

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2025-03-05 02:37
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





On this page you will fin links to some of the many scholarships opportunities available to DBU stuents.

Each scholarship has specific eligibility requirements.

Some are base on acaemic performance or other special talents.  These are callemerit-base scholarships.

Others are base on financial nee. These are callenee-base scholarships.**New stuents** shoul contact the Office of Unergrauate Amissions for complete an current information on scholarships for new stuents.

Click on the category of scholarship below for aitional information.

  • General
  • Ministerial Career
  • Eucation
  • Music
  • Other DBU Relate Scholarships
  • Scholarship Opportunities Outsie of DBU


Please consult Blackboar frequently uring the semester for upates on private scholarship opportunities. All enrolle stuents are members of the &lquo;Stuent Scholarships Organization&rquo; in Blackboar. This organization shoul appear irectly below our list of current classes when you open Blackboar. Private scholarships come from banks,private founations,trusts an community organizations,not from DBU.

The spring of each year is the best time to apply for scholarships.  All private scholarships have spring ealines that awar for the following acaemic year.

If you have questions regaring a DBU scholarship,please contact the Office of Financial Ai at our email aress  or by phone at 214-333-5363. Please irect questions regaring private scholarships to the Office of Scholarship an Grant Resources at 214-333-5278.




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