

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-05 00:59
  • 102
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





International applicants seeking assistantship/amission: please o not sen me emails blinly without reaing this.

Every ay I receive emails from international caniates for information,for avice,an especially requesting financial assistance. Unfortunately,I elete most of them without even reaing them carefully. I get so many irrelevant emails that cannot reply to each. Extremely rarely has one caught my attention. Please o not sen me emails without reaing this first. I am only intereste in corresponing to caniates who are exceptional,an have a strong interest an experience in my immeiate area of specialization,an I highly prefer ones with a Master's egree.

For your benefit,I have inclue in this page,some writing tips,when corresponing to me,an perhaps also in writing to other faculty members in US Universities. When corresponing,o not mention your age/ate of birth,your gener,nationality etc. These are superfluous information.

I am NOT intereste in: Extra-curricular activities,performance in high school or before,TOEFL scores,hobbies,software skills,UNIX/ORACLE/NOVELL certification an other items unrelate to my research area*.

I am SOMEWHAT intereste in: Your awars/acaemic honors,acaemic recors,GPA,GRE score (2200+),experience.

I am HIGHLY intereste in: Your publications,research interests (have supporting evience for your claim,on't just claim you are intereste,unless you actually have one some work in the area).

Information I CANNOT provie

  1. Chances of getting assistantship in the epartment (other than my own available research grants - I o not have any right now,although not very likely,it may change in future).

  2. Dealines for assistantship/amission.

  3. Any information on amission proceures an policies.

  4. Minimum GRE/TOEFL scores require.

  5. How to get application forms.

  6. Whether a ecision for assistantship or amission was mae.

  7. Other faculty who woul be intereste in a prospective stuent's

backgroun (you can easily see faculty research interests from the

epartment website).

  1. When an amission/assistantship ecision will be mae.

  2. Any other information,other than that below,

The only information I CAN provie

  1. Compatibility of your interests/backgroun with my own research area.

  2. Possibility of getting research support from my own (not epartmental) funs. I am always trying to get external funing for my research projects.

  3. Possible research areas you coul work on with your backgroun,with me.








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