Career Fairs
Career Fairs,hoste at the beginning of each semester,offer an opportunity to meet a large population of applicants. Throughout the week,in partnership with our peer career centers,career events are hoste across campus to connect you with stuents from all isciplines.
Whitman Career FairThe Whitman Career Center hosts an evening career fair in both the fall an spring,with hunres of business stuents in attenance. In the fall,the Whitman Career Fair is hoste at the Carrier Dome,proviing plenty for you an your colleagues. In the spring,we host in the Schine Stuent Center off the main qua.
Participation in the Whitman Career Fair is free! We are eager to have you meet our stuents,so we keep the barriers to participation low. Your free registration provies you with one table,two chairs,parking an promotion of your corporation to our stuents.
Signature Programs
We offer unique professional an career evelopment programs that provie corporations a structure for engaging with stuents,these programs are evelope an manage by our team with a focus on creating awareness of career choices within specific inustry sectors. We invite you to showcase your organization by hosting or participating in these istinctive programs. We act as your partner by promoting your firm an elivering stuent attenees.
When it is time to narrow own your pool of prospects,on-campus interviews allow you to screen an select caniates that best match the qualifications you are seeking. Through Orangelink,you can post a career escription,receive resume applications,an notify the career center of selecte caniates. We communicate with stuents an work with you to buil the interview scheule for your campus visit.
Syracuse University recognizes the operational office hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monay – Friay. To provie the best value,interview scheules begin at 9:00 a.m. Corporations may arrive as early as 8:30 a.m. The last interview of the ay may start at 4:00 p.m. an must conclue by 4:30 p.m. We offer three interviewing options. Corporations may select 30-minute,45-minute,or 60-minute interviews. A complimentary lunch is provie for each scheule option.
Sample Interview Scheules
Please note that we generally o not scheule secon roun interviews,as these are commonly company site visits best hanle by staff within each company. Also,the classrooms an computer facilities are use primarily for the eucational benefit of our stuents. As such,we are also unable to support coorinate pre-hire caniate testing.
For questions,please contactSue Clayton,senior recruiting specialist,at 315.443.5548.
Interviews may also be conucte using Skype,or other virtual platforms. As with scheuling a personal meeting on campus,the recruiting team will assit you to manage the virtual interview process. Requests for virtual interviews must be mae 48 hours in avance ue to limite space an availability. Please contact Sue Clayton,senior recruiting specialist,at 315.443.5548 to reserve the necessary space.
To allow full consieration by caniates of job an internship opportunities without unue pressure,while also allowing you to meet your projecte hiring nees,the Whitman School recommens the following guielines for caniate offer response ealines.
Fall semester recruiting
Minimum of three weeks between when you make the offer (with full compensation an benefits etails,as applicable) an the ealine for response from the caniate,an no earlier than November 1.
Spring semester recruiting
Minimum of three weeks between when you make the offer (with full compensation an benefits etails,as applicable) an the ealine for response from the caniate,an no earlier than April 1.
NACE Guielines
We abie by the Principles for Employment Professionals of the National Association of College an Employers(NACE) for all full-time or internship offers to stuents.
Salary Information
We gather ata on salary an employment for both full-time an internship offers. Your cooperation is appreciate in keeping us informe of your hiring ecisions.
We host stuents from more than a ozen countries. Below is a short overview of the employment options available to international stuents.
Practical Training Options
Practical training is a means by which F-1 stuents can obtain employment in areas relate to their acaemic fiel of stuy. Stuents must have complete one acaemic year of stuy an maintain their F-1 status to be eligible for this option. Practical training can be obtaine through Optional Practical Training or Curricular Practical Training.
International stuents on F-1 visas are eligible for Curricular Practical Training while completing their stuies as well as 12 months of Optional Practical Training uner certain conitions.
Optional Practical Training (OPT)
Optional Practical Training is a 12 month temporary employment authorization that provies an opportunity for F-1 stuents to apply knowlege acquire from their acaemic program to a work experience in their major fiel of stuy. It is a benefit of maintaining status that is available uring an F-1 stuent's course of stuy (pre-egree completion),after each egree level complete (post-egree completion),or may be use a combination of both pre- an post-egree completion as long as one oes not excee the equivalent of 12 months of OPT authorization.
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
CPT is esigne to provie work experience irectly relate an integral to a stuent's egree of stuy. It is not intene for general,ongoing work authorization. Co-op positions an Internships,even if unpai,require CPT authorization.
