

  • 留学家长报
  • 2025-03-31 13:51
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



香港八所大学,全部是教育部认证的学校。8 所学校种浸会和岭南大学没有工程专业,金辉大学有工程专业是信息系统相关专业。其他学校基本都有电子相关专业。根据学生接下来的课程选择的方向,看看是强电还是弱电。来选择




香港大学****·Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) Communications Engineering Stream
·Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) General Stream
· Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) Power Engineering Stream
· 下面是详细介绍

  1. Master of Science in Electronic Commerce an Internet Computing 电子商务和网 络计算
    http://www.aal.hku.hk/tpg/programme/master-science-electronic-commerce-an-internet-computing 入学要求:

  2. Comply with the General Regulations; an

  3. Hol a Bachelor's egree of this University or a qualification of equivalent stanar from this University or another comparable institution accepte for this purpose.

  4. Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) Communications Engineering stream 电气和电子工程(通信工程方向)


  1. Comply with the General Regulations; an

  2. Hol a Bachelor's egree in a relevant fiel (Engineering or Computer Science) of this University or a comparable institution accepte for this purpose.

  3. Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) General Stream 电气和电子工程九月 http://www.aal.hku.hk/tpg/programme/master-science-engineering-electrical-an-electronic-engineering-general-stream


  1. Comply with the General Regulations; an

  2. Hol a Bachelor's egree in a relevant fiel (Engineering or Computer Science) of this University or a comparable institution accepte for this purpose.

  3. Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) Power Stream 电气和电子工程(电力系统方向)九月 http://www.aal.hku.hk/tpg/programme/master-science-engineering-electrical-an-electronic-engineering-power-engineering-stream 入学要求:需要相关电气电子工程专业背景

  4. Comply with the General Regulations; an

  5. Hol a Bachelor's egree in a relevant fiel (Engineering or Computer Science) of this University or a comparable institution accepte for this purpose.

5. Master of Science in Engineering (Inustrial Engineering an Logistics Management) 工业和物流管理学

http://www.aal.hku.hk/tpg/programme/master-science-engineering-inustrial-engineering-an-logistics-management 入学要求:持有学士学位的这所大学在工程、科学、数学、统计、相关业务研究,专业资格的人相当于这所大学的学士学位也合格。这将包括香港和英国工程机构的成员,和那些英国工程委员会考试。

  1. Comply with the General Regulations; an

  2. Hol a Bachelor's egree of this University in engineering,sciences,mathematics,statistics,relate business stuies,or the equivalent; or a qualification of equivalent stanar from this University or another comparable institution accepte for this purpose。People with professional qualifications equivalent to a Bachelor's egree of this University are also eligible. This will inclue members of the HK an UK engineering boies,an those who have taken the UK Engineering Council examinations.

  3. Master of Science in Engineering (Infrastructure Project Management) 基础项目管理 http://www.aal.hku.hk/tpg/programme/master-science-engineering-infrastructure-project-management 入学要求:持有学士学位从香港大学的工程或相关领域 ; 或从另一个类似的大学或同等资格的机构。候选人持有学士学位以优异的成绩作为企业成员认可或接受为基础由香港机构的工程师也可能被考虑。

  4. Comply with the General Regulations; an

  5. Hol a Bachelor's egree from The University of Hong Kong in Engineering or relate fiels; or an equivalent qualification from another comparable university or institution. Caniates holing a Bachelor's egree with honours as accreite or accepte as a basis for corporate membership by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers may also be consiere.

Applications' Dealine 申请截止日期: Applications start November 2016,main roun closes at 12:00nn in January 31,2017,clearing roun closes at 12:00nn in April 15,2017. (tbc)


  1. MSc in Electronic Engineering电子工程,雅思 6.5,有雅思,不需要考 GMAT Full-time moe amission: September
    http://www.ee.cuhk.eu.hk/m _ a m ission.php

