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密西根州立大学( Michigan State University)(原译名:密歇根州立大学),简称MSU,成立于1855年的,坐落在美国 密歇根州东兰辛 市,是一所世界一流的公立 研究型大学,是北美顶尖大学学术联盟 美国大学协会 ( AAU)的成员之一,被誉为“ 公立常青藤 ”大学。同时,本校法学院也拥有非常多的名师团队。


2017年U.S. News大学综合排名为世界第78名,美国第81名。上海交大 ARWU 世界大学排名世界第 92名,2018年 QS世界大学排名 里排名世界第 149位。

密歇根州立大学不但以教育、农业和传媒理论闻名,同时也是包装与 音乐治疗 研究的先锋,学校在传媒领域排名全美前四,其中包括国际与多元文化通讯、大众传播以及人际通讯等专业均处于世界顶尖水平;教育学院下的小学师范和中学师范专业排名全美第一,教育管理排名全美第二,教育心理学 排名第五;商学院的 供应链管理 亦位列全美第一,国际金融 、 市场营销 等专业排名前 20。核物理专业也位列全美第一。密歇根州立大学还拥有全美历史第二悠久的 酒店管理 学院。学校的海外研修课程提供超过 60个国家总计200多个课程,遍及全球所有的洲(包括 南极洲 ),是全美单一校园大学中规模最大的一个。


Professor Bruce W. Bean began his international career upon grauation from Brown University as recipient of the first Thomas J. Watson Fellowship,which enable him to spen a year in Southeast Asia stuying stuent political activity. After receiving his law egree,Professor Bean clerke for Juge Leonar P. Moore on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Secon Circuit. He practice law at Simpson,Thacher & Bartlett an then Patterson,Belknap,Webb & Tyler,where he worke closely with Ruolph Giuliani,later Mayor of New York City. Professor Bean then worke as Counsel for Finance & Planning at the Atlantic Richfiel Company in Los Angeles. He returne to New York as Executive Vice Presient an General Counsel of a iversifie financial services company liste on the New York Stock Exchange. While in this position Professor Bean continue his active involvement in mergers,acquisitions an ivestitures an actively lobbie on behalf of his company’s interests in Washington.

At the College of Law Professor Bean has taught Business Enterprises,Strategic International Transactions,the Global Law Colloquium,Corporate Law Colloquium,Doing Business in Transitional Political Systems,an the Jessup International Moot Court Competition. He also serves as Faculty Avisor to the International Law Review. Professor Bean is the former Director of the LL.M. for Foreign Lawyers Program.  He has been electe Faculty Commencement Speaker by the Classes of 2010,2015,2017 an the LL.M. Class grauating in December 2011He has taught courses for the Law College in Loz,Polan,Kaunas,Lithuania an in Dubai. He has previously taught at the University of San Diego’s Moscow Institute in Russia an at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute.

Recently Professor Bean has been writing about corruption at FIFA,the global football/soccer aministrator.  He has also written articles on bribery an corruption,Sovereign Wealth Funs,an the extraterritorial application of U.S. law. He has also written a chapter entitle &lquo;Yukos an Mikhail Khoorkovsky: An Unfoling Drama,&rquo; publishe in Corporate Governance in Russia,&lquo;Doing Business in the New Russia,&rquo; The International Lawyer,Fall 2001,an was lea author of &lquo;Mergers & Acquisitions in Russia,&rquo; in Corporate Acquisitions an Mergers. His current research an writing focuses on international efforts to combat corruption an international corporate governance. He is the past Chair of the Extraterritorial Jurisiction Committee of the International Law Association - American Branch an of the American Bar Association’s Russian-Eurasian Law Committee.

Professor Bean live an worke in Russia from March 1995 to July 2003. He was Managing Partner of Couert Brothers’ Moscow office until June 1998 when he became Hea of Corporate an Foreign Direct Investment for Cliffor Chance - Moscow,at the time the leaing law firm in Russia an the worl’s largest international law firm. While in Moscow,he was active with the Gore-Chernomyrin Commission an serve as Chairman of both Unite Way Moscow an the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia. He is one of the original founers of the Russian Institute of Corporate Law & Governance.

Professor Bean has been a Russian Business Expert Witness in a U.S. Tax Court proceeing, Buyuk LLC et al. v Commissioner,in Berezovsky v. Abramovich,in the Unite Kingom High Court of Justice,Queen’s Bench Division (Commercial Court) an in Yukos Oil Company v. Kravin Investments,et al.,at the Lonon Court of International Arbitration. He appears often as a speaker on corruption an on oing business in Russia.

During his years in Russia Professor Bean’s work with the Gore-Chernomyrin Commission an as Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia brought him in close contact with many senior government officials in the Russian government,incluing Presient Boris Yeltsin,an Prime Ministers Victor Chernomyrin,Yevgeny Primakoff an Sergei Stepashin. On the American sie as well,Professor Bean met with Presient Clinton an Vice Presient Gore as well as with numerous cabinet members from both the Clinton an G. W. Bush Aministrations. These inclue Secretary of State Maeline Albright,Secretaries of the Treasury Robert Rubin,Lawrence Summers an Paul O’Neill,Secretary of Defense William Cohen,Secretaries of Commerce William Daley an Donal Evans,Secretary of Energy Bill Richarson an National Security Avisor Conoleezza Rice. Congressional leaers with responsibility for policy an programs in Russia consulte regularly with Professor Bean uring their visits to Moscow. These inclue Senators Carl Levin,Frank Lugar,Representatives Steny Hoyer,Richar Gephart,Charles Rangel an numerous others. Professor Bean remains an opinion leaer on Russian policy matters an continues active in attempting to improve Russian American relations.

Professor Bean has mae innumerable speeches an written ozens of articles,principally on topics relate to oing business in Russia,Russia’s political economy as well as on corruption an global corporate governance. He has been interviewe on Russian,Chinese an Unite Arab Emirates raio as well as PBS,an has been quote in many publications,incluing the New York Times,The Wall Street Journal,The Times of Lonon,an The Moscow Times.





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    密西根州立大学(Michigan State University)(原译名:密歇根州立大学),简称MSU,成立于1855年的,坐落在美国密歇根州东兰辛市,是一所世界一流的公立研究型大学,是北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的成员之一,被......

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