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美国 MIS 硕士部分学校详情


1、Johns Hopkins University 的 MS in Information Systems 开设在 Carey business school 下,项目设置 36 creits,1 year (full-time) / 2 years(part-time),The Carey Business School MSIS program qualifies as a STEM(science,technology,engineering,an math) program. Our STEM-esignate program offers an OPT extension for full-time stuents.截止日期为 rolling,语言要 GPA:3.2;TOEFL:100/IELTS:7.0;


Accoring to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,eman for computer an information systems managers is expecte to increase 15% by 2022. Our grauates in the MS in Information Systems program have gone on to start or avance their careers in consulting an information technology with private inustry,government,an non-profit organizations,


Amazon Web Services


Price water house Coopers (PwC)



Booz Allen Hamilton


Ernst & Young

U.S. Department of Eucation

U.S. Department of State

Association of American Meical Colleges (AAMC)

2、Northwestern University 的 Master of Science in Information Systems开设在School of Professional Stuies下,学制为 two to three years of uninterrupte part-time stuy (one to two classes per quarter)。Three to five years of professional experience is recommene but not require. The Grauate Recor Examination (GRE) is not require,but strong scores bolster chances for amission. 成绩单需要WES 或ECE 评估,TOEFL:100 或 IELTS:7 分,截止日期为 Fall quarter: July 15,Spring quarter: January15。项目有 8 个研究方向,which must be eclare at the time of application:

·Artificial Intelligence

·Data Science

·Database an Internet Technologies

·Health Informatics

·Information Systems

·Information Systems Management

·Information Systems Security

Project Management

3、Cornell university 的 MS in Information Systems(Cornell NYC Tech) 属于 CS 的双学位,不可单独申请。项目开设在 Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute 下,学制为 two-year。TOEFL:口语:22 分、阅读:20 分、听力:15 分、写作:20 分,IELTS:7 分需要提供 GRE,分支方向:connective meia 和 healthier life; 申 请 背 景 要 求 :Caniates without this acaemic backgroun will still be consiere but will nee to show significant experience in programming,math an algorithms.

4、UC-Berkeley 的 Master of Information Management an Systems 开设在 School of information 下,学制为 48 unit,two-year full time program 先 修 课 程 :We require knowlege of a high-level object-oriente language such as Python,Java,or C++. Programming languages such as Visual Basic,C,an those languages use to implement an enhance atabase management systems (such as SQL) are not acceptable.(至少修过 1-2 门),A minimum of two years of job experience is preferre。需要 GRE 或 GMAT,录取平均 GPA:3.63,平均男生 41%女生 59%,平均年龄26 岁来自 8 个不同国家,平均托福成绩为 112 分,平均工作时间为 5 年。

Application Dealine: January 7,2019,8:59 pm Pacific Time。

5、CMU 的 Master of Information Systems Management (MISM)设置在Heinz College of Information Systems an Public Policy 下,项目有三种选择 1 年、16 个月、21 个月,GPA 均分 3.75;托福单项不低于 25,雅思 7+,GRE 语文(151-158)数学 161-168;GMAT 中位数 700,先修课程:

*Object-Oriente Programming Course Information: Java is the preferre programming language (other programming language accepte is C++)。12 months track:适合工作满三年以上人群 16 months track:适合工作不满三年的申请者 Global 21 months track:要在澳大利亚校区学习一年,然后再回美国校区学习一年。The application ealine is January 10,MISM is a STEM-esignate egree program. Stuents enrolle in the program are eligible for 24-month OPT STEM extension. For more information,文书以essay 为主。

6、University of Floria 的 master of science in information systems an operations management 设置在 Warrington college of business 学制为36-40 Creits,该项目为 STEM 方向。TOEFL 最低为 80,IELTS:6 分,需要GMATGRE。秋季截止日期为 1 月 11 日,春季截止日期为 8 月 1 日。Three tracks 包括 Business Intelligence & Analytics、Information Technology、Supply Chain Management。1.Interviews are require for all international applicants. 2. STEM Accreite。There are no prerequisites to the program. However,stuents without an unergrauate business major or minor will nee to take a set of core business courses that a an aitional semester of stuy to the program for a full two years.

7、University of Pittsburgh 一共有两个项目方向:Information Science &Technology 这个项目旨在平衡信息的存储与检索、交流信息系统之间、人与信息系统交互联系等方面理论原则与实际操作的问题。信息系统与技术在商业运作和社会发展上都起到非常重要的作用。Library & Information Science这个项目可以帮助你掌握专业的基础知识和基本技能,协助你成 acaemic,public,school,an special libraries; archives(档案馆); an business information centers 领域的 leaer。申请条件:Information Science & Technology/ Library& Information Science

1)需要一个三学分的先修课(A structure programming language 结构化的程序语言、Statistics 统计、Mathematics 数学)

2)3.0 GPA,Bachelor egree


4)要求 GRE

5)最低托福 80(IBT) 雅思 6.5

6)日期:国际生秋季 1 月 15 号,申奖的也是 1 月 15 号

7)简历、推荐信、不超过 500 个词的 career goal


8、Brigham Young University-Provo 的 Master of Information Systems

Management 开设在 Marriott School of Business 下,学制为 12-month /33.5 creits,An average GPA of 3.6 or above woul be consiere competitive. The GMAT is require for all stuents who have not complete the BYU information systems junior core. It is expecte

that a competitive score is 600 or above. Typically scores below 600 are not consiere competitive for amission. If an applicant retakes the GMAT,the higher score is use. No other exams (e.g. GRE) can replace the GMAT. T:85,22 (Speaking)。雅思:7 ealine is 1 March。The MISM egree features an evolving curriculum that allows stuents to evelop a founation of information systems skills,incluing:

Business analytics

Security an forensics


IT architecture

Business strategy

9、Syracuse University 的 MS in Information Management 设置在 School of Information Stuies 下,学制为 2 年/ 42 creits,T:100,雅思:7,We can accept GMAT or LSAT scores in lieu of GRE scores,although GRE General Exam scores are preferre. GPA 最低 3.3

If you’ like a more in-epth look into a focus area with the latest information on the classes you can take,get in touch with us.

