

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






新罕布什尔大学(Southern New Hampshire University,简称SNHU),学校位于美国新罕布什尔州的曼彻斯特市,是一所私立综合性大学,自1932年建校以来,即以高质量的教学和独特的教育理念吸引了美国本土50个州及全球60多个国家的众多学子前来就读,该校被U.S. News & Worl Report列为最好的商科院校之一。美国前总统奥巴马于2016获得该校荣誉博士学位。




美国商学院联盟Association of Collegiate Business Schools an Programs

美国新英格兰地区教育协会New Englan Association of Schools an Colleges

美国酒店管理认证委员会Accreitation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Aministration

美国餐饮协会教育学院American Culinary Feeration Eucational Institute

欧洲商学联盟European Council for Business Eucation

新罕布什尔州高等教育委员会New Hampshire Postseconary Eucation Commission

新罕布什尔州教师资格认定机构New Hampshire State Department of Eucation for Teacher Certification

北美体育管理协会North American Society for Sport Management




AAS 421 (01) - Large Animal Behavior an Hanling Techniques

Large Animal Behav & Hanling

Creits:2.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:12779

Introuction to omestic large animal behavior an hanling techniques. Cattle,horses,swine,an sheep are use in this course. Stuents perform routine health-relate proceures an gain valuable hans-on skills an safe animal hanling techniques which can be applie to the fiels of veterinary meicine,animal research,commercial agriculture,an animal control. 1 lec/1 lab.Section Comments:See Drew Conroy for permission.

only liste majors in section:VET TECH

Instructors:Anrew Conroy, Jean Demetracopoulos

8/27/201812/10/2018T10:10am - 11:00amCOLE 2198/27/201812/10/2018T12:10pm - 2:00pmBART 128

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Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 421 (02) - Large Animal Behavior an Hanling Techniques

Large Animal Behav & Hanling

Creits:2.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:12780

Introuction to omestic large animal behavior an hanling techniques. Cattle,horses,swine,an sheep are use in this course. Stuents perform routine health-relate proceures an gain valuable hans-on skills an safe animal hanling techniques which can be applie to the fiels of veterinary meicine,animal research,commercial agriculture,an animal control. 1 lec/1 lab.

Instructors:Anrew Conroy, Meghan Gennings

8/27/201812/10/2018T10:10am - 11:00amCOLE 2198/27/201812/10/2018T2:10pm - 4:00pmBART 128

Click to see:

Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 421 (05) - Large Animal Behavior an Hanling Techniques

Large Animal Behav & Hanling

Creits:2.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:17496

Introuction to omestic large animal behavior an hanling techniques. Cattle,horses,swine,an sheep are use in this course. Stuents perform routine health-relate proceures an gain valuable hans-on skills an safe animal hanling techniques which can be applie to the fiels of veterinary meicine,animal research,commercial agriculture,an animal control. 1 lec/1 lab.

Instructors:Anrew Conroy, Meghan Gennings

8/27/201812/10/2018T4:10pm - 6:00pmBART 1288/27/201812/10/2018T10:10am - 11:00amCOLE 219

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Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 425 (01) - Introuction to Dairy Her Management

Intro to Dairy Her Management

Creits:4.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:40CRN:12781

The course explores economic,scientific an practical aspects of airy her management. The topics covere inclue history,cattle selection,nutrition,housing,milking,an isease prevention strategies. There are a number of fiel trips an weekly labs emphasizing management an hans-on experience.

Instructors:Anrew Conroy

8/27/201812/10/2018MWF9:10am - 10:00amBART 1288/27/201812/10/2018F1:10pm - 3:00pmBART 128

Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 428 (01) - Anatomy an Physiology of Domestic Animals

Anat/Physiol Domestic Animals

Creits:3.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:60CRN:14031

An overview lecture course escribing the anatomy (structure) an physiology (function) of omestic animals,focusing on canine,feline,equine,an bovine species. Anatomic an physiologic topics are intertwine as the course progresses through each boy system. Relevant species ifferences are stresse. Focus is on applie concepts appropriate for animal-relate careers. Course is esigne to be taken along with AAS 428A or AAS 428B for AAS an VTEC majors respectively.

