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曼尼托巴大学始建于 1877 年,简称曼大,主校园占地 274 公顷,是加拿大西部第一所大学,也是曼省最大的研究类大学,作为大学联合会和加拿大高等学院联盟的成员,在加拿大及世界范围内享有盛名。在过去的 100 多年中,学校在科研方面取得了显著的成绩。在最近的 30 年,曼尼托巴的学生获得罗德奖学金的人数多于其他任何一个加拿大的学校。如下,小编列举了曼大的知名教授并附上链接:


avi barber– professor,ph.. ﹙waterloo﹚

professor of environment an geography an canaa research chair in arctic system science clayton h. riell faculty of environment earth an resources university of manitoba,winnipeg,mb


rick bayack- professor,ph.. ﹙colorao state﹚

professor in the clayton h. riell faculty of environment,earth,an resources at the university of manitoba in the epartment of environment an geography


mary benbow**– associate professor,ph.. ﹙liverpool﹚** epartment of environment an geographyclayton h. riell faculty of environment,earth,an resources详细介绍:

jens ehn- associate professor,ph.. ﹙manitoba﹚

r. jens ehn ’ s research aims to improve the unerstaning of physical processes an interactions in seasonally ice-covere marine environments. his current research utilizes fiel observations,remote sensing an moeling to stuy:


bruce erickson- assistant professor,ph.. ﹙york﹚

his work examines the cultural politics of outoor recreation,asking how the spheres of leisure an recreation form an integral part of our interactions with the social an physical worl.rawing from cultural geography,political ecology,environmental history,psychoanalysis,leisure stuies an critical theory,he aims to highlight how recreational activities are a useful starting place for unerstaning our relationship to nature,incluing the consequences our ieas about what counts as nature ﹙an how we shoul protect an use nature﹚ has on the worl aroun use.


bonnie hallman– associate professor,ph.. ﹙guelph﹚

she has been a human geographer in the epartment since 2001,arriving from an assistant professor position hel since 1997 at california state university,chico. my principal areas of research are in family,gener an social /cultural geography.


john hanesiak– professor,ph.. ﹙manitoba﹚

prior to joining the university of manitoba in 2001,he was an operational meteorologist with environment an climate change canaa ﹙formerly environment canaa,when i was there﹚ at the prairie an arctic storm preiction centre ﹙paspc﹚.


mark hanson–acting epartment hea,associate professor,ph.. ﹙guelph﹚

associate professorepartment of environment an geography

r. hanson’s research focuses on the response of freshwater organisms to various types of stressors,with a special emphasis on aquatic plants an invertebrates. the interactions between organisms an the way in which these can influence the stress response are stuie at the laboratory an fiel-level.


stephane mclachlan– professor,ph.. ﹙york﹚

stéphane joine the epartment of environment an geography in 2003,having previously been cross-appointe in the environmental science program an epartment of botany. his teaching an research focus on the interface between the biological an social sciences,an his research group is particularly intereste in community centere an action research with farmers,rural communities,,an first nations across western north america,europe,an asia.


c.j. muny- associate professor,ph.. ﹙manitoba﹚,grauate chair

climate warming an the rapily isappearing arctic sea ice cover have impose new variability an likely irectional change on the arctic marine ecosystem. improving our unerstaning of variability an change in the polar marine ecosystem in the face of a rapily changing environment unerpins his current research goals. his research has a particular focus on primary proucers in the arctic marine ice-covere ecosystem,which inclue sea ice algae,ice melt water ﹙brackish﹚ flora an phytoplankton.


jill oakes– professor,ph.. ﹙manitoba﹚

increasing our unerstaning of human aaptation to environmental change raws together multi-isciplinary factors. his research interests explore the factors influencing humans an our environment within a cultural context. he is especially intereste in families living in the polar an sub-arctic regions,as well as islan populations. traitional knowlege an the processes use to pass knowlege on from one generation to the next,informal subsistence economy,the meaning an importance of place ﹙eg heritage sites﹚ or lifestyle ﹙eg hunting + trapping﹚,gener an role efinitions,an the relationships between traitional an scientific knowlege are some of his research interests,.


timpapakyriakou– professor,ph.. ﹙waterloo﹚

epartment of environment an geography

ph..university of waterloo: geographym.sc.queen’s university: geographyb.sc.mcmaster university: geography


jonathan peyton- assistant professor,ph.. ﹙british columbia﹚

his esearch lies at the intersection of environmental geography an political ecology an evelops a cultural an historical approach. over the past few years he examine a series of resource evelopment conflicts in northwest bc,a region that is currently the site of intense mining exploration an controversy over energy projects. he situate the current conflicts against the legacies of previous megaprojects – both faile an realize – to unerstan their social an environmental sie effects as well as their legacies for future evelopments.


ronal stewart– professor,ph. ﹙toronto﹚

fellow of the royal society of canaafellow of the canaian meteorological an oceanographic societypatterson meal from the meteorological service of canaa


avi walker– assistant professor,ph.. ﹙manitoba﹚

r walker joine the epartment of environment an geography in 2004,having previously worke as a post-octoral fellow,an research associate in various epartments at the university of manitoba. r. walker is a quantitative,terrestrial ecologist who has worke in a wie array of ifferent areas of the environment. r. walker ’ s research interests are primarily in lanscape systems,ecosystem ynamics an human an willife interactions with lanscapes. this broa area of interest can be ivie into four topical areas: invasive species research,iversity an fragmentation,ata integration an moeling,an spatial methos.


feiyue wang– professor,ph.. ﹙peking﹚

r. fei wang is professor of environmental chemistry an biogeochemistry at the university of manitoba,winnipeg,canaa. he receive his b.sc. from wuhan university﹙china﹚ in 1990 an ph.. from peking university ﹙china﹚ in 1995. from 1996 to 1998 he was a postoctoral research fellow at institut national e la recherche scientifique ﹙inrs﹚ – eau ﹙now inrs-ete﹚,quebec city,canaa. from 1998-2000 he worke as a natural sciences an engineering research council ﹙nserc﹚ inustrial research fellow with evs environment consultants ﹙now goler associates﹚. r. wang joine the university of manitoba in 2000 as an assistant professor an has been a full professor since 2009.epartment of environment an geography.







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    曼尼托巴大学(University of Manitoba),简称曼大,位于加拿大曼尼托巴省温尼伯市,是曼尼托巴省最大的大学,也是曼尼托巴省最全面的科研性大学教育机构。它成立于1877年,是加拿大西部的第一所大学,在世界大学学术排名中......

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    曼尼托巴大学(University of Manitoba),简称曼大,位于加拿大曼尼托巴省温尼伯市。曼尼托巴大学始建于1877年,是一所公立综合性研究大学,加拿大西部老牌大学,也是唯一一所有医学院和博士学位的大学。那么拥有如此悠久历史......


