2+2 中国英国大学联合项目...
目前很多的国内大学都开设2+2的联合办学项目,这些学生在英语国家有了学习与生活的经历,那么在申请美国研究生的时候还需要提供托福成绩吗 ?
第一种 可以免。
1 康奈尔大学,在美国或是英文国家取得学位证,即可免去托福成绩。
2 东北大学,在美国获得或是将要获得学位证,即可免去托福成绩。
3 西北大学 在英语国家取得学位证,即可免去托福成绩。
1) You hol a bachelor’s egree complete in its entirety in the Unite States or another Anglophone country.
The bachelor’s egree shoul be earne at a regionally accreite university locate in the Unite States,or at an officially recognize university in another country where English is both the language of instruction an the only officially recognize language of the country. Please note that the entire program nees to have been complete in the qualifying country.
2 哥伦比亚大学 明确说明联合项目不免托福。
Applicants who earne their unergrauate egree in a country in which English is not the official an wiely spoken language must submit either the TOEFL,IELTS,or PTE Acaemic test with their application. only one English language test is require.Applicants who earn combine,joint,or ual program egree/s from both an institution in a country where English is not the official or wiely spoken language an an institution in the UK or US are also require to submit one of the English language tests with their application even if they are aware a egree from a UK or US institution.
3 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 需要完整的本科都在英语国家读才可豁免托福。
You complete all of your unergrauate eucation an earne an unergrauate egree at an institution where the language of instruction is English only.
第三种 需要跟学校具体核实
1 卡内基梅隆大学 明确规定 要根据自己的情况发邮件询问学校。
TOEFL or IELTS scores are require of all international stuents whose native language is not English. If your native language is not English but you attene an English-speaking institution for your unergrauate egree,please check with the epartment to etermine if you will nee to take the TOEFL or IELTS exam.
2 佐治亚理工学院 只有在美国获得学位或是读满一年才可以,其他英文国家的学历并不可以。
Applicants who have receive or will receive a egree from an accreite universityin the Unite States.You must uploa an unofficial transcript from that institution within the online amissions application. If you are offere amission,the official transcript must be receive,or the TOEFL exam scores will be require to enroll.
2+2 中国英国大学联合项目...
对于大部分申请商学院的宝贝们来说,无外乎都要经历2大考试“拦路虎”,一个是语言考试,即雅思托福,另一类就是学术类考试,比如GMAT。 对于准备初期的同学们来说,先考GMAT还是先考雅思/托福,是很多人的疑问,也经常......