

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-05 01:20
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



2018年7月1日起,澳洲技术移民EOI邀请分数由60分改为65分,适用于 189,190,489签证



其他基本没有变化,海外工作经验和澳洲工作经验可以累计加分但最高只能得20分。要想获得社区语言加分需要最少通过NATTI 2级(para-professional level or above)。配偶加分还是要求通过职业评估,雅思4个6,职业与主申职业在一个列表上。

1- 根据EOI评分表,申请人已达到65分;(除会计、IT以外,其他职业大多数情况65分就能被邀请,但现在澳洲各个州会择优录取,高分者一般容易获得邀请)。2- 提交EOI是免费的,进入“申请池”后会留存两年,每人有2次提交机会;3- 每月邀请两批,申请人在收到邀请的60天内必须递交签证申请,否则邀请将被作废;4- 邀请名额的筛选是按照高分到低分,同等分数按递交早晚接受邀请;5- 递交EOI后(只有提名的职业不能更改,其他打分因素都可以更改);6- 提交EOI申请是没有时间和地域的限制的。

澳大利亚技术移民打分项澳大利亚技术移民评分说明分数年龄 Age18-242525-323033-392540-441545-490英语能力 English language ability (认可的考试类型有IELTS/OET/TOEFL iBT/PTE Acaemic/CAE,成绩单有效期3年。)雅思单项4个6分的水平(Competent English )0雅思单项4个7分的水平(Proficient English)10雅思单项4个8分的水平(Superior English)20与提名职业相关的海外工作经历 Overseas work experience in nominate occupation or a closely relate occupation3-5年相关工作经验(过去10年)55-8年相关工作经验(过去10年)108-10年相关工作经验(过去10年)15与提名职业相关的澳洲工作经历 Australian work experience in nominate occupation or a closely relate occupation1-3年相关工作经历(过去10年)53-5年相关工作经验(过去10年)105-8年相关工作经验(过去10年)158-10年相关工作经验(过去10年)20学历 Qualifications博士 Doctorate from an Australian eucational institution or other octorate of a recognise stanar20学士/硕士 At least a bachelor egree from an Australian eucational institution or other egree of a recognise stanar15文凭或技工学历 Diploma or trae qualification complete in Australia10评估机构授予的学历 An awar or qualification recognise by the assessing authority in the assessment of the skille occupation10澳洲学习  Australian stuy requirement澳大利亚学位、文凭或者技工学历 One or more egrees,iplomas or trae qualifications aware by an Australian eucational institution an meet the Australian stuy requirement5特殊专业 Specialist Eucation Qualification两个学年的澳洲硕士或博士 Post Grauate Degree by Research through a course or courses taken for at least two acaemic years at an Australian eucational institution. Fiel of Eucation: • Biological Sciences • Chemical Sciences • Earth Sciences • Mathematical Sciences • Natural an Physical Sciences • Other Natural an Physical Sciences • Physics an Astronomy • Computer Science • Information Systems • Information Technology • Other Information Technology • Aerospace Engineering an Technology • Civil Engineering • Electrical an Electronic Engineering an Technology • Engineering an Relate Technologies • Geomatic Engineering • Manufacturing Engineering an Technology • Maritime Engineering an Technology • Mechanical an Inustrial Engineering an Technology • Other Engineering an Relate Technologies • Process an Resources Engineering5其他——社区语言  Creentialle community language qualificationsNAATI二级认证 To receive points,you must provie evience that the authority has accreite you as a translator or interpreter at the paraprofessional level or above.5其他——偏远地区学习  Stuy in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area (excluing istance eucation)作为全日制学生在偏远地区学习和居住至少2年 You can receive five points if each of the following applie: • you met the Australian Stuy requirement • if you have live an stuie in regional Australia or a low population-growth metropolitan area • none of the stuy unertaken constitute istance eucation.5其他——配偶加分 Partner skill qualifications• 45周岁以下 were uner 45 years of age • 至少雅思单项4个6分的英语能力 ha at least competent English • 提名一个和主申请的提名职业在同一职业清单的职业 ha nominate an occupation on the same skille occupation list as your nominate occupation • 通过相关职业评估结构的职业评估 ha been assesse by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the nominate occupation.5其他——职业年  Professional Year4年内完成至少12个月的职业年课程 Professional year in Australia for at least 12 months in the four years before the ay you were invite to apply5担保——州领地担保  Sponsorship by state or territory government190州领担保 Nomination by state or territory government (visa subclass 190 only)5担保——偏远地区担保  Sponsorship by family or state or territory government to regional Australia489偏远地区州领地或者亲属担保 Nomination by state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member,  to resie an work in a specifie/esignate area (visa subclass 489 only)10Pass Mark:通过分65分,该评分标准适用于澳大利亚技术移民 189,190,489签证类别,于 2018.07.01 实施