H1-B Visa
The H1-B visa is a temporary employment status that allows an employer to hire an international citizen in the Unite States. It is the employer's responsibility to file the H1-B petition on behalf of the employee. There are a limite number of H1-B visas available each year. Applications become available on April 1 of each year. If aware,H1-B status becomes effective on October 1 of the same year.
Our international stuents are an impressive group of iniviuals who have achieve excellence an create value in their acaemic careers. These stuents a such merit to Whitman that they have become an integral part of the cultural iversity of the School. For more information regaring these programs,please refer to the Slutzker Center for International Services.
Not only o we think our stuents are talente,innovative an prepare,our corporate partners echo these beliefs. Hear from some of your peers on their success recruiting stuents an engaging with our programs.
"JPMorgan Chase continues to have great success with the stuents hire from Whitman School of Management. Whitman stuents bring theoretical knowlege with the practical applications to get things one at the firm. This combination allows them to a value quickly an o extremely well uring our entry programs."
Naege OluikpeHUB Project Manager Intern/Work Experience,Corporate Development Program
"Macy's benefits greatly by recruiting Whitman stuents into a variety of career opportunities within our merchant,private bran,store management,an finance executive evelopment programs. In fact,Whitman is one of our top recruiting schools. Whitman stuents are well prepare for the transition from college to career an aapt quickly to the collaborative business culture of retailing at Macy's."
Anne VollerVice Presient,Executive Recruitment & College Relations
“When entering the workforce,I feel that Whitman stuents are excelling in communication skills. I think they have very strong teamwork skills. Being in the retail fiel,I think they’ve ha some amazing internships that are beneficial in our company.”
Marisol Salana
TJX Companies
“I think what sets Whitman stuents apart from their peers is the experiences that they’ve ha. A lot of times they’ve ha great internships,an we also look for the leaership that they bring an the club involvement.”
Margaret Jones
BAE Systems
“The area that Whitman stuents are most prepare for when entering the workforce is being real-worl reay. They’re able to aapt to a work environment,or not really being on a college campus anymore,an they have a realistic expectation of how to behave an how to conuct themselves.”
Brett Cornell
Eisner Amper LLP
“More likely than not,you’re not going to o very well in the job search market if you’re not goo at networking. I think Whitman oes a really goo job of preparing stuents to network an sprea out their risk.”
Joseph Dunaway
Fust Charles Chambers LLP
“The thing that sets Whitman stuents apart from their peers is that they are a very polishe group of stuents as they enter into the career fairs. They present themselves very well an they are able to utilize their professional experience to cater themselves to what employers are looking for.”
Davi Sun
Johnson & Johnson
"Whitman prepares its stuents for the corporate culture an instills in them the highest egree professionalism. We have foun that Whitman stuents view important many of the same values we o,in particular,commitment to complying with ethical stanars,community service,an service excellence. We are a prou employer of the intellectual an iverse population of Whitman stuents."
Ellen AusterNortheast Region Associate Tax Managing Principal Talent
Deloitte Tax,LLP
"PricewaterhouseCoopers continues to have a very high interest in Whitman stuents because they are enthusiastic,bright,an harworking. Whitman's well-roune an strategic curriculum is ieal for our profession. When they join PwC,they are prepare to aapt to the changing business conitions that arise in a professional services environment,an they work very effectively in our team oriente culture. The Whitman School of Management prepares stuents well through a variety of interesting an challenging experiences -- from the classroom to the many clubs an organizations they can join."
Don Favre '80Partner
We focus attention on ethics an personal responsibility an strive to ensure that our stuents communicate honestly an professionally. We expect the same professional conuct from employers.
All materials receive from our stuents (letters,resumes,transcripts,or email) are confiential an restricte for use in the hiring process within the organization. All interviewers must ensure that all interview questions are legal,ethical an appropriate. Backgroun screening of caniates shoul be appropriate for the position an caniates must be fully informe.
We ask that all employers abie by the Principles for Employment Professionals of the National Association of Colleges an Employers(NACE).
When employment professionals conuct recruitment activities through stuent associations or acaemic epartments,such activities will be conucte in accorance with our policies.
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雪城大学(Syracuse University)是一所著名的私立研究型大学,位于美国纽约州的雪城市,创立于1870年,拥有悠久的历史传承。...
雪城大学(Syracuse University)是位于美国纽约州雪城(Syracuse)市的一所著名私立研究型大学。以下是关于雪城大学的一些信息:雪城大学在多个学科领域表现卓越,其建筑学院、信息学院、商学院、传媒学院等在全美乃至世界范......