

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-09-03 02:31:17
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






. The Master of arts programinclues a co-op optionan the PhD program is offere jointly with Carleton University.


An honours bachelor's egree in Economics,or the equivalent,is require for amission to the master's program. An average of at least "B" (70%) is require in the honours unergrauate program.

Applicants may,in some cases,be amitte to a qualifying program esigne to bring their knowlege to the level require to pursue a master's in Economics.To procee to the master's level,a new application must be submitte

Co-op Option

To be amitte into the co-op option,stuents must commence the MA in economics program in the fall term an be enrolle full time. Applications for the co-op option must be receive by the en of the first month of the stuent’s enrollment in the economics program. Acceptance into the co-op option is offere on a competitive basis an is manage by the Co-op Office. Inquiries shoul be irecte to that office.

MA with Major Paper

Course List




Compulsory Courses:****

[ECO 5185](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 5185)

Econometrics I

3 Units

[ECO 6120](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 6120)

Macroeconomic Theory IV

3 Units

[ECO 6122](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 6122)

Microeconomic Theory IV

3 Units

9 elective course units in economics (ECO) at the grauate level 1

9 Units

Major Research Paper:****

[ECO 6999](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 6999)

Major Paper 2

6 Units



6 course units may be taken outsie the Department,subject to the Grauate Officer's approval.


The caniate must write a major paper ( [ECO 6999](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 6999) ) evote to an empirical research or to a critical assessment of a theoretical question or a public policy issue uner the supervision of a full-time member of the Department. The research paper will be evaluate by another professor appointe by the Department Chairperson.

Co-op Option

Co-op stuents must enroll full-time an complete two work terms:

·[SCS 6001](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=SCS 6001)

·[SCS 6002](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=SCS 6002)

Each work term is grae P/F (pass/fail),base on the employer’s report an on the written report complete by the stuent. The report must be 30 pages,incluing appenices. The report is evaluate by the professor in charge of the grauate co-op option in Economics.

The units aware for co-op work terms may not be use to obtain equivalences for other courses. In other wors,the co-op units are aitional to the minimum requirements of the egree.

To remain in the co-op option,stuents must:

·Be enrolle full-time.

·Maintain a 7.0 cumulative grae point average.

·Obtain a satisfactory grae (P) for each co-op work term.

Fast-Track from Master's to Doctoral Degree

Stuents enrolle in the MA program may be allowe to fast-track to the PhD program without being require to complete the Master's program. For aitional information,please consult the “Amission Requirements” section of the PhD program.

Duration of the Program

Full-time stuents are normally expecte to complete all requirements within three terms. The maximum time permitte is four years,whether full or part-time.

Minimum Stanars

The passing grae in all courses is C+. Stuents who fail two courses (equivalent to 6 units) must withraw from the program.

Fast-Track from Master's to Doctoral program

Stuents who achieve outstaning acaemic performance an emonstrate high promise for avance research uring the master's program may,with the permission of the Grauate Stuies Committee,transfer into the PhD progam without completing the MA,provie they have complete [ECO 6120](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 6120) (ECON 5020),[ECO 6122](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 6122) (ECON 5021),an [ECO 5185](https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/search/?P=ECO 5185) (ECON 5027) with an average of "A" or higher. Such stuents must take a total of at least eleven regular courses (MA an PhD levels combine) an o not receive an MA egree. However,stuents who transfer but o not complete the PhD can receive an MA by fulfilling all the requirements of the MA program. Please note that the minimal amission average requirements for the octoral program must also be met.

The request for permission to transfer must be mae uring the secon term of enrollment of earlier. The stuent must enroll in the PhD in the thir or,at the latest,in the fourth term.




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