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罗汉普顿大学位于伦敦西南部里士满公园(Richmon Park)附近,校园占地面积达54英亩,乘坐地铁30分钟便可到达伦敦西区。罗汉普顿大学强项在研究领域,该校研究成果丰硕并拥有全英备受尊重的几大研究学院。罗汉普顿大学全英排名第一的专业是生物人类学与舞蹈。学生通过向全英知名研究人员求学中受益。罗汉普顿大学的舞蹈系是全世界规模最大的舞蹈学院之一,以其出色的前沿式编舞及表演而闻名。罗汉普顿大学在艺术与人文学科、社会科学、人类与生活科学及教育类课程中都享有国际盛誉。罗汉普顿大学在教学方面的实力得到全英认可。2013年全英教学水平评估中,该大学被英国品质保证局评为全英最具有教学实力的大学。罗汉普顿大学就业及创业团队在学生就业过程中为他们提供及时帮助。该团队为学生提供系列项目帮助学生获得其就职所必需的技能与经验,这些项目总包括毕业生指导项目、Santaner Internship Scheme(桑坦德实习项目)以及内部实习项目。罗汉普顿大学的学生有着出色的就业记录。2014最新调查显示,92.3%的罗汉普顿大学2013届毕业生在毕业后6个月内成功就业或开始继续深造学习。Professor Dame Jacqueline WilsonJacqueline Wilson was aware an Honorary Doctorate by Roehampton in 2007,in recognition of her achievements in an on behalf of chilren’s literature. In 2008,she was appointe Professorial Fellow of Roehampton,an in 2014 appointe Chancellor. She teaches moules on both the Chilren’s Literature MA an the Creative Writing MA at Roehampton.Sir Davi is a non-executive irector of the Economist. He retire as a irector of Pearson plc an Chairman of the Financial Times at the en of 2009 after 13 years on the Boar.Davi was appointe Chief Executive of the Financial Times in 1993 an became Chairman in 1996. In July 1998 he was also appointe Pearson’s Director for People with responsibility for the recruitment,motivation,evelopment an rewar of employees across the Pearson Group an in June 2003 he became Chairman of Pearson Inc in New York.In aition to this he is Chairman of Saler’s Wells,Chair of Council at the University of Roehampton,Chairman of the Lonon Transport Museum,Chairman of the Transformation Trust,Chairman of Rare Recruitment an Chair of The Institute of War & Peace Reporting Europe. He is also a trustee of the Esmee Fairbairn Founation,Common Purpose an the Centre for the Stuy of Financial Innovation (CSFI) an a member of the Honorary Council of the Royal National Theatre an the Finance Committee of Cambrige University Press.Davi was also Chairman of the Millennium Brige Trust (1995-2002),responsible for conceiving the first new brige across Thames in the centre of Lonon for 100 years.Davi was born in Henfiel,Sussex,an eucate at Cambrige University an the University of Pennsylvania. He is marrie with three chilren an lives in Islington.Davi receive his knighthoo for services to inustry,the arts an charity. He was appointe as an assessor for the Leveson Inquiry into the culture,practices an ethics of the press in July 2011.He was brought up in South Lonon. Following a gap year in Kenya,he rea theology at the University of Durham an,after two years teaching at a comprehensive high school in Hull,traine for the ministry at Cueson Theological College. He was oraine in 1975 an serve successively in parishes in Kennington,Wimbleon an Streatham in the Diocese of Southwark. He was a member of the General Syno of the Church of Englan from 1984 until 1992 an was also an examining chaplain to the Bishop of Southwark.From 1992 he was Diocesan Director of Eucation in Blackburn an also,from 1994,a Canon Resientiary of Blackburn Catheral. He became the Church of Englan’s Chief Eucation Officer in 1998,with overall responsibility for the Church’s strategy,policy an practice in relation to schools,incluing 5,000 Church of Englan schools,an universities an for the informal eucation an nurture of people of all ages in an through the Church.He has written wiely an ebate publicly on eucational matters an was instrumental in the prouction of the Dearing Report in 2001 an its follow-up,which le to a significant expansion in the number of Church of Englan seconary schools.William Macintyre is chairman of the Froebel Eucational Institute an was appointe as the first ever Pro-Chancellor of the University of Roehampton in 2006.  After his term ene,he was appointe a Fellow of the University in March 2012. Prior to his retirement he was a career civil servant in the Departments of Energy an Trae an Inustry an has more than 30 years experience in public service,especially its interface with business.


John Simpson is the BBC’s Worl Affairs Eitor an was Chancellor of the University of Roehampton from 2005 until 2014,when he was mae an Honorary Fellow of the University. His career at the BBC has spanne more than 40 years an has earne him a reputation as one of the most experience an authoritative journalists.





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