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  • 2025-03-12 17:43
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Freshman Acaemic Scholarships

Priority Dealine: March 1,2019



Acaemic scholarships are base on ACT/SAT test scores (excluing writing portion) an high acaemic ability as inicate by grae point average. To receive any Oklahoma City University merit-base scholarships,incoming fall 2019 freshmen must submit their application an all require ocuments* by the priority ealine of March 1,2019. After the priority ealine scholarship amounts are not guarantee. Full-time enrollment of 12 or more hours per semester is require for scholarship. Awars are renewable up to seven consecutive semesters (excluing summer terms) with require minimum cumulative 3.0 unweighte GPA. Oklahoma City University recalculates every high school grae point average on a stanar 4.0 scale.**

ACT: 22-23SAT: 1100-1150Opportunity Awar$1,700/yr$2,200/yr$2,700/yrACT: 24-25SAT: 1160-1220Achievement Awar$2,200/yr$2,700/yr$3,200/yrACT: 26-28SAT: 1230-1320University Awar$3,300/yr$3,800/yr$4,300/yrACT: 29-32SAT: 1330-1440Presiential Awar$5,400/yr$5,900/yr$6,400/yrACT: 33-36SAT: 1450-1600Provost Awar$7,000/yr$7,500/yr$8,000/yr
TEST SCORESCHOLARSHIPGPA 3.0-3.29GPA 3.30-3.59GPA 3.60-4.0

*Require ocuments inclue application,application essay,official high school transcript,official test scores,high school counselor’s recommenation form,an $55 application fee.

**All Pre-AP,Honors,an AP courses are weighte on a 5 point scale (A=5,B=4,C=3,D=1). Our calculation will be use for amission an scholarship purposes.

Freshman Departmental Awars*

Stuents who are amitte to an enrolle in the Petree College of Arts an Sciences,Meiners School of Business,or the Kramer School of Nursing will be aware a epartmental scholarship in conjunction with the acaemic merit scholarship. This awar is base on a combination of the stuent ACT or SAT (excluing writing portion) an high school GPA.** Full-time enrollment of 12 or more hours per semester is require for scholarship.

NOTE:The same ealines apply for epartmental awars as they o for merit-base scholarships. See merit-base scholarships for more etails.

ACT: 22-23SAT: 1100-1150Departmental Awar$3,000/yr$3,500/yr$4,000/yrACT: 24-25SAT: 1160-1220Departmental Awar$4,000/yr$4,500/yr$5,000/yrACT: 26-28SAT: 1230-1320Departmental Awar$6,000/yr$6,500/yr$7,000/yrACT: 29-32SAT: 1330-1440Departmental Awar$9,000/yr$9,500/yr$10,000/yrACT: 33-36SAT: 1450-1600Departmental Awar$10,000/yr$10,500/yr$11,000/yr
TEST SCORESCHOLARSHIPGPA 3.0-3.29GPA 3.30-3.59GPA 3.60-4.0

*Stuents who are amitte to the Wana L. Bass School of Music,the School of Theatre,or the Ann Lacy School of American Dance an Arts Management programs are eligible to auition for talent scholarships an are not eligible to receive these epartmental awars.






