

  • 留学新天地
  • 2025-03-04 13:05
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





Fisher College offers grant an scholarship assistance as well as participates in all feeral an state ai programs. We encourage all stuents to apply for ai,regarless of his or her economic circumstance. Our Financial Ai staff can help you an your family estimate the cost of attenance,etermine your eligibility for ai an explore your options for financing your eucation.

We encourage you to explore our Net Price Calculator,a tool that offers an estimate of what you might be eligible for in Merit Scholarships an nee base financial ai. To continue exploring all that our office offers,please select from our traitional Day Division or our convenient Division of Accelerate an Professional Stuies (DAPS ).

费舍尔学院致力于向学生提供承担的起的优质课程,FC 鼓励所有的同学去申请奖学金以及其他资金项目的资助。费舍尔学院设置了多种不同种类的奖学金,学生可通过 DAPS 对各类奖学金进行深入的了解。也可以进入下方链接,来了解奖学金的详情:


FC 的设置的奖学金项目主要分为以下四类:

1.      I3 Group

We provie stuents,borrowers,an recent grauates like you with the knowlege an tools necessary to take control of their stuent loans an make responsible repayment ecisions.

Our counselors help you navigate the numerous forms,rules,an regulations require to responsibly meet your financial obligations. We work to unerstan your financial situation an unique circumstances so that your stuent loans o not become seriously elinquent or even efaulte.

From self-service tools available on Ion Tuition,an conference calls with your lener to consoliation an payment plan assistance,we put the power to manage your stuent loans back into your hans.

2.BURSARWelcome to Office of the Bursar. Locate on the thir floor on One Arlington Street,the Office of the Bursar bills an collects stuent accounts,as well as provies counsel to families regaring the options for financing their eucation. Fisher’s frienly an informative financial counselors are on han to assist stuents an parents with any questions they may have.

3.    Net Price Calculator

The Net Price Calculator was evelope to help families plan for eucational costs at Fisher College by proviing an estimate &lquo;net cost&rquo; figure (estimate costs less estimate scholarship an grant ai).

Results are base on a combination of 2017-2018 acaemic year costs an financial ai rules,as well as 2017-2018 institutional scholarship awar rules. Note that future costs an financial ai estimates are subject to change.

Nee-base ai estimates assume that a stuent will file the Free Application for Feeral Stuent Ai (FAFSA) by the March 1,2017,priority ealine. Financial ai eligibility can be significantly reuce if these ealines are not met.

4.    Financial Ai Disclosures

Every year on September 17,the Office of Financial Ai marks the signing of the final raft of the Constitution by putting on a program an/or event. A feeral law enacte in December 2004 esignates September 17 as “Constitution Day an Citizenship Day” to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17,1787. Uner this law,every school that receives feeral funing for the fiscal year is require to hol an eucational program for stuents esigne aroun the Constitution.

To celebrate Constitution Day,the Office of Financial Ai invites you to test your knowlege of the most important legal ocument ever create by fining out What’s your Constitution I.Q.? Take this fun,five-minute quiz an sprea the wor! Fin out more facts about the Constitution at https://www.constitutionfacts.com/.

For more information an resources about Constitution Day please visit www.constitutionay.com. You can also pick up a FREE pocket constitution in the Dean of Stuents Office locate in 116 Beacon Street.

Fisher College biannually istributes to all enrolle stuents a notice of the availability of institutional an financial ai information. This information is require to be mae available uner the Family Eucational Rights an Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) an uner HEA Sec. 485(a)(1),Sec. 485(f),Sec. 485(g),[Sec. 485(h)] an Sec. 485(j).

Stuents are sent a notification of the availability of institutional an financial ai information via email in the Bi-Annual Right to Know Information Notification. Aitionally,this information may also be obtaine through the College links below. This page provies a comprehensive list of all information stuents are entitle to receive along with irect links to the content referre to on the page.

To request a paper copy of specific Institutional an Financial ai Information,please contact the Director of Title IV Compliance,Colleen Woos at cwoos@fisher.eu or 617-670-4527. Written requests may be sent to Fisher College c/o Colleen Woos 118 Beacon Street Boston,MA 02116.




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