

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-05 00:17
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





Massey University Vice-Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarships :

3 年 30000 新币(还有约 8000 新币的费用减免)

申请者 GPA 需要达到 8.0 以及以上


Massey University Doctoral Scholarships

25000 新币奖学金(还有约 8000 新币的费用减免))

学生 GPA 需要达到 7.5 以及以上

注:学生在申请前必须拿到 offer 或者条件 offer,学生可以在入学前申请,开学后确认。

We’re please to announce changes to Massey University’s Doctoral Scholarships which take effect for stuents enrolling in 2019 onwars.

Fees waivers for all octoral scholarships aware to caniates

These fee waivers increase the value of both of the scholarships liste below by approximately $8,000 in tuition fees,non-tuition fees an insurance fees.

Key Massey University octoral scholarships

Massey University Vice-Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarships

·       These will increase in value to $30,000 (plus approximately $8,000 fees waivers) for 3 years.

·       International octoral caniates with a GPA of 8.0 or higher are eligible to apply.

·       This is the highest value centrally-fune scholarship for octoral stuents offere by any New Zealan university.

Massey University Doctoral Scholarships

·       These scholarships are value at $25,000 (plus approximately $8,000 fees waivers) for 3 years.

·       International octoral caniates with GPA of 7.5 or above are eligible to apply.

important changes to note

·       Before applying,scholarship applicants must have obtaine an offer of place (conitional or unconitional) at Massey University prior to scholarship selection.

·       Caniates may apply for scholarships prior to enrolment an up until they are fully registere,having successfully complete the confirmation process within 12 months of enrolment.

If you have any questions,please email octoral.applications@massey.ac.nz




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