
费舍尔学院设置了函给范围十分之广的专业和项目,以下小编就以费舍尔学院的人力资源管理专业、市场营销专业以及 Criminal Justice 为例展开对费舍尔学院课程表的详细介绍:
Human Resource Management,
Bachelor of Science in Management Degree
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First Year第一学年Creit Hours学时
CM105Public Speaking
C5101Computer Concepts an Applications3
C5245Management Application an Information Systems
EN101English Ⅰ3
EN102English Ⅱ
IS105Common Experience1
MA107/117College Algebra/Finite Math3
MG202Human Resource Management
PS101Introuction to Psychology3
Total Creits总学分16
Secon Year第二学年
AC121Financial Accounting3
AC122Managerial Accounting
IS220Preparation for Careers an Life after College
MA121Basic Statistics
MG201Principles of Management3
MK201Principles of Marketing
Program Elective3
Science Elective3 / 4
Social Science Elective3
Free Elective3
Total Creits总学分15 / 16
Thir Year第三学年
FI201Principle of Business Finance
HR315Training an Development
HR460Human Resources Internship Ⅰ
MG303Managerial Communications3
MG360Compensation an Benefits3
PS315Social Psychology3
Program Elective3
Global Awareness Elective3
Free Elective33
Total Creits总学分15
Forth Year第四学年
HR461Human Resources Internship Ⅱ
LA401Employment Law an Labor Relations3
MG304Leaership & Ethics
MG321Organizational Behavior3
MG401Strategic Human Resource Management an Emerging Issues
English Elective3
Humanities Elective3
Program Elective3
Free Elective33
Total Creits总学分15
Bachelor in Marketing Degree
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First Year第一学年Creit Hours学时
CM105Public Speaking
C5101Computer Concepts an Applications3
EN101English Ⅰ3
EN102English Ⅱ
IS105Common Experience1
MK201Principle of Marketing
PS101Introuction to Psychology3
Math/Science/Computer Science Elective3
Free Elective
Total Creits总学分16
Secon Year第二学年
AC121Financial Accounting3
LA204Business Law
MA121Basic Statistics
MG201Principles of Management3
MK220Consumer Behavior3
English Elective
Marketing Elective3
Science Elective3 / 4
Social Science Elective3
Free Elective3
Total Creits总学分15 / 16
Thir Year第三学年
FI201Principle of Business Finance3
IS220Preparation for Careers an Life after College3
MG315International Management3
MK301Marketing Research an Analysis
MK302Bran Strategy3
MK310Integrate Marketing Communications
MK460Marketing Internship
Free Elective36
Total Creits总学分15
Forth Year第四学年
MK420Marketing Management3
MK450Senior Project
PS315Social Psychology
Experiential Learning3
Humanities Elective3
Marketing Elective3
Free Elective66
Total Creits总学分15
Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
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First Year第一学年Creit Hours学时
CM101Introuction to Criminal Justice3
CM105Public Speaking3
CS101Computer Application3
EN101English Ⅰ3
EN102English Ⅱ
IS105Common Experience1
LA107Criminal Law
PS101Introuction to Psychology
SO101Introuction to Sociology
SO105Introuction to Criminology
Math/Science/Computer Science Elective3
Total Creits总学分16
Secon Year第二学年
CJ201Corrections in America
CJ210Law Enforcement3
CJ215Principle of Investigation3
CJ225Criminal Court Process
CJ240Deviance an Social Control3
IS220Preparation for Careers an Life after College
SO121Social Justice,Race,& Gener Issues in American Society3
Humanities Elective
Free Elective33
Total Creits总学分15
Thir Year第三学年
CJ316Criminal Justice Research Methos3
CJ317Criminal Justice Statistics
CJ410Ethics an the Criminal Justice System3
CJ460Criminal Justice Internship
Program Elective3
Science Elective3 / 4
Global Awareness Elective3
Free Elective63
Total Creits总学分15
Forth Year第四学年
CJ420Avance Crime Theory an Policy3
CJ450Senior Seminar
MG401Experiential Learning3
Program Elective33
Humanities Elective3
Free Elective66
Total Creits总学分15
以上就是对费舍尔学院课程表的介绍,留美小伙伴们有任何问题都可以随时联系留求艺出国留学哦 ~