入学要求:学生在电气工程学士学位,电子工程、信息工程和计算机工程都可以申请。物理和机械专业背景的学生也可以申请。雅思 6.5

Stuents with a bachelor egree in Electrical Engineering,Electronic Engineering,Information Engineering an Computer Engineering may be amitte to this Programme. Stuents with a first egree in other fiels such as Physics an Mechanical Engineering may also be consiere provie that they have some experience an backgroun in electronic engineering. The entrance requirements of the grauate school must also be satisfie.The entrance requirements of the grauate school:
Master's programme: · Grauate from a recognize university an obtaine a Bachelor's egree,normally with honours not lower than Secon Class; or · Grauate from an honours programme of a recognize university with a Bachelor's egree,normally achieving an average grae of not lower than "B" in unergrauate courses; or · Complete a course of stuy in a tertiary eucational institution an obtaine professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours egree.Notes on English Proficiency:
All stuents shoul fulfil the English Language Proficiency Requirement prescribe below before they are amitte:(a) possess a pass grae in English in one of the following examinations:

  • Hong Kong Avance Level Examination (AS Level);
  • Hong Kong Higher Level Examination;
  • CUHK Matriculation Examination; or (b) achieve Level 4 or above in the English Language subject of the Hong Kong Diploma of Seconary Eucation (HKDSE) Examination; or (c) have a egree from a university in Hong Kong or an English-speaking country; or () achieve the specifie scores in the following tests by submitting one of the following original score reports/certificates for assessment by the programme(s) concerne:
  • TOEFL (Paper-base: 550; Computer-base: 213; Internet-base: 79);
  • GMAT (verbal) (Ban 21);
  • IELTS (Acaemic) (Ban 6.5); or (e) have obtaine a recognize professional qualification aware in Hong Kong or an English speaking country.
  1. MSc in Information Engineering^信息工程理学 http://www.ie.cuhk.eu.hk/msc/ 入学要求 : 主要接受 985 院校的学生,211 也可以 雅思成绩 6.5

The CUHK MScIE programme is acaemically prestigious an its amission is highly competitive. Over half of our stuents in the latest intake are grauate from the Project 985 universities; while others are from top overseas universities (e.g. UC Berkeley an University of Melbourne) an Hong Kong local universities,as well as a few from the Project 211 universities. In aition to the general qualifications require for amission to the Grauate School*,applicants shoul: Have obtaine a Bachelor ’ s egree in science or engineering from a recognize university with at least Secon Class Honors. Fulfill the “ English Language Proficiency Requirement ” as stipulate by the Grauate School.

  • Remark: Please refer to the Grauate School (http://www.cuhk.eu.hk/gss) for etails on the general entrance requirements.The University reserves the right to suspen amission of a programme if it is uner-enrolle.Examinations*Threshols*TOEFL (paper-base) 550 TOEFL (computer-base) 213 TOEFL (internet-base) 79 GMAT (Verbal) 21 IELTS 6.5 PETS Level 5
  1. MSc in E-Commerce an Logistics Technologies 电子商务和物流科技 http://www.logitsco.cuhk.eu.hk/msc-ecommerce/inex.htm 申请要求: 1。公认的大学毕业,并获得学士学位工程、商业管理、科学或相关领域,通常与二等荣誉或更高,平均或 “B” 级或更好的在他或她的本科课程 ; 或 雅思 6.5
  2. grauate from a recognize university an obtaine a Bachelor's egree in engineering,business management,science,or relate fiels,normally with Secon Class Honors or higher,or an average grae "B" or better in his or her unergrauate courses; or
  3. complete a course of stuy in a tertiary eucational institution an obtaine professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honors egree in relate fiels. Applicants with non-English eucation backgroun may be require to submit proof of English proficiency.


  1. MSc Programme in Systems Engineering & Engineering Management 系统工程和工程管理 http://msc-seem.se.cuhk.eu.hk/objectives 申请要求: 从一个公认的大学毕业,并获得学士学位工程、科学、商业管理或相关领域,通常与二等荣誉或更高,或平均的 B 级或更好的在他的本科课程 ; 或 An applicant shall have: (1) grauate from a recognize university an obtaine a Bachelor's egree in engineering,science,business aministration or relate fiels,normally with Secon Class Honors or higher,or an average grae of B or better in his unergrauate courses; or (2) complete a course of stuy in a tertiary eucational institution an obtaine professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honors egree in relate fiels. All applicants must also fulfil the "English Language Proficiency Requirement" as stipulate by Grauate School Secretariat before being consiere for amission. Please refer to the "Postgrauate Prospectus" of the Chinese University of Hong Kong for etails. Please refer to Amission On-line of CUHK for more information:

