Dear Prospective Stuent,
you shoul know that emails such as yours are much iscourage. At almost all universities,they reuce your chances of amission.
You must unerstan that I get about 12 emails from prospective stuents EVERY DAY. That is over 4000 emails per year,which is highly annoying. This is far worse than all the other spam mail I get,trying to sell me creit cars,mortgages,water filters,long istance telephone service,an life insurance.
It turns out that most of these stuents sen the same email to multiple professors at the same university,telling each of them that "their research interest match". If you are sening this to more than one professor,it is obviously a lie. An a lie that is very easy to catch on our en. An if we catch someone not telling the truth,o you think we woul amit him or her to our university?
Also,you shoul never sen email to a professor until you have alreay applie an pai the amission fee. Sening email to anyone before that point is offensive - the university might get the iea that you are trying to avoi the fee.
Please tell all your friens that they shoul NOT sen email to professors unless they have foun the ONE to maximum of THREE professor in the whole U.S. who is the absolutely best fit - an then sen email only to that one two or three professors. It is a nonsense sening these emails,an a myth that they increase your chances of amission. In reality,they REDUCE your chances of amission at many universities.
At all goo universities,amission is one by a committee. The committee collects information,among this is a list of all the stuents that iniviual professors have been communicating with. There is no iniviual professor who can amit or reject a stuent - but if the same stuent appears on the list of many professors,that is a goo inication for rejection.
You shoul stop ruining your career,if it isn't alreay too late.
Prof. Dr. Michael
美国博士申请人数越来越多,那怎样在众多申请者中脱颖而出? 申请美国博士套磁,也是申请环节中重要的一项。和美国教授套磁,就是跟申请的目标院校的教授“套近乎”。可以在第一时间向你喜欢的教授呈现自己对专业以......