Common Application是美国本科申请中使用最广的申请系统,所以每年Common Application的essay题目也格外受到关注。近期,Common Application提前公布了2019-2020年的essay题目。具体题目如下...
Common Application是美国本科申请中使用最广的申请系统,所以每年Common Application的essay题目也格外受到关注。近期,Common Application提前公布了2019-2020年的essay题目。具体题目如下:
2019-2020 CA Essay prompts:
Some stuents have a backgroun,ientity,interest,or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application woul be incomplete without it. If this souns like you,then please share your story.
The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be funamental to later success. Recount a time when you face a challenge,setback,or failure. How i it affect you,an what i you learn from the experience?
Reflect on a time when you questione or challenge a belief or iea. What prompte your thinking? What was the outcome?
Describe a problem you've solve or a problem you' like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge,a research query,an ethical ilemma - anything that is of personal importance,no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you an what steps you took or coul be taken to ientify a solution.
Discuss an accomplishment,event,or realization that sparke a perio of personal growth an a new unerstaning of yourself or others.
Describe a topic,iea,or concept you fin so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why oes it captivate you? What or who o you turn to when you want to learn more?
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've alreay written,one that respons to a ifferent prompt,or one of your own esign.
Common Application是美国本科申请中使用最广的申请系统,所以每年Common Application的essay题目也格外受到关注。近期,Common Application提前公布了2019-2020年的essay题目。具体题目如下...
Common Application是美国本科申请中使用最广的申请系统,所以每年Common Application的essay题目也格外受到关注。近期,Common Application提前公布了2019-2020年的essay题目。具体题目如下...
虽然2019 fall的录取结果还未全部公布,但是2020 fall的申请战役已经打响了啊!Common Application 提前公布了2019-2020年美国大学本科申请essay题目。...
像往年一样,Common App(简称CA)在1月中旬就公布了2020年的文书题目,意外的是今年的文书题目与去年一样,并无明确变化。...
虽然2019 fall的录取结果还未全部公布,但是2020 fall的申请战役已经打响了啊!Common Application 提前公布了2019-2020年美国大学本科申请essay题目。...
Common App官网最近公布了2018-2019年美国大学本科申请essay题目,提供给大家一些参考,早规划。早申请,我援助你一臂之力...
Common Application 提前公布了2019-2020年美国大学本科申请essay题目。...
2020申请er 注意!谁在无所事事?...
虽然2019 fall的录取结果还未全部公布,但是2020 fall的申请战役已经打响了啊!Common Application 提前公布了2019-2020年美国大学本科申请essay题目。...
虽然2019 fall的录取结果还未全部公布,Common Application马不停蹄地发布了下一个申请季,也就是2019-2020申请季的主文书题目,这也就预示着高二的童靴们,就要轮到你们啦!申老师带大家先来看一看2019-2020 Commo...