

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2025-03-04 22:05
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





圣路易斯华盛顿大学,MS in Finance- Quantitative Finance track,项目时长17个月,39学分。The MSFQ track hols a STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering an Mathematics) esignation.

里海大学,MS ANALYTICAL FINANCE,项目暑期开学,要求完成30学分的课程。Analytical Finance contains an interisciplinary curriculum that inclues STEM fiels which qualifies the program as a STEM esignate egree.

佩伯代因大学,Master of Science in Applie Finance,项目时长12个月。MS in Applie Finance stuents with an F-1 visa may be authorize for 29 months of employment in the US after grauation,esignate as Optional Practical Training (OPT).

康涅狄格大学,Master of Science in Financial Risk Management,项目时长15个月,如果继续学习风险管理的定量方法分支的话,会延长到19个月。The MSFRM Program is STEM Designate.

福特汉姆大学,Master of Science in Global Finance,项目时长1年,如果参加实习,可以延长至1.5年。The Gabelli School MSGF program is STEM-approve,offering international stuents the ability to work for a longer perio without immeiate nee of sponsorship.

罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区,Master of Financial Analysis,是一个33学分的项目。The Unite States Citizenship an Immigration Services (USCIS) allows grauate stuents with F-1 visa status,an who have been pursuing a egree for more than nine months,to work to obtain practical training in their fiel. This is calle Optional Practical Training (OPT). The USCIS allows grauates of certain programs to have an aitional 17 months of OPT beyon the normal 12 months. These programs are calle STEM programs an our program is one of them.


圣路易斯华盛顿大学,Master of Science in Customer Analytics,项目时长3学期,39学分。STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering an Mathematics) esignation.

罗切斯特大学,Master`s in Marketing Analytics,项目时长11个月,如果选择实习的话,可以延长至17个月。This is a STEM esignate program.


圣路易斯华盛顿大学,Master of Science in Supply Chain Management,项目时长3学期。This STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering an Mathematics) esignate program brings together inustry collaboration an faculty renowne for their work in risk management an supply chain research to create one of the most sought-after supply chain management egrees in the nation.

密歇根大学安娜堡分校,Master of Supply Chain Management,项目时长1年。STEM Certifie - International stuents enjoy 29 months work authorization in U.S.

佐治亚理工学院,Master of Science in Supply Chain Engineering,项目时长1年,如果想参加暑期实习,可延长至16个月。As a STEM-esignate program,international stuents who complete the egree are eligible for the extene Optional Practical Training (OPT) F-1 visa extension which allows a total of 29 months of pre- an post-completion training.

凯斯西楚大学,Master of Science in Management-Operations Research an Supply Chain Management,是一个3学期的项目。The MSM-OR/SCM program qualifies as a STEM egree.

伦斯勒理工学院,M.S. in Supply Chain Management,学制不到1年。The MSM-OR/SCM program qualifies as a STEM egree (science,technology,engineering or math).

佛罗里达大学,Master of Science Information Systems & Operations Management。

俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校,Master of Business Logistics Engineering,项目要求完成41学分。The Master of Business Logistics Engineering program has qualifie as a STEM optional practical training (OPT) egree.

伍斯特理工学院,Master of Science in Operations Analytics an Management。The MSOAM is a comprehensive 36-creit-hour program that qualifies as a STEM OPT egree (science,technology,engineering,or math)





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