Database Management

Global Enterprise Technology

Government Regulation an Policy

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Information Security

IT Consultation

IT in Social Enterprises an Smaller/Meium Enterprises (SMEs)

Mobile/Wireless Technology

Network Design an Aministration

Project Management

Risk Management

Social Meia,Technology,an Society

Structure Data Analytics an Visualization

Systems Analysis an Design

Textual Data Management an Analytics

10、University of Marylan—College Park 的 Master of Information stuies 开设在 Robert H. Smith School of Business 下,学制为 9 months/30creit。The following are require to be consiere for amission into the program:The equivalent of a US bachelor's egree Sufficient quantitative backgroun — exposure to Excel,Java,C an Python are highly recommene GMAT or GRE


Letter of recommenation

Professional resume


Vieo response

TOEFL or IELTS — if you o not have a 4 year or avance egree

from a country where English is the official language

截止日期为:January 10,2019

11、Rutgers University-New Brunswick 的 Master of Information

Technology 开设在Rutgers Business School-Newark an New Brunswick,

项目时长为 1 年/30-creit,需要提供 TOEFL 或 IELTS 以及 GRE 或 GMAT,春季截止日期为 10 月 1 日,秋季截止日期 3 月 15 日,提供 Full-time or part-time stuy,STEM qualifie program for international stuents consiering Optional Practical Training (OPT),课程介绍:Stuents must complete 30 creits,usually in the form of 10 courses. The 10 courses must inclue:

3 founation course

3 core courses from the specific concentration

4 elective courses

12、Texas A&M University-College Station 的 MS Management Information Systems 开设在Mays Business School 下,项目时长为1 年/36 creit hours,T:100IELTS:6.0,GMAT 或 GRE,2018 年入学人数统计为106 人,其中女生52 人男生54 人,GMAT 平均分671GRE316,平均GPA:3.56,截止日期为 2 月 15 日,国际学生需要做 WES 评估,A 4+1 option is available for current Texas A&M stuents wishing to pursue an unergrauate an master’s egree in MIS in a total of five years.

Program Prerequisites

The MS-MIS program has four program prerequisites:

A course in programming (Java,C#,VB,etc. such as ISTM 250 or601)

A atabase course (such as ISTM 315 or 615)

A course in systems analysis an esign (such as ISTM 320 or 620)

A course in business ata communications (such as ISTM 310 or 610)

Stuents may receive amission to the program without having alreay complete all four prerequisite courses; however,for a stuent’s application to be competitive,the stuent shoul have complete at least two or three of the four courses.

13、Floria State U 的 Master of Science in Management Information Systems 开设在College of Business 下学制为24 months,he College of Business requires a minimum TOEFL score of 100 on the internet-base test or a minimum of 7.0 on the IELTS exam. All MS-MIS applicants must have either (a) 2 years of technology-relate work experience OR (b) an unergrauate egree in information technology,computer science or relate fiel plus 2 years of general work experience. Application ealines are June 1 for fall entry,October 1 for spring entry,an March 1 for summer entry. Floria State University College of Business' online Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MS-MIS) briges the worls of technology an management.

14、University of Delaware 的 MS information system 方向开设在 Alfre Lerner College of Business & Economics 下,学制为 36creits,TOEFL: 100+ IELTS:7.5+,GMAT:570 or higher preferre,GRE:Quantitative: 60th percentile,Verbal + Quantitative: 50th percentile,Amission ecisions are mae on a rolling basis. Aitionally,the M.S. in information systems an technology management egree qualifies as a STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Math) OPT (Optional Practical Training)program. Career Opportunities: IT Consultant、Systems Analyst、Business Analyst、Chief Information Officer (CIO)。

15、Universityof Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 的 Master of Science in Information Management 设置在 School of Information Sciences,项目 学 制 为 40 grauate creit hours。While a bachelor's egree is require for amission,your egree can be in any iscipline. If you earne a 3.0 GPA for the last two years of unergrauate stuy,you o not nee to submit GRE or GMAT scores. For those with a GPA below a

3.0 on a 4.0 scale,GRE test scores are require. TOEFL:104,IELTS:7,春季截止日期为:September 15,秋季截止日期: December 1。

美国MIS 硕士选校(建议)

美国 MIS 项目分为工程/管理方向以及商学院方向两个类别


一类院校:MIT,Stanfor University,Carnegie Mellon,University of

Arizona(托福:100+,GRE:320 或 GMAT:700,GPA:3.4+)

二类院校: University of Minnesota–Twin Cities,University of Texas– Austin,Ohio State University(托福:90+,GRE:315 或 GMAT:650+,GPA:3.2+)

三类院校:Stevens Institute of Technology,Duquesne University,George Mason University(托福:80+,GRE:310 或 GMAT:600+,GPA:3.0) 商学院方向

一类院校:New York University,University of Pennsylvania,GWU,U of Virginia,U of Washington(托福:100+,GRE:320 或 GMAT:700,GPA: 3.4+)


GRE:315 或 GMAT:650+,GPA:3.2+)

三类院校:克拉克,堪萨斯,石溪,伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校南佛罗里达大学(托福:80+,GRE:310 或 GMAT:600+,GPA:3.0)




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