  2. Executive M.Sc. Programme in Logistics an Supply Chain Management 物流和供应链管理 http://lscm.se.cuhk.eu.hk/gbg/apply/apply2.html

B、相关行业管理工作经验满三年 ( 物流 / 制造 / 零售 / 运输 / 采购 / 管理 / 咨询 / 销售等 )。涉及的行业包括:
6、管理政府部门 ( 物流和运输业、企业信息化、生产制造业、贸易、海关等 )。

入学以面试为主,主要考察报考学生之教育背景、工作经历、社会责任感、领导潜力、团队精神、沟通能力 ( 语言运用和交流能力 )、学习志向。


  1. Master of Science in Electronic Commerce 电子商务 http://www.cityu.eu.hk/pg/201617/programme/MSEC2.htm


  1. 一个公认的计算学科学士学位 ( 如。、计算机科学、信息系统、信息技术 ); 或

  2. 认可的学士学位相关学科 ( 如。、电子工程、经济学和金融学、应用数学、制造工程、业务信息技术 ),最好是与适用的经验 ; 或

雅思 6.5 · a recognise bachelor's egree in a computing iscipline (e.g.,Computer Science,Information Systems,Information Technology); or · a recognise bachelor's egree in a relate iscipline (e.g.,Electronic Engineering,Economics an Finance,Applie Mathematics,Manufacturing Engineering,Business Information Technology),preferably with applicable IT experience; or · have obtaine a goo alternative qualification with substantial IT professional experience acceptable to the University; an · sufficient comman of the English Language. 语言要求: · a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-base test) or 213 (computer-base test) or 79 (internet-base test); or · an overall ban score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or · ban 6 in the Chinese mainlan's College English Test*; or · other equivalent qualifications

入学要求 2-4 统一

  1. Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering 电子资讯工程学 http://www.cityu.eu.hk/pg/201617/programme/MSEIE1.htm

  2. Master of Science in Multimeia Information Technology 多媒体信息技术 http://www.cityu.eu.hk/pg/201617/programme/MSMIT.htm

  3. Master of Science in Engineering Management 工程管理学 http://www.cityu.eu.hk/seem/prg-msem.htm 申请要求: 申请人必须是本科以上学历,工程科学或其他相关学科,或其等价的 * 雅思 6.5

Applicant must be a egree holer in Engineering,Science or other relevant isciplines,or its equivalent*

  • Note
  1. A grauate member or a non-member who possesses the qualification for grauate membership of a professional institution,e.g.,the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE),or a member Institution of the Engineering Council (UK),or other recognize professional engineering institutions,or
  2. Qualifications with evience of acaemic an professional attainment acceptable to the University. N,n-local caniates from an institution where meium of instruction is not English shoul fulfill one of the following English proficiency requirements. üa TOEFL score of 550 (paper-base test) or 213 (computer-base test) or 79 (internet-base test); or üan overall ban score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or üScore 450 in the new College English Test (CET6) of China mainlan or a pass in the ol CET-6 test; or üother equivalent qualifications


  1. Electronic Engineering 电子工程
    September an February every year 九月份。http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/eleg/en/inex.html

入学要求 : 申请人必须持有学士学位电气、电子或计算机工程或相关领域的学士学位,或同等资格从一所大学或高等教育机构。雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must hol a bachelor's egree in electrical,electronic or computer engineering,or a bachelor's egree in a relate fiel,or an equivalent qualification from a university or tertiary institution.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 4817 an
the epartment coe is 99 Please mail to the program office.

Note: TOEFL an IELTS scores are vali for two years from the test ate. 申请截止日期:


  1. Telecommunications 电信学 / 通讯 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/telc/en / inex.html 入学要求: 申请人必须持有电子工程学士学位,工程,物理科学或同等资格从一所大学或高等教育机构。雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must hol a Bachelor’s egree in electronic engineering,engineering,physical sciences or an equivalent qualification from a university or tertiary institution. All in-class lectures an materials are in English. Evience of English ability is not require from applicants grauate from a university where English is the meium of teaching (inclues all universities in Hong Kong an most universities from North America,Unite Kingom,Australia,Singapore,New Zealan etc). Applicants from Universities where English is not the meium of instruction,please provie an English proficiency proof in the application. Some recommene scores are as follows:Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 4817 an
the epartment coe is 99 Please mail to the program office.

