

  • 小英话留学
  • 2025-03-04 06:35
  • 36
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Financial Ai


·Monay  through Thursay  8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

·Friay 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Paying for the cost of  a college eucation requires a partnership among parents,stuents an the college. Each partner has responsibilities to fulfill in meeting that cost. Financial ai is money that helps you pay for the cost of your eucation (college fees,books an supplies). Rio Hono College (RHC) participates in most Feeral an State financial ai programs.


The20172018FAFSA covers Fall 2017,Spring 2018 an Summer 2018.The20182019FAFSA covers the upcoming Fall 2018,Spring 2019 an Summer 2019 semesters.Stuents intereste in the Feeral Work Stuy programclick herefor more information.

· Former Everest stuents that have been aske to submit transcripts to Rio Hono College please follow the instructions from the Bureau for Private Postseconary Eucation to request your transcripts.

· Don’t miss another Financial Ai Dealine,know when the next isbursement ate is,etc.  Sign up an receive phone text messages.  It’s very simple justTEXT:@25538 to:81010.  You will be on the stuent text  list to receive General phone texts regaring Financial Ai  (for personal financial ai information,you nee to go to your AccessRio Portal).  If you have any trouble,come to our office an we will be gla to help you.

·  All Disbursement ates can be foun in the Disbursement section.  Other important ates can be foun in the Calenar section. We will upate the ates throughout the school term.

· All financial ai feeral an state isbursements will be elivere to you via the refun preference you chose with BankMobile.

· All California Promise Grant (formerly Boar of Governor’s fee waiver) refun checks are processe through the Accounting Office an maile to your aress on recor within 6-8 weeks.






