华大圣路易斯 申请 介绍...
Our application process REQUIRES the submission of a complete online application. Designe with applicants in min,our system walks you through the require steps,incluing the submission (via uploa) of the following require items:
• One Page Résumé
• Two Require Essays (there is also an Optional Essay)
• Stanarize Test Scores (unofficial)
• Acaemic Transcripts (unofficial)
• English Language Skill Assessment Vieo (for International Applicants only)
• Application Fee
Our application process DOES NOT REQUIRE:
• Letters of Recommenation
MSF Fall 2016 Incoming Class
Track: Corporate Finance & Investments Quantitative
Total number of stuents 34 37
Meian age 24 23
Average GMAT 671 731
Average GPA 3.33 3.68
Female stuents 22% 49%
International stuents 18% 95%
TOEFL 109 107
Application Dealines
Roun: Dealine: Notification on or before:
1 October 3,2016 December 16,2016
2 December 1,2016 January 31,2017
3 February 1,2017* March 22,2017
4 April 3,2017 May 5,2017
You may qualify for a waiver of this requirement if you have taken a minimum of three years of coursework at a college or university where the primary meium of instruction is English an you receive your egree from this institution.
If you are eligible for a waiver,o not submit your TOEFL or IELTS score.
Applicants to the Corporate Finance & Investments an Wealth & Asset Management tracks shoul have taken Calculus I,Statistics,an Microeconomics. 公司财务与投资与财富与资产管理追踪的申请人应该采用微积分 I,统计和微观经济学。
Successful applicants to the Quantitative Finance track will emonstrate outstaning aptitue for avance quantitative finance materials an a passion for the quantitative aspects of problem-solving. Stuents who have majore in Mathematics,Computer Science,Quantitative Economics,Engineering,Physics,an Statistics are especially encourage to apply to the Quantitative Finance track. Some backgroun in the applications of computing to quantitative problem-solving is especially valuable.
Invitation-only interviews are conucte at the iscretion of the Amissions Committee after the submission of a complete application. Most interviews are conucte via Skype; however,if you are locate close to St. Louis or we are traveling to your city,you may have the option to interview in person. The format of your interview oes not affect the final outcome of your application.
邀请委员会在提交完整申请后,可以由招生委员会决定进行邀请。大多数访谈是通过 Skype 进行的 ; 但是,如果您靠近圣路易斯,或者我们正在前往您的城市,您可以选择面试面试。面试的格式不会影响您的申请的最终结果。
申请费用为 100 美元,可以使用信用卡付款。
所有申请人应要求相应的考试服务将官方考试成绩转交给我们的办公室。请注意,学生只提交非正式或官方的考生副本是不够的。相应的华盛顿大学 / 奥林机构每个测试的代码如下:
机构代码 会计硕士
( MACC ) 客户分析科学硕士( MSCA ) 金融科学硕士 ( MSF )
供应链管理硕士( MSSCM ) 全球金融硕士( GMF )
GMAT : R4T-WG-62 R4T-WG-73 R4T-WG-53 R4T-WG-16 R4T-WG-53
GRE : 4937 3764 4938 4929 4938
TOEFL : * 6929
华大圣路易斯 申请 介绍...
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