

  • 小英话留学
  • 2024-09-02 14:13:15
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>







亚利桑那大学( The University of Arizona ),简称UA,坐落于美国 亚利桑那州图森市,始创于 1885 年。由于地缘因素,该校的计算机、天文、地质、地理、土建等学科有着雄厚的科研实力,而人类学、社会学、哲学,工程学在美国也名列前茅,被誉为 “ 公立常青藤 ” 大学之一,同时也是 62 所北美顶尖研究型大学联盟 &lquo; 美国大学协会 (AAU)&rquo; 成员。UA 是美国最富盛名的研究型大学之一,每年从美国国家科学基金会( National Science Founation )获得接近 7 亿美元的科研经费,该校的学生来自超过全球 120 个国家和地区,拥有超过 500 个学生组织和社团以及全美唯一的高校校内天文台(根据 US news 世界大学排名 2015,该校的宇宙空间大类学科排名世界前 5,光学中心被称为世界三大光学中心之一,是 NASA 的重要太空辅助基地)。

二、亚利桑那大学课程表 &mash; 以本科市场营销专业为例

BNAD 455 - Small Business Development & Consulting小型企业发展与咨询Spring      This course provies a project base,integrative course that brings together all aspects of business. Stuents are challenge to integrate accounting,marketing,finance,operations an management skills into one project. Classroom activities focus on consulting skills an help stuents evelop a framework for analyzing current business processes with a problem solving aim. Each stuent consulting team will work with a local small business owner.  Professional guiance an mentoring for each team will be provie by local business professionals an Eller alumni,in aition to Eller faculty an staff.


MKTG 423 - Digital Marketing数字营销

Spring   The proliferation of the internet,mobile,an other igital technologies has change the nature of the marketplace an offere new opportunities for both consumers an marketers. This course will iscuss how igital technologies have change the marketplace an help stuents acquire the theoretical unerstaning an practical tools neee to buil an effective igital marketing strategy. Specifically,the course will help stuents unerstan how the igital environment has change consumer behavior,what features to inclue in a customer-frienly website,how to leverage search marketing an social meia to attract customers,an how to assess the effectiveness of ifferent igital marketing tactics. In orer to evelop these skills,stuents will be require to (a) complete assigne reaings,(b) analyze case stuies,© actively contribute to class iscussions,() complete a final examination,an (e) evelop an implement an actual igital marketing strategy as part of a group project.

互联网,移动和其他数字技术的激增改变了市场的本质,为消费者和营销人员提供了新的机会。本课程将讨论数字技术如何改变市场,帮助学生获得构建有效数字营销战略所需的理论知识和实用工具。具体而言,该课程将帮助学生了解数字环境如何改变消费者行为,在客户友好型网站中包含哪些功能,如何利用搜索营销和社交媒体吸引客户,以及如何评估不同数字营销的有效性策略。为了发展这些技能,学生将被要求( a )完成指定的阅读,( b )分析案例研究,( c )积极参与课堂讨论,()完成期末考试,( e )制定和实施作为集团项目的一部分,实际的数字营销战略。

MKTG 425 - Avertising Management广告管理

The management an evelopment of effective avertising communications; nees an market ientification,message creation,meia selection,an measurement of results.

有效广告传播的管理和发展 ; 需求和市场识别,消息创建,媒体选择和结果测量。

MKTG 426 - Pricing & Channels定价和渠道

Spring   Great proucts an services are supporte by attractive avertising an istribution create value for the customer while effective pricing captures value for the company. Although pricing cannot fully compensate for poor prouct evelopment,promotion an istribution,ineffective pricing can surely prevent those efforts from resulting in financial success. Many companies create great value for their customers yet fail to capture that value in their earnings ue to lack of integration between their value creation activities an their pricing ecisions. Experts say that for marketing strategists,pricing is the moment of truth. The purpose of this course is to equip you with the require expertise,this course covers theories,conceptual frameworks an analytical tools use to make effective pricing ecisions. Pricing strategy of a company is constraine by its choice of &lquo;marketing channels an istribution systems&rquo; to eliver value. This course also examines key issues in esigning an managing marketing channels to minimize channel conflict an maximize value capture.


MKTG 428 - Sales Communications 销售沟通技巧

Spring   Persuasion,negotiation,an customer relationship management in interpersonal marketing communications; application of selling skills in business settings.

人际营销传播中的说服力,谈判和客户关系管理 ; 在商业环境中应用销售技巧

MKTG 452 - Integrate Marketing Communications整合营销传播

Spring   The management of all promotion mix elements in proviing integrate marketing communications to markets; topics inclue avertising,public relations,sales promotions an new meia.

管理所有促销组合元素,为市场提供整合营销传播 ; 主题包括广告,公共关系,促销和新媒体。

以上就是关于亚利桑那大学课程表相关内容,想要申请的同学可以多多了解,如果大家还有疑问或者想要知道自己的情况适不适合申请,可以在线联系 Hannah 老师,我会给大家专业的解答。




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