

  • 留学新天地
  • 2025-03-06 22:57
  • 69
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



近几年来,越来越多的同学赴英留学时选则时尚管理专业,那么什么是时尚管理呢?英国开设时尚管理专业的学校又有哪些呢?接下来我为同学们详细阐述一下: 时尚涵盖的范围非常广泛,主要有三个层次。核心层:对人体进行装饰和美化的个人时尚用品,包括时装、鞋帽、皮具、服饰配品、美容美发,乃至珠宝首饰等;扩展层:对人在生活所处的小环境进行装饰和美化的家居时尚用品,包括家居用具,家居装潢,家具寝具等;延伸层:对人生存和发展中相关的事物、情状进行装饰和美化的环境时尚化工程,包括时尚社区、时尚街区,乃至时尚城市的营造。时尚管理是在发掘潜在客户需求和把握潮流动态基础上,通过供应链管理、生产线管理、公关活动策划、市场营销、销售战略制定等各个环节促使产品及企业获得广泛的社会认可。


1 曼彻斯特大学 University of Manchester 专业名称: Fashion Management BSc (Hons) 入学要求: Stuents must have complete Year 1 of unergrauate egree stuies from a recognise Chinese university. Stuents woul also nee to emonstrate proficiency in English language.

  1. 南安普顿大学 University of Southampton2 专业名称: Fashion Management MA 入学要求Stuents nee to have a Bachelors egree aware by a high ranke Chinese university with an average grae of at least 70-80% are consiere. 语言要求:雅思 6.5

  2. 利兹大学 University of Lees 专业名称: Global Fashion Management MA 入学要求: For Postgrauate qualification,stuents nee to have 4 year Bachelor egrees or 1-2 year Masters: for courses requiring 2.1,stuents shoul have percentage of 75% (Prestigious),80% (Non Prestigious),85% (Inepenent college),for courses requiring 2.2 nees to have percentage of 70% (Prestigious),75% (Non Prestigious),80% (Inepenent college). The entry requirements are usually referre in terms of stanar British qualifications (goo honors egree). However,applications from stuents with equivalent qualifications are also accepte. 语言要求:雅思 6.5/ 托福 92

  3. 考文垂大学 Coventry University 专业名称: International Fashion Management an Marketing BA (Hons) 入学要求: Stuents nee University College Diploma with overall 75% or higher. Alternatively,stuents must hol HKCEE with Grae C an HKALE with Grae D will be consiere.

  4. 林肯大学 University of Lincoln 专业名称: Fashion Management MSc 入学要求: Stuents with a 3 year Chinese iploma who have gaine at least 3 years full-time relevant work experience after completing their iploma may be consiere for our MBA,subject to acaemic course leaer ’ s approval. 语言要求:雅思 6.0

  5. 诺丁汉伦特大学 Nottingham Trent University 专业名称: International Fashion Management MA 入学要求: Stuents nee to have Bachelor ’ s egree (four years or six years in meicine / entistry) from recognise institution in China an graes of 75% or above will be consiere for postgrauate taught courses. Graes of 70% or above from 211 universities will also be consiere for postgrauate taught courses. 语言要求:雅思 6.5

  6. 伯明翰城市大学 Birmingham City University 专业名称: Fashion Management MA 入学要求: Stuents nee four year university egree with minimum 70% overall. They also nee three year Dazhuan Diploma plus evience three years work experience - for Business School only. Some postgrauate courses require a subject specific unergrauate egree to qualify for entry for example,Law,Computing,Social Sciences,Engineering,etc. 语言要求:雅思 6.0




  • 英国留学专业解析——时尚管理


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  • 美国时尚管理专业解析


  • 解析英国时尚管理


  • 英国时尚管理专业解析


  • 南安普顿时尚管理专业全面解析


  • 利兹大学时尚管理专业全面解析
