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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国唯一一座位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。

作为全美TOP30名校,纽约大学被列为25所新常春藤名校之一,同时也是美国大学协会(AAU)成员之一。截至2016年,该校共拥有36位诺贝尔奖得主(在全球高校中列第19位,居全美第12位)超过30名普利策奖得主,30余名奥斯卡金像奖得主,19名美国科学院勋章得主,多名阿贝尔奖,艾美奖、托尼奖得主。在最新一期出版的2018USNEWS中,纽约大学全美综合排名第30位。2017CWUR 世界大学排名第22位,年度全球CEO母校排名第18位全美著名校友总数排名第8位。

纽约大学较为偏重人文及社会科学,研究生院享有极高声誉。属下的帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts)是全美最佳艺术学院之一;斯特恩商学院(Leonar N. Stern School of Business)是蜚声世界的著名商学院,金融等专业连续排名全美前三;柯朗数学科学研究所是美国排名第一的应用数学研究机构;沙克房地产研究所(Schack)是美国房地产业界著名的高水平研究机构,和世界金融地产界联系紧密,2017排名全美第四。法学院为全美最好的6所法学院之一,这六所顶级法学院也被称为“T6”超级法学院。牙医学院享誉世界,2017泰晤士报世界大学排名第十,全美第二。


学校官网: http://www.nyu.eu/




Interviews. NYU occasionally invites caniates to interview with us online (not on campus). NYU will contact you if you are invite. Applicants cannot request interviews.



Stanarize Tests

Stanarize Testing Policy

NYU has one of the most flexible testing policies of any college or university. To be eligible for amission,you must submit one of the following:

·SAT (essay test not require)

·ACT (writing test not require)

·Three SAT Subject Test scores*

·Three AP exam scores*

·International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma

·Three IB higher-level exam scores if not an IB Diploma caniate*

·Certain international qualifications that shows you complete your seconary eucation. Check back soon for a complete list of international qualifications which will be accepte for the 2018-2019 application cycle.

* View our list ofapprove stanarize testing categories.

Applicants to programs in our Steinhart School of Culture,Eucation,an Human Development an our Tisch School of the Arts requiring an auition or portfolio are not require to submit stanarize testing for consieration an oing so is entirely optional. For other programs where an auition or portfolio is optional but not require,testing is require.

All applicants to our campus in New York must still meet our English language testing requirements.

With flexibility comes consierations. Here are a few questions you might be asking:

What are NYU's School Coes?

·SAT,SAT Subject Test,AP,an TOEFL: 2562

·ACT: 2838

Shoul I submit results from the new or ol SAT test?

We accept results from either the ol or new SAT,which became available in March 2016 .

I’ve taken more than one stanarize test. Which scores o I submit to NYU?

We only require that you take one test so we recommen submitting the results that best improve your chances for amission. For both the SAT an ACT we will review the highest of each section,regarless of test ate. The practice is commonly known as "superscore." A few notes:

·If you’ve taken the SAT more than once,you can select which results you want to sen to us using Score Choice . We will review the highest SAT scores you submit. If you submit scores from the ol an new versions of the SAT,however,we will not create a new “superscore” as the ol SAT is a ifferent test from the new SAT.

·For the ACT,we will recalculate a new composite using the highest of each section,regarless of test ate.

Which SAT subject tests or AP exam scores o you want to see?

If you choose to submit three SAT subject tests or AP exam scores to fulfill the stanarize testing requirement,we want to see one score from each of the following:

·Literature or humanities

·Math or science

·Test of your choosing in any subject (View the Stanarize Testing Categories )

Note: Some of our schools have their own requirements for subject test results:

·The Stern School of Business requires one of the subject exams be in math.

·The Tanon School of Engineering requires one literature or humanities score,one math score,an one science score.

How o I submit my test results to NYU?

The testing organization shoul sen your scores to NYU. If this is not possible,then have a school official submit them. NYU’s school coes are as follows:

·SAT,SAT Subject Test,AP,an TOEFL: 2562

·ACT: 2838

NYU will not consier results submitte by the applicant as official. If you live in a country where examination results are only release to the stuent (i.e. Australia or New Zealan),you must first sen your results to your high school. After verifying your results,your high school can forwar them to NYU.

Which programs o not require testing an why?

We believe that in attracting the most talente artists to Steinhart an Tisch,an auition or portfolio,along with a stuent's acaemic recor an engagement in activities,is a more effective gauge of potential stuent success in the arts than stanarize testing. As a result,our evaluation process is base on one's acaemic recor an artistic review of one's require auition or portfolio,along with other application materials incluing extracurricular experiences,recommenations,an essays.

All artistic programs in Steinhart an Tisch require an auition or portfolio for amission,with the exception of Eucational Theatre an Interactive Meia Arts for which testing is require. All programs at NYU Abu Dhabi an NYU Shanghai require testing.

If you are intereste in being consiere for alternate programs in aition to artistic programs at Steinhart an Tisch,you will still nee to submit testing to be eligible for amission to those programs.

If submitting stanarize test scores is optional for your intene program of stuy an you o sen us your test scores,we will consier them in our evaluation process.

What if my test results won’t be available by the application ealine because of a elay or other reason?

SAT,SAT Subject,ACT,an AP tests shoul be taken in avance of NYU's application ealine. While we will consier scores receive after our application ealine,we cannot guarantee that we will wait for those scores to arrive before making an amission ecision. We will not offer amission to a stuent unless we have official testing on file.

If your results are elaye (because of the testing agency,school closings,or a natural isaster),you can self-report your scores by emailing a screenshot of them to us. This will enable us to expeite our review of your application but again,we must receive official test scores before extening an amission offer.

“Preicte scores” for other tests,such as IB,A Levels,an national exams can be submitte using one of the following methos:

  1. By a school official through the Common Application website ; or

  2. Submitte by a school official by ownloaing an completing theNYU Preicte Results Form; or

  3. Emaile from a school official using a clearly ientifiable school email aress; or

  4. Maile by a school official on school letterhea in a seale an signe envelope.

Note: We may withraw an offer of amission if your final test scores are not within an acceptable range of your preicte results.

Does NYU recognize test results from other countries?

We sure o. The test must meet the following criteria:

·It shows you complete your seconary eucation;

·It was aministere by an inepenent boy (not your school); an

·It was approve by NYU.

Check back soon for a complete list of the international testing that we will accept for the 2018-2019 application cycle.




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