如果说Why Essay听起来有些陌生,那么大学申请文书中的Supplement想必经常见了,其实这就是所谓的why essay,大致上问学生“你为什么想来我们这所学校?” “我们这里哪里吸引你?”等等。这种问题用于区分学生是否真的对这所学校有passion或者fit。要回答好这类问题,申请者必须展现出对学校的了解,学校文化/氛围的认可,和对自己未来展望的认知。
通过各种渠道去了解这个学校的特色,比如大学官网、www.shenqing.me、usnews、Princeton review、之前的校友,或者学校的巡展活动。找出这个学校吸引你的地方,不论大小都可以。
一般情况下,当申请者写到why essay 的时候应该已经到了申请中期,也通过头脑风暴或自我反思在一定程度上了解了自己。如果没有的话,花几分钟时间回顾一下过往活动,起码得知道自己的性格、学术上的长处短板在哪里。
两个例子,大家可以参考一下Why essay到底怎么写?
Because I inten to pursue a career in photojournalism,I see the Meill School of Journalism as the Holy Grail of eucation. Offering the impressive intellectual an technical resources of a prestigious research university,Northwestern woul provie me the confience of knowing that I woul be getting the most forwar-focuse eucation in journalism… The quarter system an Meill’s internship requirements create an ieal confluence for exactly that experience … Northwestern has a gorgeous location. When I visite the campus,I was smitten with Evanston’s cozy feel. Although I initially picture myself in the heart of a city,Evanston eclipse this vision. The small town environment is comforting without being limiting,offering plenty of cafés,restaurants,an shops to explore…Meanwhile,Northwestern’s scenic lakesie location is the perfect retreat for stuying or relaxing… Brimming with enthusiasm,Northwestern has infectious school spirit. Because I assume leaving home after eighteen years will be ifficult,I count on school prie to bring me a sense of community an belonging. From the fame painte rock to the fountain spewing purple water,the robust loyalty to the university captures my heart… In short,Northwestern is my ream school because it emboies everything I value: journalism,incomparable internship opportunities,ance,an an inspiring atmosphere …
I’m one being a New Yorker born an raise in sheltere suburbia — I’m reay to get slappe in the face by the unforgiving han of NYC an to become a true Noo Yawk-ah. While not an accurate representation of what all NYU stuents think,the NYU Secrets Facebook page constantly posts the thoughts of NYU stuents resenting the bittersweet inepenence of such a large,non-traitional school,but at the same time falling in love with the knowlegeable an nurturing faculty an classes. I’m one ancing aroun on the outskirts of the arena — I’m reay to plop myself right into the frenzie mist of action. No walls insulate NYU from the sprawling labyrinth of NYC,which is ieal for a unique an exciting college experience…
文书虐我千百遍, 我待文书如初恋。申请季一到, 成千上万的小伙伴们就开始日复一日的文书之旅。而且最变态的是,不同大学有不同的文书题目和分类, 基本上每篇文章都要重新构思和撰写。为了解决大家的难题,带来了文书......
申请季一到, 成千上万的小伙伴们就开始日复一日的文书之旅。而且最变态的是,不同大学有不同的文书题目和分类, 基本上每篇文章都要重新构思和撰写。为了解决大家的难题,带来了文书撰写指南,总结了最常见的申请题型......