Note: TOEFL an IELTS scores are vali for two years from the test ate. 申请截止日期:


  1. IC Design Engineering 集成电路设计工程全日制授课 9 月份开学,part-time 是 2 月份开学 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/progra m s/ice/en/inex.html 入学要求: 申请人必须持有学士学位在电子工程,工程或物理科学,从公认的大学或同等资格。雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must hol a Bachelor egree in electronic engineering,engineering or physical sciences,or an equivalent qualification from a recognize university. All in-class lectures an materials are in English. Evience of English ability is not require from applicants grauate from a university where English is the meium of teaching (inclues all universities in Hong Kong an most universities from North America,Unite Kingom,Australia,Singapore,New Zealan etc). Applicants from Universities where English is not the meium of instruction,please provie an English proficiency proof in the application. Some recommene scores are as follows:

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 0170 an
the epartment coe is 01 Please mail to the program office.

Note: TOEFL an IELTS scores are vali for two years from the test ate. 申请截止日期:


  1. Engineering Enterprise Management 工程企业管理 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/eem/en/amission_requirements.html 申请要求: 申请者必须具备学士学位最好是在科学或工程,从公认的大学或同等资格。雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must possess a bachelor’s egree preferably in Science or Engineering,or an equivalent qualification from a recognize university. All in-class lectures an materials are in English. Evience of English ability is not require from applicants grauate from a university where English is the meium of teaching (inclues all universities in Hong Kong an most universities from North America,Unite Kingom,Australia,Singapore,New Zealan etc). Applicants from Universities where English is not the meium of instruction,please provie an English proficiency proof in the application. Some recommene scores are as follows:

![IMG_256][25] 申请截止日期: March 1,2017 (Full-time),June 1,2017 (Part-time)

  1. Civil Infrastructural Engineering an Management,土木工程和管理 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/ciem/en/ 申请要求: 申请者必须具备土木工程学士学位或相关工程领域二等荣誉或更高,或同等资格认可的大学或高等教育机构。雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must possess a bachelor’s egree in Civil Engineering or a relate engineering fiel with secon-class honors or higher,or an equivalent qualification from a recognize university or tertiary institution.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 0170 an
the epartment coe is 01 Please mail to the program office.

  1. Environmental Engineering an Management 环境工程和管理 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/evem/en/ 申请要求: 申请者必须具备学士学位土木 / 化工 / 机械工程或相关工程领域与二等荣誉或更高,或同等资格认可的大学或高等教育机、雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must possess a bachelor’s egree in Civil / Chemical / Mechanical Engineering or a relate engineering fiel with secon-class honors or higher,or an equivalent qualification from a recognize university or tertiary institution.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 0170 an
the epartment coe is 01 Please mail to the program office.

  1. Intelligent Builing Technology an Management 建筑科技和管理 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/ibtm/en/ 申请要求: 申请者必须具备学士学位,机械工程 / 土木工程 / 电气工程 / 建筑服务工程 / 建筑科学物理科学或相关专业,有二等荣誉或以上。雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must possess a bachelor’s egree in Mechanical Engineering / Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Builing Services Engineering / Architectural Science / Physical Science or a relate fiel,with secon class honors or above.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 0170 an
the epartment coe is 01 Please mail to the program office.

  1. International Air Transport Operations Management 国际航空运输业管理 http://www.sengpp.ust.hk/programs/iatom/en/ 申请要求: 申请人必须有一个航空工程学士学位 / 航空航天工程 / 机械工程 / 制造工程 / 工程管理 / 材料科学与工程 / 电气和电子工程 / 土木工程 / 环境工程 / 工业工程,或相关领域公认大学或高等教育机构。与其他非工程学科学士学位申请者必须有航空运输行业的相关工作经验或航空相关领 雅思 6 分,单项不低于 5.5

