么?你会为你的梦想作出什么努力?( Where is your ream University? What will you o for your reams? )

6)你在大学里想学的专业是什么?( What o you think your major will be in college? )

7)你长大了想做什么?( What o you want to o when you grow up? )

8)有什么问题吗 ? ( What questions o you have? )


  1. 面试快结束时,校方面谈者会请你提问题。下面是可以向校方提出的问题 ( 供参考 ) :

1)以你的观点来看,这所学校在什么地方区别于其他学校 ? 什么是学校的强项 ? ( In Your )opinion,what makes this High School unique? What are the school’s strengths? )

2)你如何描述该校的学生群体 ? ( How woul you escribe the stuent boy? )

3)在我结束面试之前,你认为有什么关于申请学校的主要事宜,我应该解释的 ? ( Are there any major issues concerning my caniacy that you think I coul usefully aress before I finish my interview? )

你提出的问题不应该是学校简介上已有的答案的问题,或者说一些不着边际的话。例如你告诉对方你希望参加对方学校的篮球俱乐部,而该校所提供的俱乐部中并没有篮球这项,这样校方会产生疑问,你是否认真考虑过要来该校读书,怎么会对学校有哪些俱乐部都不知道?至少校方会认为你是一个不善于收集积累信息的人。另外,所提的问题不应该是简单的“是”或者“否”就可以回答的问题。如不要问对方学校是否有 ESL 课程,而得到的只是“有”或者“没有”的答案,而应该是有一定深度的、让对方经过思考分析后才能回答的问题。一定不要在面试后直接问对方自己做的如何、自己是否有希望被该校录取等让校方面谈者不能回答,或者即使可以回答但另对方感到为难。

  1. 为面试开头准备 2-3 分钟的自我介绍。到谈话接近结尾时,要再次表示自己对该学校的兴趣,以及对面试官的感谢。

  2. 面试之前要详细阅读该校的简介,并尽量记住该校的主要情况。让学校面试官有一种申请人确实对本校很感兴趣,是认真且有备而来的感觉。

  3. 将想说的事情列一个表,认真考虑如何措辞及表述自己的强项,不过分,也不太过谦虚。面试时,多谈一些你所参加的学校课外活动、义务工作、社区活动,以及生活中对你有特殊影响的事件等等。

  4. 如果是校方来华面试,可以带上成绩单和简历,作为备用材料给校方面试官作为辅助参考。如果是电话面试,可以事先把这些材料发给学校。

  5. 要对自己写入申请表的内容很熟悉,并且有明确的解释。例如,你在申请表中的课外活动一栏,提到你在假期参加一项很有意义的活动,但当面试官让你详细谈谈这项活动时,你却支支吾吾说不明白,那面试官会对其真实性产生怀疑。

  6. 如果校方来华面试,申请人需要在衣着,礼仪等细节方面下功夫。要彬彬有礼,语言文雅,态度认真,仔细聆听对方的问题,不要打断对方的话。回答问题的时候一定要切题,不要漫无边际。可以略做铺垫,但一定要在两三句话中给予对方明确的答案。另外,身体坐直,双目直视对方并尽量保持放松。如果在面试期间不能正视对方,会给人一种信心不足或缺乏对对方信任的感觉。

  7. 最后,在面试结束后,尽快给校方面试官发一封感谢邮件,以示礼节性的感谢以加深自己在他心中的印象。




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