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  • 2024-09-03 03:27:25
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





19Fall Cornell ORIE MFE Vieo Interview

刚刚面完康奈尔Vieo Interview!感觉今年的题跟往年还是有些不一样的,所以我就来分享啦!面试开始时有一位女士通过录好的视频问问题,大家需要注意集中精力听。一共是5道题,是这样的:

1.What is your biggest concern in the job search process?

  1. What o you think is a goo resume?
  2. What trigger you to apply for this program?
  3. How o you think the western culture an eastern culture shoul learn from each other?
  4. What woul you like us to know outsie of your resume?


18Fall Cornell ORIE MFE Vieo Interview

  1. How o you learn about the program an how this program will help your future career?

  2. One person who have left a goo first impression on you,an what i you learn from him/her?

  3. An unusual foo you ever ate?

  4. Three qualities you want others to recognize in you.

  5. What o you like to o outsie the classroom?

17Fall Cornell ORIE MFE Vieo Interview

  1. 3 factors why this program,how you fit?

  2. Ficiton character you wants to be,why?

  3. Describe an unethical situation you met,how you solve it?

  4. Place want to visit,why?

  5. Accomplishment except for acaemic,why prou of this accomplishment?

17Fall Cornell ORIE MFE Vieo Interview

  1. How o you know about M. Eng Program? An what o you expect from Cornell to help you achieve your career goal?

  2. If you were seate next to the CEO whose company you want to work for,what woul you say to him first?

  3. What o you o for fun outsie of classroom?

  4. Suppose you can choose any topic an any auience to give a presentation. What topic will you choose an whom will you speak?

  5. What is the most important thing that is not on your resume?



  1. 3 factors for you to apply for this program,why you fit this program?

  2. Where you get your news an something interesting you rea recently?

  3. Why you continue your eucation at this moment?

  4. What kin of working environment o you like?

  5. Tell me a time you have rewaring experience on teamwork,your role an what i you o to make it successful?

  6. An unethical thing you met an how you hanle it?

  7. Favorite sports

  8. 3 things you woul consier if you will give a presentation?

  9. Favorite book

  10. How o you prepare for an oral presentation?

  11. A person you have ha positive influence on

  12. What are you prou of yourself outsie acaemia?

  13. What o you cherish most about yourself?

  14. Describe an example that illustrates how you o professional networking?

  15. How your professors/friens escribe/value you?

  16. A place you want to visit

  17. An important thing in business relationship?

  18. One thing you want to change

  19. One point improve yourself

  20. An unethical thing you met,how you hanle it?






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