年龄 Age










英语能力 English language ability (认可的考试类型有IELTS/OET/TOEFL iBT/PTE Acaemic/CAE,成绩单有效期3年。)

雅思单项4个6分的水平(Competent English )

雅思单项4个7分的水平(Proficient English)


雅思单项4个8分的水平(Superior English)


与提名职业相关的海外工作经历 Overseas work experience in nominate occupation or a closely relate occupation













学历 Qualifications

博士 Doctorate from an Australian eucational institution or other octorate of a recognise stanar


学士/硕士 At least a bachelor egree from an Australian eucational institution or other egree of a recognise stanar


文凭或技工学历 Diploma or trae qualification complete in Australia


评估机构授予的学历 An awar or qualification recognise by the assessing authority in the assessment of the skille occupation


澳洲学习  Australian stuy requirement

澳大利亚学位、文凭或者技工学历 One or more egrees,iplomas or trae qualifications aware by an Australian eucational institution an meet the Australian stuy requirement

两个学年的澳洲硕士或博士 Post Grauate Degree by Research through a course or courses taken for at least two acaemic years at an Australian eucational institution. Fiel of Eucation: • Biological Sciences • Chemical Sciences • Earth Sciences • Mathematical Sciences • Natural an Physical Sciences • Other Natural an Physical Sciences • Physics an Astronomy • Computer Science • Information Systems • Information Technology • Other Information Technology • Aerospace Engineering an Technology • Civil Engineering • Electrical an Electronic Engineering an Technology • Engineering an Relate Technologies • Geomatic Engineering • Manufacturing Engineering an Technology • Maritime Engineering an Technology • Mechanical an Inustrial Engineering an Technology • Other Engineering an Relate Technologies • Process an Resources Engineering

其他——社区语言  Creentialle community language qualifications

NAATI二级认证 To receive points,you must provie evience that the authority has accreite you as a translator or interpreter at the paraprofessional level or above.

其他——偏远地区学习  Stuy in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area (excluing istance eucation)

作为全日制学生在偏远地区学习和居住至少2年 You can receive five points if each of the following applie: • you met the Australian Stuy requirement • if you have live an stuie in regional Australia or a low population-growth metropolitan area • none of the stuy unertaken constitute istance eucation.

其他——配偶加分 Partner skill qualifications

• 45周岁以下 were uner 45 years of age • 至少雅思单项4个6分的英语能力 ha at least competent English • 提名一个和主申请的提名职业在同一职业清单的职业 ha nominate an occupation on the same skille occupation list as your nominate occupation • 通过相关职业评估结构的职业评估 ha been assesse by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the nominate occupation.

其他——职业年  Professional Year

4年内完成至少12个月的职业年课程 Professional year in Australia for at least 12 months in the four years before the ay you were invite to apply

担保——州领地担保  Sponsorship by state or territory government

190州领担保 Nomination by state or territory government (visa subclass 190 only)

担保——偏远地区担保  Sponsorship by family or state or territory government to regional Australia

489偏远地区州领地或者亲属担保 Nomination by state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member,  to resie an work in a specifie/esignate area (visa subclass 489 only)


Pass Mark:通过分65分,该评分标准适用于澳大利亚技术移民 189,190,489签证类别,于 2018.07.01 实施




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