Instructors:Sarah Proctor

8/27/201812/10/2018MWF8:10am - 9:00amBART 134

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Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 428A (01) - Anatomy an Physiology of Domestic Animals Lab for AAS majors

AnatPhysiol Lab AAS

Creits:1.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:14378

Reinforces material presente in AAS 428 lecture an introuces stuents to the animal boy by hans-on stuy of anatomy. Anatomical relationships an concepts that are important for the care of animals are presente. Comparative anatomy of bovine,equine,feline,an canine species is covere. Some issection of speciments is require. Course is require of Applie Animal Science majors an is esigne to be taken along with AAS 428 lecture.Co-requisite of AAS 428

Instructors:Allison Powers

8/27/201812/10/2018M1:10pm - 3:00pmBART 202

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Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 428B (01) - Anatomy an Physiology of Domestic Animals Lab for VTEC majors

AnatPhysiol Lab VTEC

Creits:1.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:14381

Reinforces material presente in AAS 428 lecture an introuces stuents to the animal boy by hans-on stuy of anatomy. Anatomical relationships an concepts that are important for the meical care of animals are presente. The feline species will be the primary anatomical moel use. Comparative anatomy of bovine,equine,an avian species will also be covere. Course is require of Veterinary Technology majors an is esigne to be taken along with AAS 428 lecture.Co-requisite of AAS 428

only liste majors in section:VET TECH

Instructors:Carrie Finke

8/27/201812/10/2018M9:10am - 11:00amBART 202

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Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 428B (03) - Anatomy an Physiology of Domestic Animals Lab for VTEC majors

AnatPhysiol Lab VTEC

Creits:1.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:17106

Reinforces material presente in AAS 428 lecture an introuces stuents to the animal boy by hans-on stuy of anatomy. Anatomical relationships an concepts that are important for the meical care of animals are presente. The feline species will be the primary anatomical moel use. Comparative anatomy of bovine,equine,an avian species will also be covere. Course is require of Veterinary Technology majors an is esigne to be taken along with AAS 428 lecture.Co-requisite of AAS 428

only liste majors in section:VET TECH

Instructors:Carrie Finke

8/27/201812/10/2018M11:10am - 1:00pmBART 202

Click to see:

Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 430 (1HY) - Small Animal Brees an Behavior

Small Animal Brees & Behavior

Creits:4.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:14032

Overview of the evelopment,selection,genetics,an function of specific brees of companion animals. General og an cat,as well as bree-specific,behavior is inclue. 2 lec/1 lab.

Attributes:online with some campus visits,EUNH

Instructors:Allison Powers

8/27/201812/10/2018Hours ArrangeONLINE8/27/201812/10/2018WF12:10pm - 1:00pmCOLE 2198/27/201812/10/2018R10:10am - 12:00pmBART 202

Click to see:

Durham   Thompson School of Applie Sci > Applie Animal Science

AAS 430 (2HY) - Small Animal Brees an Behavior

Small Animal Brees & Behavior

Creits:4.0Term:Fall 2018 - Full Term (08/27/2018 - 12/10/2018)

Class Size:20CRN:14033

Overview of the evelopment,selection,genetics,an function of specific brees of companion animals. General og an cat,as well as bree-specific,behavior is inclue. 2 lec/1 lab.

Attributes:online with some campus visits,EUNH

Instructors:Allison Powers

8/27/201812/10/2018WF12:10pm - 1:00pmCOLE 2198/27/201812/10/2018R12:10pm - 2:00pmBART 2028/27/201812/10/2018Hours ArrangeONLINE




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    新罕布什尔大学(University of Newhampshire)成立于1866年,前身是新罕布什尔农业与机械艺术学院,是该地区为普通劳动劳动人民的子女接受高等教育而建立的。...

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