加利福尼亚大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine,简称UC Irvine或UCI),又译加州大学欧文分校和加州大学尔湾分校,创建于1965年,属于加利福尼亚大学系统(University of Californ...
加利福尼亚大学欧文分校(University of California,Irvine,简称UC Irvine或UCI),又译加州大学欧文分校和加州大学尔湾分校,创建于1965年,属于加利福尼亚大学系统(University of California)综合实力最为强劲的分校之一,世界著名高等学府和世界顶尖研究型大学。是美国大学协会(AAU)成员、环太平洋大学联盟成员,“公立常春藤”盟校成员。
加州大学欧文分校位于南加州,洛杉矶东南约50英里的橙县(Orange County)尔湾市(Irvine)。完美的地理位置,极佳的学习生活环境,以及被誉为“南加州硅谷”的橙县的大量高科技企业的支持,使该校成为加州大学系统中成长最快的分校。UCI在最优秀的100所建校历史不足50年的学校中排名全美第一、世界第五,其既有大型科研学校的教学实力,也有小型院校的友好氛围,拥有诸多优秀的研究生专业包括法律、商学、工程学、人文学科、经济学、医药学、护理学、化学、生命科学、物理学、数学、计算机科学。加州大学欧文分校虽然建校时间短,但在2016年USNEWS大学(本科)排名中与加州大学圣地亚哥分校并列第39位。而在2016年USNEWS公立大学排名中与加州大学圣地亚哥分校并列于第9位。
学校官网: https://uci.eu/
Freshman Amission Profile
This is a snapshot of the amitte freshman class for fall 2018.
Please be cautious in rawing conclusions from this information. Use it as a general guie to selectivity annotas a preictor of your chance for amission to UC Irvine.
申请: http://www.amissions.uci.eu/apply/freshman.php
Freshman applicants entering UCI must submit official test scores to UCI for the following tests:
the ACT With Writing,OR
the SAT* (critical reaing,mathematics,an writing)
SAT Subject Test scores are no longer require. However,submission of SAT Subject Test scores may a positively to the review of a stuent's application.
If your seconary/high school was complete in a country where English was not the language of instruction,or if you have less than three years of instruction in English in the U.S.,you are require to emonstrate English proficiency.
Various examinations an scores may be use to emonstrate proficiency in English:
·Score 80 or higher on the Internet-base version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or score 550 or higher on its paper-base version
·Score 3,4,or 5 on the AP examination in English Language an Composition or English Literature an Composition
·Score 5,6,or 7 on the IB Higher Level Examination in English (Language A)
·Score 6 or higher on the IB Stanar Level Examination in English (Language A)
·Score 6.5 or higher on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
·Score 24 or higher on the ACT combine English/Writing or English Language Arts (ELA)
·Score 560 or higher on the ol SAT,Writing section,OR score 31 or higher on the SAT Writing an Language Test of the new SAT with Essay
TOEFL:80 IELTS:6.5 AP:3,4,5 IB:5,6,7 24 ACT,老SAT:560 写作部分
GPA Requirement
·If you are a California resient,you must receive a 3.0 GPA or higher in the require “a-g” subjects uring graes 10 an 11
·If you are a non-California resient,you must have a minimum 3.4 GPA in the require "a-g" subjects; all other requirements for amission are the same as for California resients
"A-G" Requirements
The “a-g” requirements,also calle Acaemic Subject Requirements,represent the minimum acaemic preparation you must meet to be eligible for amission to the University of California.
A.Two years of history/social science — One year of worl or European history,cultures an geography,an one year of U.S. history or one half-year of U.S. history an one half-year of American government or civics
B.Four years of English
C.Three years of mathematics (four years recommene) — Must inclue algebra,geometry,an avance algebra
D.Two years of laboratory science (three years recommene) — Must inclue two of these three subjects: biology,chemistry,an physics
E.Two years of a language other than English (three years recommene) — The secon year or higher of the same language must be complete to fulfill this requirement
F.One year of visual an performing arts — A yearlong course chosen from the following: ance,rama/theater,music,visual art,or interisciplinary arts
G.One year of college preparatory electives
For "a-g" requirement etails,visit amission.universityofcalifornia.eu .
截止日期: http://www.amissions.uci.eu/apply/ates-ealines.php
Fall 2019 Applicants
August 1,2018
UC Application open for fall 2019 amission an scholarships
September 1–30,2018
TAG application submission perio for fall 2019 amission
October 1,2018
online Nursing Science Supplemental Application opens
November 1–30,2018
·UC Application submission perio for fall 2019 amission an scholarships at ucal.us/apply
·Nursing Science Supplemental Application submission perio for fall 2019 amission
December 2018
Last month for freshman applicants to take the SAT or ACT with Writing tests
加利福尼亚大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine,简称UC Irvine或UCI),又译加州大学欧文分校和加州大学尔湾分校,创建于1965年,属于加利福尼亚大学系统(University of Californ...