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  • 2024-09-02 22:50:54
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





l语言要求:toefl不低于85分,无单项要求,ielts不低于6.5分,单项不低于6.0;博士项目要求toefl不低于90分,无单项要求,ielts不低于6.5分,单项不低于6.0;the institution coe for gre an toefl is 2548. the epartment coe is 0402 for gre an 78 for toefl. please note,if the scores were sent with the wrong epartment coe,we will still receive your scores so long as the institution coe is correct.

l个人陈述a statement of purpose,escribing your interests an motivation to pursue a grauate egree.

l个人简历a resume or cv,escribing your work experience,acaemic projects,an areas of expertise.

l3封推荐信:three recommenation letters,from acaemia or inustry. all recommenation letters shoul be submitte online. for ph.. applicants,we highly recommen that a majority of the letters be from acaemia.

l成绩单扫描件scanne transcripts,please make sure transcript scans are clear an legible or your application will not be reviewe.

l考试成绩test scoresplease have ets sen your official gre score to stony brook university ﹙institution coe: 2548﹚; if your native language is not english,please have ets sen your official toefl score to stony brook university ﹙institution coe: 2548﹚. if you took ielts instea of toefl,please provie a scan of your ielts scorecar into your applyyourself online application.

l请不要邮寄任何纸质版的成绩除非你收到一个特殊的要求:o not sen any paper ocuments until you receive a specific request. after a review process,stuents eeme amissible will be aske to have their official transcripts sent to us by postal service. please o not sen us any har copy ocuments until an unless you receive such a request,as paper ocuments ten to obstruct amissions processes an will likely elay the processing of your file.

l计算机科学专业要求申请者具备计算机科学或相关本科专业背景,主要体现在熟练掌握计算机组织或结构、自动装置和可计算性理论、数据结构、算法、编程语言、操作系统和网络。如无相关专业背景则要通过工作经验或本科计算机专业技能等来展示。amission to the grauate program requires a bachelor‘s egree in computer science ﹙or a closely relate fiel﹚,with courses covering all core cs topics,incluing: computer organization or architecture,automata an computability theory,ata structures,algorithms,atabases,programming languages,operating systems an networks. if the stuent oes not have a egree in computer science,he/she must emonstrate this proficiency via junior/senior unergrauate level coursework or relevant job/project experience covering these areas.

l如无专业背景,学校通常会发放半条件录取,学生收到半条件录取通知后需通过前置课程等途径弥补专业不足。stuents of exceptional promise with non-stanar backgroun or who lack certain requirements may be consiere for amission to the program on a provisional basis. these stuents will typically nee to take aitional cs courses as specifie in their offer letter.


l博士生提供ta/ra,奖学金,学费减免等资助形式:the ph.. program is intene for stuents who wish to pursue a research-oriente career. amission to this program is highly competitive,an the applicants must have the intention of completing the program. all stuents amitte on a full-time basis to the ph.. program are offere attractive financial support in the form of teaching or research assistantships an fellowships,together with tuition waivers.

l计算机系不会提供给硕士生任何资助,但是一部分优秀的学生可以从老师那里获得一部分助研的机会the m.s. program is intene for stuents seeking avance positions in the software inustry. applicants that alreay have a master‘s ﹙or octoral﹚ egree in computer science are not eligible. stuents amitte to the m.s. program are not offere financial support by the epartment,but some of our best m.s. stuents o fin partial or full research assistantships from cs faculty or some other epartment on campus. information regaring tuition an other costs can be foun here. we receive a large number of applications,so we can amit only a fraction of them.




m.s. program

ph.. program

spring 2019

november 01,2018

november 01,2018

fall 2019

ecember 01,2018

january 15,2019



纽约州立大学石溪分校工程与应用科学学院的计算机科学(computer sciences)专业开设ms和ph项目。该专业共有40名教授和300名研究生。ms项目要求学生在校修够31个课程学分,学制约1.5年。计算机科学ph项目有两种申请途径:第一,本科毕业直接申请;第二,ms直接申请。






算法与复杂性(algorithms an complexity)

应用算法实验室(applie algorithms lab)

数据科学实验室(ata science lab)

移动传感器网络实验室(mobile an sensor networks lab)

架构与组织(architecture an organization)

大数据(big ata)

生物医学信息(biomeical informatics)

计算与系统生物学(computational & systems biology)

人机交互(human-computer interaction)

嵌入式优化实验室(embee optimization lab)

文件系统与存储实验室(file-systems an storage lab)

显卡硬件实验室(graphics harware lab)

操作系统与建筑研究实验室(operating systems,concurrency,an architecture research lab ﹙oscar﹚)

萨姆森实验室(samson lab):主要是研发一个系统,目的是为了提供数量巨大的内存。

安全系统实验室(secure systems lab)

splat实验室(splat lab):认证研究、数字版权管理、安全移动商务、安全的软件开发环境及安全管理工具的研发。

信息安全与保障(information assurance an security)

网络安全中心(center for cyber security)

嵌入式优化实验室(embee optimization lab)

试验计算机系统实验室(experimental computer systems lab)

文件系统与存储实验室(file-systems an storage lab)

显卡硬件实验室(graphics harware lab)

美国国家安全研究所(national security institute)

网络安全与应用密码实验室(network security an applie cryptography lab)

操作系统与建筑研究实验室(operating systems,concurrency,an architecture research lab ﹙oscar﹚)

安全系统实验室(secure systems lab)

splat实验室(splat lab):认证研究、数字版权管理、安全移动商务、安全的软件开发环境及安全管理工具的研发。

信息管理(information management)

智能系统(clever systems)

应用逻辑实验室(applie logic lab)

网络与通信(networking an communication)

嵌入式优化实验室(embee optimization lab)

试验计算机系统实验室(experimental computer systems lab)

移动与传感器网络实验室(mobile an sensor networks lab)

网络实验室(net lab)

网络安全与密码应用学实验室(network security an applie cryptography lab)

wings 实验室(wings lab):研究对象与移动a hoc网络、无线局域网、无线传感器网络和普适计算应用的研究课题。

编程语言(programming languages)

应用逻辑实验室(applie logic lab)

并发性与校验实验室(concurrency an verification lab)

设计与分析研究实验室(esign an analysis research lab)

软件工程(software engineering)

智能能源(smart energy)

系统基础(systems funamentals)


视觉计算中心(center for visual computing)

显卡硬件实验室(graphics harware lab)

图像分析实验室(image analysis lab)

自然语言处理实验室(natural language processing lab)

虚拟现实实验室(virtual reality lab)

可视化分析与成像实验室(visual analytics an imaging lab)

可视化实验室(visualization lab)




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