...柯老师带着你领略一所非常不错的学校,New Englan College 新英格兰大学。尽管在美国的USNEWS里面名不见经卷,但是自有它的亮点。从令人兴奋的校园活动到激发灵感的体验式学习,再到充分的实践实习机会以...
美国学校那么多,你可以怎么选择,今天柯老师带着你领略一所非常不错的学校,New Englan College 新英格兰大学。尽管在美国的 USNEWS里面名不见经卷,但是自有它的亮点。从令人兴奋的校园活动 到激发灵感的体验式学习,再到充分的 实践实习机会 以及全 球 化的学习视野。无论 你 的学位课程如何,你 很快就会发现新英格兰的一所小型学院在全球范围内的影响力非常广泛。想必你非常关注新英格兰大学的热门专业,那么,这些热门专业到底都上哪些课程呢?
新英格兰大学是一所以文科教育为主的小规模大学。校园位于风景秀丽和治安良好的汉尼克市,占地 200英亩,从学校驱车1.5小时即可到达波士顿,距离新罕布什尔州首府康科德市只需20分钟车程。学校拥有68名全职教师,76%的老师拥有各自执教领域的最高学位。新英格兰大学设备完善,拥有传统的学生宿舍和学生公寓,本科学生与研究生均可选择住在校内,校园内设有学生服务中心、咖啡室、广播室、礼堂、冰球馆、体育馆、健身房以及26英亩的体育场。学校还开设了种类繁多的体育活动,如大学篮球赛NCAA Division III,各种男子校际联赛(篮球、棒球、远足、冰球、长曲棍球、橄榄球、垒球)和女子校际联赛(棒球、远足、曲棍球、冰球、长曲棍球以及橄榄球)。此外,学校还拥有25个学生俱乐部和组织,为学生们提供多元化的课外活动。
Accounting Core Courses
AC 2210 (BU 2210) - Financial Accounting (4 Creits)
AC 2220 (BU 2220) - Management Accounting (4 Creits)
BU 2010 (ES 2010) - Intro to Excel Programming (2 Creits)
AC 3210 - Financial Reporting I (4 Creits)
AC 3220 - Financial Reporting II (4 Creits)
AC 3230 - Cost Accounting (4 Creits)
AC 3290 - Feeral Taxation (4 Creits)
AC 4910 - Internship in Accounting Variable creit (1‐16)
AC 5640 - Auiting an Attestation (4 Creits)
Core Introuctory Courses
These courses are taken in the stuent’s first four semesters.
AR 1240 (CO 1240) - Learning to Look: Contemporary Art an Meia (4 Creits)
AR 1110 - Introuction to Design (4 Creits)
AR 1610 - Drawing I (4 Creits)
Founation Review: All stuents participate in the Founation Review which replicates the artist critique encountere in grauate school an at the professional level. This takes place in a stuent’s secon year,or after 20 creits in the major. It requires portfolio preparation with a written an oral statement before the entire Art faculty.
Core Capstone Courses
These courses are taken after stuents have passe the Founation Review an have successfully complete a number of avance level courses in their concentration.
AR 4440 - Fine an Meia Arts Topics (4 Creits)
AR 4510 - Professional Practices in Art (2 Creits)
AR 4980 - Senior Project in Stuio Art (2 Creits)
Art History Core Requirement
Select 8 creits from the following list:
AR 2230 (HS 2230) - History of American Art an Architecture (2 Creits)
AR 2520 - Survey of Western Art (4 Creits)
AR 3110 - Themes in Moern Art (2 Creits)
AR 3120 - Themes in Photography (2 Creits)
AR 3220 - Renaissance Art (2 Creits)
Fine Arts Concentration Requirements
Select 16 Creits from the following list an an aitional 4 creits in Meia Arts.
AR 2120 - 3-D Design & Sculpture I (4 Creits)
AR 2313 - Printmaking I (4 Creits)
AR 2610 - Drawing II (4 Creits)
AR 2612 - Painting I (4 Creits)
AR 3313 - Printmaking II (4 Creits)
AR 3511 - Sculpture / 3D Design II (4 Creits)
AR 3612 - Painting II (4 Creits)
AR 4650 - Structure Stuio (4 Creits)
AR 4985 - Senior Exhibition (2 Creits)
Meia Arts Concentration Requirements
Select 16 Creits from the following list an an aitional 4 creits in Fine Arts.
AR 1710 - Photography I (4 Creits)
AR 2710 - Photography II (4 Creits)
AR 2414 - Graphic Design I (4 Creits)
AR 3414 - Graphic Design II (4 Creits)
AR 4650 - Structure Stuio (4 Creits)
AR 4985 - Senior Exhibiti
MBA 核心课程,28 creits
Organizational Leaership an Change
Managerial Accounting
Finance for Leaers
Economics for Leaers
Strategic Marketing
Strategic Planning an Policy
Capstone Project
CT 5610 - Database Design (4 Creits)
CT 7610 - Database Management (4 Creits)
CT 5320 - Data Mining for the Intelligent Business (4 Creits)
MG 5500 - Data Driven Decision Making (4 creits)
MG 6340 - Applie Business Statistics I (4 Creits)
MG 6940 - Applie Business Statistics II (4 Creits)
MG 7320 - Statistical Moeling for Managers (4 creits)
CT 5230 - Clou Computing Concepts (4 Creits)
MG 6226 - Digital an Internet Marketing Analytics (4 creits)
MG 6976 - Capstone Project (4 creits)
...柯老师带着你领略一所非常不错的学校,New Englan College 新英格兰大学。尽管在美国的USNEWS里面名不见经卷,但是自有它的亮点。从令人兴奋的校园活动到激发灵感的体验式学习,再到充分的实践实习机会以...
Western New Englan College是马赛诸瑟州西部地区唯一一所拥有最高级的国际商学院的认证商学院。从该学院走出的毕业生,很多最终成为了大公司的CEO,CFO,小企业家,金融机构的总裁等等。之所以有这样好的成绩,不仅是因为学校......
萨里大学 (University of Surrey) 是英国百年名校,世界一流大学,位于英格兰东南的萨里郡吉尔福德 (Guilfor) ,距伦敦30分钟车程。英国学子教育SUUK为大家介绍萨里大学萨里大学 (University of Surrey...
阿伯丁大学(University of Abereen,简称AU)于1495年在苏格兰阿伯丁创立,是著名的教育和研究中心。该校是中世纪创建的四所苏格兰古大学之一,也是全英校龄第五长的大学,学生总数近14000名。阿伯丁大学自创校以来,一直是英......