

  • 留学新天地
  • 2025-02-24 21:26
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






Beeie School of Business

Accounting,Entrepreneurship an Innovation,Finance,Human Resource Management,International Business,Management Information Systems,Marketing,Operations Management

General requirements

·English language requirements- click for etails.

·English 11
(or Français première langue 11)

·Language 11
(inclues beginner's language 11,American sign language 11 or 12,an language 12 courses)

·Science 11
(inclues Biology 11,Chemistry 11,Earth Science 11,Forests 11,IB Environmental Systems 11,Principles of Physics 11 or a Science course at the Grae 12 level)

·Founations of Math 11with a minimum grae of 60%
(or Pre-Calculus 11/Founations of Math 12/Pre-Calculus 12/Calculus 12 with a minimum grae of 60%)

·English 12with a minimum final blene grae of 60%
(or English 12 First Peoples,or Français première langue 12 with a minimum final grae of 60%)

·Grauatefrom high school

Program-specific requirements

English 12,Pre-Calculus 12,an two aitional approve Grae 12 courses

Amission ecisions for seconary stuents applying will be base on a combination of a stuent’s acaemic performance an an assessment of their supplemental application. For etails,please see the Beeie School of Business website .

Approve grae 12 courses

BC First Nations Stuies 12,Calculus 12,Comparative Civilization 12,Economics 12,English Literature 12,Founations of Math 12 or Pre-Calculus 12,French 12 or français langue secone 12,German 12,History 12,Japanese 12,Law 12,Manarin 12,Philosophy 12 (4 cr),Punjabi 12,Social Justice 12,Spanish 12,Sustainable Resources 12.

Sciences: Biology 12,Chemistry 12,Geography 12,Geology 12,Physics 12.

IB/AP: All stanar an higher level IB courses,an all AP courses,may be use in place of grae 12 courses.

Faculty of Science

Behavioral Neuroscience,Biological Sciences,Biomeical Physiology an Kinesiology,Chemistry,Earth Sciences,General Science,Life Sciences Year Two,Management an Systems Science,Mathematics,Molecular Biology an Biochemistry,Physics,Statistics an Actuarial Science

General requirements

·English language requirements- click for etails.

·English 11
(or Français première langue 11)

·Language 11
(inclues beginner's language 11,American sign language 11 or 12,an language 12 courses)

·Science 11
(inclues Biology 11,Chemistry 11,Earth Science 11,Forests 11,IB Environmental Systems 11,Principles of Physics 11 or a Science course at the Grae 12 level)

·Founations of Math 11with a minimum grae of 60%
(or Pre-Calculus 11/Founations of Math 12/Pre-Calculus 12/Calculus 12 with a minimum grae of 60%)

·English 12with a minimum final blene grae of 60%
(or English 12 First Peoples,or Français première langue 12 with a minimum final grae of 60%)

·Grauatefrom high school

Program-specific requirements

Chemistry 11,Principles of Physics 11,English 12,Pre-Calculus 12 an two science 12 courses

Approve grae 12 courses

BC First Nations Stuies 12,Calculus 12,Comparative Civilization 12,Economics 12,English Literature 12,Founations of Math 12 or Pre-Calculus 12,French 12 or français langue secone 12,German 12,History 12,Japanese 12,Law 12,Manarin 12,Philosophy 12 (4 cr),Punjabi 12,Social Justice 12,Spanish 12,Sustainable Resources 12.

Sciences: Biology 12,Chemistry 12,Geography 12,Geology 12,Physics 12.




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