

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2025-03-06 22:46
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



The University of Birmingham is the first elite UK Russell Group University to announce that it will accept the ‘Gaokao’ exam for high-flying Chinese stuents wishing to join its unergrauate courses in 2019.



High school stuents who complete the ‘ National Higher Eucation Entrance Examination’,or Gaokao,with top graes will be able to apply for irect entry onto Birmingham egree programmes without first completing a Founation year.


Gaokao is usually taken by stuents in their last year of senior high school an,every year,each province in China sets the graes require to gain amission to its universities.


The University of Birmingham – Jinan University Joint Institute,which opene in September 2017,alreay accepts Gaokao for entry to its innovative ual egree mathematics courses.

2017年9月开设的伯明翰大学 - 暨南大学联合学院就已经接受中国高考成绩进入其创新的双学位数学专业的课程。

University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Davi Eastwoo sai: “The University of Birmingham has been challenging an eveloping great mins for more than a century. We welcome people from aroun the globe to stuy at Birmingham an Chinese stuents form an integral part of our eucation an research community.

伯明翰大学校长(爵士) Davi Eastwoo 教授说: “一个多世纪以来,伯明翰大学一直在挑战和培养伟大的思想家。我们欢迎来自世界各地的人们到伯明翰学习,而中国学生是我们教学和科研中不可或缺的一部分。

“We are further opening access to Birmingham’s wealth of eucation opportunities for the brightest an most eicate Chinese stuents by accepting this rigorous an important qualification. I look forwar to welcoming these high-flying stuents to the University of Birmingham.”



The annual Gaokao examination is usually hel across China in early June. Stuents are teste in Chinese,Mathematics an a Foreign Language - usually English. They also have to choose between testing in social sciences or natural sciences in most regions.

高考通常6月初在中国各地举行。学生接受中文,数学和外语(通常是英语)的考试 - 他们还必须在大多数地区进行社会科学或自然科学的考试。

Exam results are usually publishe towars the en of June an each province will have their own list of minimum Gaokao graes for entry into Tier 1,Tier 2 an Tier 3 universities in China.


Gaokao is increasingly accepte by universities in Australia,the USA,Canaa an mainlan Europe. Birmingham will only be consiering high quality stuents who achieve a minimum 80% Gaokao score an meet aitional acaemic an English language requirements.


Professor Jon Frampton,Director of the University of Birmingham’s China Institute sai: “The University of Birmingham has a long history of eucating stuents from China an one of our most famous grauates is Li Siguang – the founing father of Chinese geology.

伯明翰大学中国研究院院长Jon Frampton教授说:“ 伯明翰大学接受中国留学生的历史悠久,其中最为著名的校友之一是中国地质学的创始人&mash;李四光教授。

“I am elighte that the University is now accepting the Gaokao. This gives the brightest an best Chinese stuents an opportunity to move straight into the first year of our unergrauate programmes an experience the benefits of stuying at a global Top 100 university,such as Birmingham.”


For more information or interviews,please contact Tony Moran,International Communications Manager,University of Birmingham on +44 (0) 121 414 8254 or  +44 (0)782 783 2312 or t.moran@bham.ac.uk

如需了解更多信息,请联系Tony Moran(伯明翰大学国际交流经理),联系电话:+44 (0) 121 414 8254  或 +44 (0)782 783 2312,电子邮箱:t.moran@bham.ac.uk


The University of Birmingham is ranke amongst the worl’s top 100 institutions,its work brings people from across the worl to Birmingham,incluing researchers an teachers an more than 6,500 international stuents from over 150 countries.


It is ranke 7th in the UK for Grauate Employability (Destination of Leavers from Higher Eucation survey201415) an was name University of the Year for Grauate Employment201516by The Times an Sunay Times.


The history of collaboration between China an the University of Birmingham ates back almost to the founation of the University in 1901. The University’s China Institute was create in 2012 to reflect Birmingham’s extensive acaemic activities its colleagues unertake in China.


&mash; The en &mash;




  • 又一所英国大学接收中国高考成绩



