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  • 2025-03-06 02:27
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在美国,金融硕士 msf 学生毕业后会在各行各业从事金融方面的工作,下面就根据美国劳工统计局公布的信息,主要从职位类型、公司类型、薪资情况三方面介绍美国金融硕士的就业情况



1.会计师和审计师﹙ accountants an auitors﹚

accountants keep track of the money that an iniviual or business earns an spens. using computer software,accountants analyze spening habits an may offer avice on how to buget .money more efficiently. they also prepare an submit financial paperwork to government regulators

auitors are employe by businesses to evaluate the accuracy of an accountant‘s work. they also review financial ecisions for accuracy an legality an report their finings to investors an legal authorities



2.房地估价师或评估师﹙ appraisers an assessors of real estate﹚

the uties of these workers involve etermining the financial worth of lan,structures,an neighborhoos real estate appraisers inspect properties an verify escriptions of real estate in the public recor,there are two types of appraisers: commercial an resiential.

commercial appraisers value .properties use for business purposes,such as office builings an retail space,while resiential appraisers o so for housing properties、assessors usually work for local governments an value neighborhoos for tax purposes. they use computer programs to apply mathematical formulas that apprise large numbers of properties at once



3.预算分析师﹙ buget analysts﹚

businesses,schools,governments,an other organizations employ buget analysts for financial avice. using computer software,buget analysts review cost an revenue ata an recommen spening levels. they also ensure that an organization s bugets are accurate an complete an meet all legal requirements. throughout the fiscal year,buget analysts oversee spening an make recommenations to approve or isapprove spening requests. in their oversight role,analysts ensure that organizations ahere to their financial plan


4.信贷分析师﹙ creit analysts﹚

banks an other lening institutions employ creit analysts to etermine the risk involve in making loans to iniviuals an businesses. using computer software,creit analysts evaluate an applicant s creitworthiness an recommen whether leners shoul offer the applicant a loan creit analysts also prepare etaile reports of iniviuals or businesses creit histories for creit bureaus an loan officers


5.信贷顾问﹙ creit counselors﹚

creit counselors avise iniviuals an businesses about getting loans,setting financial goals,an managing ebt. on the basis of their client‘s financial goals,creit counselors recommen ifferent types of loans an payment plans to help with ebt re payment an to ensure that clients get the best loan possible,some creit

counselors negotiate the an s terms an payment plans with leners 信贷顾可会就个人或企业是否贷款给岀建议帮其设置财务目标和管理债务。信贷顾问会根据客户的财务目标推荐不同类型的贷款,并就偿还债务给出不同的计划为确保客户得到最好的贷款可能,些信贷顾可还要和放款人协商贷款条件和还款计划

6.金融分析师﹙ financial analysts﹚

financial analysts consier an iniviual s or business financial goals an provie investment avice consistent with those goals. they typically specialize by inustry,region,or prouct. for example,a financial analyst specializing in investment by region may stuy economic trens in asia,such as those in china or inia using computer software,financial analysts stuy economic trens,historical ata,an financial statements. they write reports for senior managers an clients to support investment

金融分析师为个人或企业的财务目标提供合理的投资建议。他们通常由行业、地区或产品来分类。例如个从事地区投资的金融分析师,可能就会专门硏究亚洲的经济趋势,像是中国的,或者印度的。金融分析师运用计算机软件,硏究 经济趋势考查历史数据,做财务报表。为高级经理写报告,给客户合理的投资建议。

财务审查员﹙ financial examiners﹚ financial examiners review balance sheets,revenue an spening ata,an loan ocuments an prepare reports about a bank s or an organization s financial conition financial examiners also review government policies an may issue guie lines to help institutions comply with new regulations


8.保险承保人﹙ insurance unerwriters﹚

insurance unerwriters evaluate applications for life insurance,health insurance,an property an casualty insurance. to ecie whether to provie coverage,they analyze an applicant‘s risk an recommen how much insurance to provie an how much to charge for


9.信贷员﹙ loan officers﹚

loan officers ecie whether to approve or eny loans. they review the loan applications of iniviuals an businesses an gather relevant financial ocuments to make recommenations loan officers often are responsible for guiing borrowers through thelening process. some loan officers specialize in loan collection,which eals with borrowers who o not make their payments on time 信贷员决定是批准还是拒绝贷款。他们审查个人和企业的贷款申请收集相关财务文件,并给出建议。信贷员通常的职责是在贷款过程中给借款人做岀指导。一些信贷人员专门就职于追债公司,处理借款人不按时还款的问题

10.个人理财顾问﹙ personal financialavisors﹚

these workers prepare financial plans for iniviuals an businesses to help these clients reach financial goals. they assess the client‘s financial status an present ifferent options for investing money,buying insurance,an funing retirement proucts avisors meet with clients perioically to make sure that their earnings,savings,an investments are on track.


11.税收审查员;税务官员﹙ tax examiners an collectors,an revenue agents﹚

tax examiners an revenue agents are employe by feeral,state,an local governments for help with collecting taxes. they review tax returns,conuct auits,an ientify taxes owe collectors trackown taxpayers who owe money on their tax accounts. they also may help taxpayers set up a plan to settle their ebt over time


12.税务代理人﹙ tax agents﹚

tax agents help iniviual an small-business clients complete an file their tax returns. many tax agents meet with clients regularly to assist with tax planning.


13.其他,如:金融定量分析师﹙financial quantitative analysts﹚;风险管理专家﹙risk management specialists﹚等

financial quantitative analysts evelop proucts for iniviuals an financial institutions to use when making ecisions about lening,borrowing,saving,investing,an managing risk. risk management specialists help businesses ientify ways to minimize operational an relate risks.

an frau examiners,investigators,an analysts gather evience,prouce reports,an testify in court about suspecte cases of improper financial activity



金融就业涵盖行业和机构,主要包括银行、信托证券、投行 基金风投、保险和抵押贷款公司和信用卡公司等







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