Applicants must have a bachelor’s egree in Aeronautical Engineering/ Aerospace Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering / Manufacturing Engineering / Engineering Management / Materials Science an Engineering / Electrical an Electronic Engineering / Civil Engineering/ Environmental Engineering/ Inustrial Engineering,or a relate fiel from a recognize university or tertiary institution. Applicants with a bachelor’s egree in other non-engineering isciplines must have relevant working experience in the air transport inustry or aviation relate fiels.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)*International English Language Testing System (IELTS)*Paper-base test (PBT) score ≥ 550
Internet-base test (iBT) score ≥ 80 Overall score ≥ 6.0
All sub-scores ≥ 5.5 HKUST Institution coe is 0170 an
the epartment coe is 01 Please mail to the program office.

香港理工大学****9 月

  1. Master of Science in Electronic an Information Engineering电子与信息工程 http://www3 8 .polyu.eu.hk/aseprospectus/jsp/progetail.jsp?progi=5993&orgi=5993&schemei=201314&websiteI=1&schemeI=201314&langI=1

入学要求; 工程、科学或技术,或注册工程师相关专业 雅思 6 分

An Honours egree in engineering,science or technology,or Chartere Engineer (CEng) status,or an equivalent qualification. Consieration will also be given to caniates without Honours egrees,but who have other relevant qualifications that are supplemente by appropriate work experience. A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 80 for the Internet-base test,550 for the paper-base test,or 213 for the computer-base test; OR,或者 A satisfactory score in Ban 6 of the Chinese mainlan's College English Test (CET); OR Other equivalent qualifications. Iniviual cases will be consiere on their own merit. Applicants may be require to atten interviews or tests to further emonstrate their language proficiency.

  1. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering电气工程 http://www51.polyu.eu.hk/eprospectus/tpg/2016/05002-ee-eet 入学要求: 学士学位和荣誉在工程、科学或技术,或资格,满足企业会员的学术要求香港机构的工程师 ( 学会 ),或者是等价的。考虑也将给候选人没有荣誉学位,但有其他相关资格辅以适当的工作经验。

雅思 6 A Bachelor's egree with Honours in engineering,science or technology,or qualifications that satisfy the acaemic requirements for Corporate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE),or the equivalent. Consieration will also be given to caniates without Honours egrees,but who have other relevant qualifications supplemente by appropriate work experience. If you are not a native speaker of English,an your Bachelor's egree or equivalent qualification is aware by institutions where the meium of instruction is not English,you are expecte to fulfil the following minimum English language requirement: A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 80 for the Internet-base test,550 for the paper-base test,or 213 for the computer-base test; OR An overall Ban Score of at least 6 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); OR A satisfactory score in Ban 6 of the Chinese mainlan's College English Test (CET); OR Other equivalent qualifications. Iniviual cases will be consiere on their own merit. Applicants may be require to atten interviews or tests to further emonstrate their language proficiency.

  1. Master of Science/Postgrauate Diploma in Engineering Business Management 工程商业管理 http://www51.polyu.eu.hk/eprospectus/tpg/2016/45080-efm-efp-epm-epp 入学要求:、有工作经验要求 雅思 6.5 üBachelor's egree with Honours;
    OR üPost-experience Diploma or Higher Diploma with acceptable work experience;
    OR üMature applicants with significant relevant experience will be consiere on iniviual merit.

English Requirements üIELTS 6.5,or TOEFL iBT 92,or the equivalent

  1. Master of Science in Environmental Management an Engineering
    環境管理及工程學 http://www51.polyu.eu.hk/eprospectus/tpg/2016/04001-efm-epm 入学要求: 环境工程、土木工程、化学工程、建筑服务工程、机械工程或应用科学相关专业 雅思 6 üA Bachelor's egree with Honours in environmental engineering,civil engineering,chemical engineering,builing services engineering,mechanical engineering or applie science,or an equivalent qualification. üA Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 80 for the Internet-base test or 550 for the paper-base test;
    OR üAn overall Ban Score of at least 6 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

  2. Master of Science/Postgrauate Diploma in Manufacturing Systems Engineering an Management 製造系統工程與管理理學碩士學位 / 深造文憑 http://www51.polyu.eu.hk/eprospectus/tpg/2016/45080-nfm-nfp-npm-npp 入学要求:

有工作经验要求 雅思 6.5 üBachelor's egree with Honours;
OR üPost-experience Diploma or Higher Diploma with acceptable work experience;
OR üMature applicants with significant relevant experience will be consiere on iniviual merit.

