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  • 2025-03-05 06:15
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



帕森斯设计学院在 1896 年成立,是享誉世界的设计学院。帕森斯位于世界的时尚的中心 - 纽约,是一所顶尖的服装设计类大学,毕业于帕森斯的学子们遍布于各大时尚品牌。该院校还是全美国第一所设有服装设计课程的大学。下面我们一起看下帕森斯的录取要求:


Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Fashion Design an Society 2 years,60 creits. Full-time grauate program A highly selective program that combines intensive stuio-base projects with research an artistic exploration. Applicants must have a bachelor’s egree in fashion esign an a substantial portfolio.

1Résumé:Submit a brief résumé/curriculum vitae summarizing your acaemic qualifications,relevant work experience,volunteer/community work,travel,exhibitions,public speaking,or any other relevant experiences as they may relate to your fiel of stuy,incluing ates an positions hel. Please also note any special language or computer skills that you have.2Statement of Purpose:Please outline your reasons for applying to this program. In what ways will you contribute to the subject matter of the program? You shoul inclue a thoughtful escription of your backgroun,tentative plan of stuy or area of inquiry in the fiel as you now envision it,your professional goals,an an explanation of how this grauate program will help you realize those goals. If you have not been enrolle as a stuent in the past five years,please aress anticipate opportunities an challenges in pursuing the egree,an future career expectations upon completion of the program. (500–750-wor limit)3Recommenation Letters:You are require to submit two letters of recommenation from faculty or people with whom you have worke professionally. Recommeners can submit recommenations online; instructions are inclue with the online application. If preferre,the recommenation form can instea be sent by mail in a signe,seale envelope. To sen by mail,ownloa the PDF recommenation form foun in the online application,complete the personal information,save the form,an forwar it to the recommener for completion an submission. Applicants can also sen signe an seale recommenations to the Office of Amission using an Application Materials Cover Sheet.4Portfolio:The portfolio must be complete in SlieRoom only. Submit 25 to 40 images that provie a clear representation of your concepts an skills as a esigner. Applicants can submit images of the following: pages from sketchbooks (showing in-epth research an esign evelopment work),final illustrations,technical rawings,artwork from various esign projects,textile/knitwear work,fabric use,an/or photographs of clothing collections that you have evelope. If you woul like to submit moving images such as installation,performance,or live fashion show work,please submit them using SlieRoom.5Test Scores:
6TOEFL,IELTS,an PTE:All applicants whose first language is not English must submit vali TOEFL,IELTS,or PTE scores. The minimum score require for TOEFL (IBT) is 92,for IELTS is 7.0,an for PTE is 63. Our TOEFL institution coe is 2638.
8The New School oes not require TOEFL,IELTS,or PTE scores for applicants who have earne a four-year egree from a U.S. college/university or from a university where English is the primary language of instruction (minimum of three years attenance). Upon review of your application the Office of Amission may require you to submit an English Language Proficiency test score to further evaluate your caniacy.
10Arrange for the testing service to sen your test scores irectly to The New School using the coes liste above. We accept scores from the past two years. If your scores are oler,you must retake the test. For more information,visit TOEFL,IELTS,or PTE.
12Applicants also have the option of enrolling in The New School's English as a Secon Language (ESL) program. Stuents must pass Level 6 in orer to waive the TOEFL/IELTS/PTE requirement. Visit the ESL websitefor more information.13Interview:All finalists for the Fashion Design an Society MFA program must be interviewe by the grauate faculty either in person or by Skype. All selecte interviewees are expecte to present full portfolios with evience of process an esign evelopment work an examples of their 3D work (i.e.,clothing).





  • 2023帕森服装设计入学申请要求
