

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-04 16:37
  • 54
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>







The Australian National University (ANU) has enjoye a perio of growth in stuent enrolments in recent years,welcoming exceptionally talente people from across Australia an aroun the worl to our campus. Deman for places at ANU continues to grow,reflecting the reputation of the University.

The University has ecie to limit growth in stuent enrolments in 2019 to preserve the unique campus environment our community so values,an to ensure every ANU stuent experiences the very best our University has to offer. Accoringly,applications for all ANU Semester 1,2019 unergrauate programs have now close.

Unergrauate stuents:

Prospective unergrauate stuents who currently hol an offer to ANU will receive a letter on Monay 05 November 2018,asking them to accept their offer within 21 ays (by Sunay,25 November 2018 AEDT) to guarantee their place.

We woul be grateful if you coul encourage ANU offer holers working with your organisation to accept their place at ANU by the new ealine of 25 November 2018,an please let any current or future applicants know that,unfortunately,ANU will not be able to consier any new applications for amission to the University for semester 1,2019.

Stuents who are worrie about meeting this ealine can contact the International Amissions Team atinternational.amissions@anu.eu.au or +61 2 6125 5594,who are here to help. The International Amissions office hours are 9am – 4:30pm (EDST),Monay to Friay.

Postgrauate stuents:

Places in our postgrauate courses are also in high eman for semester 1,2019 an we expect that postgrauate applications will also close soon. We encourage any stuent holing an offer for postgrauate stuy at ANU to accept their offer as soon as possible,to guarantee their place.

Please o not hesitate to contact the international recruitment team or your relevant regional officer if you have any questions. If there is anything that our team can o to support you in helping applicants an offer holers confirm their places,please let us know .




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