

  • 留学二三事
  • 2025-03-25 13:28
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





专业: MSc Meia an Communications 媒体与交流




Theories an Concepts in Meia an Communications I 媒体与通信的理论与概念 1

Theories an Concepts in Meia an Communications II 媒体与通信的理论与概念 2

Methos of Research in Meia an Communications 媒体与通信研究方法

Dissertation 论文

Courses to the value of one an a half units from a range of options


Course number,title (unit value)

Paper 1

MC408 Theories an Concepts in Meia an Communications I (Key concepts an interisciplinary approaches) (0.5) 媒体和通信的理论和概念

MC418 Theories an Concepts in Meia an Communications II (Processes of communication in moern life) (0.5) 媒体和通信的理论和概念

Paper 2

One of the following 0.5 unit courses:

MC4M1 Methos of Research in Meia & Communications (incluing Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis) (0.5) 媒体研究方法

MC4M7 Methos of Research in Meia & Communications (incluing Qualitative Analysis & Applie Regression Analysis) (0.5) A 媒体研究方法

Paper 3

Courses to the value of 1.5 unit(s) from the following:

MC401 Meiate Resistance an Activism (0.5) 中介抵抗和行动主义

MC402 The Auience in Meia an Communications (0.5) 媒体和通信领域的受众

MC403 Contemporary Issues in Meia an Communications Policy (0.5) 媒体和传播政策的当代问题

MC404 Political Communication in Democracies (0.5) 民主政治沟通

MC407 International Meia an The Global South (0.5) 国际媒体和全球南方

MC409 Meia,Technology an Everyay Life (0.5) 媒体,技术和日常生活

MC416 Representation in the Age of Globalisation (0.5) 全球化时代的代表

MC420 Ientity,Transnationalism an the Meia (0.5) (not available201819) 身份,跨国主义和媒体

MC423 Global Meia Inustries (0.5) 全球媒体行业

MC425 Interpersonal Meiate Communication (0.5) 人际协调沟通

MC426 Film Theory an Worl Cinema (0.5) 电影理论和世界电影

MC427 Digital Meia Futures (0.5) 数字媒体未来

MC432 Strategic Communication in Practice: Professional Perspectives (0.5) 战略沟通实践:专业视角

MC434 Digital Platforms an Meia Infrastructures (0.5) 数字平台和媒体基础设置

MC435 Disruptive Digital Worls: Competing Economic an Political Economy Explanations (0.5)


MC436 Meiating the Past (0.5) 调节过去

Any other MSc level course which is offere in the School,subject to the consent of the caniate’s programme irector.

Paper 4

MC499 Dissertation: Meia an Communications (1.0) B 论文,媒体和通信


2:1 egree or equivalent in social science,or egree in another fiel with professional experience in the meia an communications fiel. Exceptionally,professional experience alone

To be consiere for amission to a taught master’s programme,we woul normally require a bachelor’s egree with an overall mark of 85 per cent from applicants who have attene a highly regare institution in China,with all other applicants we woul normally require a mark of at least 90 per cent.




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