English Requirements üIELTS 6.5,or TOEFL iBT 92,or the equivalent


  1. Master of Science (MSc) in Avance Information Systems先进信息系统 http://gs.hkbu.eu.hk/uploa/pg_prospectu s /ais.pf

入学要求: 科学,工程,或 IT 相关专业,精通英语。需要提供雅思成绩。Applicants shoul normally: (a) possess a bachelor’s egree in science,engineering,IT or relevant fiels from a recognize university or equivalent qualification; an (b) be proficient in English. (Applicants not using English as the meium of learning in their bachelor’s egree programme are require not only to provie evience of English proficiency (e.g. satisfactory results in TOEFL,IELTS,the College English Test in mainlan China,or English proficiency courses in recognize universities),but also to atten an interview for further evaluation of their English proficiency.) For exceptional cases in which applicants have other qualifications but substantial experience in IT,we will etermine their suitability base on iniviual merits an interviews.

  1. Master of Science (MSc) in Foo Analysis an Foo Safety Management 食品研究和食品安全管理 http://gs.hkbu.eu.hk/uploa/pg_prospectus/fasm.pf

入学要求: 生物学、化学、生物化学、食品科学、和医学科学相关专业 雅思 6.5

Applicants shoul: (a) possess a bachelor’s egree from a recognise university or equivalent qualification in Biology,Chemistry,Biochemistry,Foo Science,an Meical Science. Holers of a bachelor’s egree or equivalent qualification in other Physical an Life Sciences,where relevant backgroun in biology an chemistry are provie or with an aitional one year of relevant work experience will also be consiere; an (b) fulfill any one of the following English requirements: (i) TOEFL: score of 550 (paper-base),213 (computerbase),79 (internet-base); (ii) IELTS (acaemic): overall ban at 6.5; (iii) CET-6 (College English Test ban 6): score of 450; or a pass in CET 6 for the ol version of CET; (iv) having successfully grauate from a bachelor’s egree programme that aopts English as the meium of instruction

  1. Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental an Public Health Management环境和公共健康管理 http://www.hkbu.eu.hk/eng/amission/postgrauate/science.jsp 入学要求:
    申请人如高级文凭持有者不具备一个正式的学位资格,但大量的记录在环境管理相关工作经验 ( 通常 5 年或以上 ) 可能被考虑。雅思 6.5

Applicants shoul possess:

(a) a bachelor’s egree from a recognize university or comparable institution in any iscipline; or (b) a qualification eeme to be equivalent. Applicants such as higher iploma holers who o not possess a formal egree qualification,but have substantial ocumente relevant work experience in environmental management (normally 5 years or above) may be consiere.

If the meium of instruction for the unergrauate stuy of the applicant is not English,then the applicant is expecte to emonstrate his/her English proficiency by fulfilling either one of the following: (i) TOFEL score of at least 550 (paper-base),213 (computer base) or 79 (internet-base); (ii) IELTS score of at least 6.5 (acaemic); or

(iii) the new College English Test (CET-6) of China score of at least 450 or a pass in ol CET-6 test; or

  1. Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology Management 信息技术管理 http://www.hkbu.eu.hk/eng/amission/postgrauate/science.jsp

入学要求: 科学、工程、商业或其他相关专业学生都可以申请。雅思综合得分至少 6.0; a. Applicants shoul normally possess a bachelor’s egree in Science,Engineering,Business or other relevant fiels from a recognize university or comparable institution or a qualification eeme to be equivalent; an b. If applicants i not use English as the meium of learning in their bachelor’s egree programmes,they shoul satisfy any one of the following English proficiency requirements:IELTS overall ban score of at least 6.0;

① TOEFL score of at least 537 (paper-base) or 203 (computer-base) or 74 (internet-base); ② Other equivalent qualifications (e.g. CET-6 score of at least 450) ③ Applicants having other qualifications but substantial experience in Information Technology will also be consiere. Applicants may be interviewe to etermine their suitability for stuying the programme






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