

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-04 19:19
  • 61
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



The application form for all financial ai awars aministere by the GWC Financial Ai Office is the FAFSA.  The FAFSA is an online application that you both complete an submit online to the Unite States Department of Eucation. FAFSA Worksheets  are available in the Financial Ai Office to help guie you through this process.  A few programs may require you to submit a seconary application form in aition to the FAFSA.


Feeral Pell Grant:A Feeral grant for unergrauate stuents. The awar is base upon the stuent’s Expecte Family Contribution (EFC) (etermine by the FAFSA) an is prorate to the number of units a stuent is enrolle in or completes.

Feeral SEOG:The Supplemental Eucational Opportunity Grant for unergrauates with exceptional financial nee.  Funs are limite an aware on a first-come,first-serve basis.

Cal Grants:State grants for unergrauate stuents. Stuents must submit their FAFSA by March 2n to be consiere for a Cal Grant for the following acaemic year. The State of California awars these grants to stuents through the GWC Financial Ai Office on an entitlement basis an also on a competitive basis. If the stuent has not complete 24 egree-applicable units within the Coast Community College District,then the stuent must have their high school GPA verification form submitte to the State of California by their high school by March 2n.

Cal Grant A awars assist low an mile-income stuents with tuition/fee costs an are mae on the basis of nee an grae point average. Stuents who plan to enroll at a community college before transferring to a four-year college or university may apply for a community college reserve grant through Cal Grant A.

Cal Grant B awars assist very low income,first-year stuents with living expenses,books,supplies,transportation,an other non-tuition costs. (Renewals may also cover tuition/fee costs.)

Cal Grant C awars assist low an mile-income vocational stuents with tuition an training costs. Recipients must be in a program of stuy that is four months to two years in uration,at a vocational school,community college,or inepenent college

Chafee Grant:A grant that is only available to stuents who were foster youth.  The grant pays up to $5,000.You may apply at: https://www.chafee.csac.ca.gov/efault.aspx. Stuents who are eligible for a Chafee Grant shoul also contact the EOPS office to learn more about qualifying for the Guarian Scholarship Program

Feeral Work-Stuy:The Feeral Work-Stuy (FWS) program is esigne to provie eligible stuents who have financial nee an opportunity to earn a part of their eucational expenses through work.  Most of the FWS work is one on the GWC campus,making it easier for stuents who have transportation issues or ifficulty scheuling classes aroun a emaning job.  FWS funs are very limite an aware on a first-come first serve basis to stuents with the lowest EFCs who have inicate on their FAFSA a esire to work.

Direct (Staffor) Stuent Loan:This is a loan an must be repai. The loan is available in both subsiize an unsubsiize forms. Entrance an exit counseling is require.  You must complete an submit a FAFSA,an complete any require ocuments.   Boar of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW): Available only to California resients attening a California Community College. The BOGFW will waive the per-unit enrollment fees for all qualifie applicants. The BOGFW oes not waive any other college fees,which you must pay. If not pai,you will be roppe from your classes.

Dream Act:AB540 stuents who meet the qualifications will be exempt from paying nonresient tuition an have the opportunity to qualify for a Cal Grant. Please visit the following website for aitional information,www.ccc.eu/stuents/financial-ai an click on California Dream Act

Rights an Responsibilities of Stuents:All stuents are entitle to receive equitable treatment in the awaring of financial ai. It is the stuent’s responsibility to report any changes in his/her financial or acaemic status. All financial ai recipients are expecte to maintain Satisfactory Acaemic Progress or they will lose their financial ai eligibility. Please rea the Satisfactory Acaemic Progress Policy on our webpage.

Expecte Family Contribution (EFC)

Parents’ Contribution:The primary responsibility for assisting stuents with the cost of a post-seconary eucation lies with the stuent an often times his/her family. The expecte contribution is etermine by a feeral nee analysis process evaluating the family’s financial information provie on the FAFSA.

Stuent’s Contribution:All stuents are expecte to contribute towar their own eucational expenses. A stuent’s income an assets will also be assesse through feeral methoology base upon ata submitte on the FAFSA.

Satisfactory Acaemic Progress (SAP) Policy for Financial Ai Recipients

SAP stanars apply to all feeral an state ai applicants whether or not they have previously receive stuent financial ai.

Stuents receiving financial ai must agree to make Satisfactory Acaemic Progress towar their eucational goal. Failure to maintain these stanars will result in the loss of eligibility for financial assistance. This policy applies to stuents receiving assistance from those financial ai programs aministere by the GWC Financial Ai Office an is separate from the College’s acaemic progress policies.

All stuents must meet the SAP policy (partially etaile below) to be eligible to receive financial ai.

The Financial Ai Office reviews acaemic progress at the en of each acaemic term. SAP inclues measures of cumulative G.P.A. an unit completion progress,with a maximum number of attempte units allowe.  Please rea the SAP policy in its entirety on our website.


Refuns:In accorance with Public Law 105-244 stuents who receive feeral financial assistance an withraw from all of their classes before completing more than 60% of the semester will be require to return any unearne feeral funs. The amount of the return will be calculate on a pro-rata basis. Feeral Work Stuy (FWS) earnings are exclue from the calculation.

Repayments/Over-Awars:Shoul it be etermine at any time that the stuent receive funs for which he/she was ineligible,the stuent will be require to repay these funs. Stuents will be notifie in writing via e-mail of repayment options an the consequences of non-payment.

importANT NOTICE:Be avise that financial ai awar amounts may increase or ecrease ue to a variety of factors,which may inclue a change in either the stuent’s enrollment status or the stuent’s FAFSA ata. The Financial Ai Office reserves the right to moify financial ai awar amounts at any time ue to either changes in the availability of funs or changes in Feeral regulation.

For More Information:This section only briefly touches upon what you shoul know about stuent financial ai. Please visit the GWC Financial Ai Office an website (click Financial Ai uner the Stuent Services tab at www.golenwestcollege.eu (opens new winow) ) for more information an specifics about stuent financial ai.




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