Amission CriteriaThe Masters program is open to qualifie stuents with unergrauate egrees from accreite universities regarless of unergrauate major. An unergrauate egree in accounting or business is not necessary.Amission ecisions are base on a number of factors incluing performance in prior unergrauate/grauate coursework,a Grauate Management Amissions Test (GMAT) or GRE score,employment history,letters of recommenation,an a statement of the applicant’s personal goals. Amission recommenations are mae on a rolling basis once all application materials are receive.Applicants must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale an an acceptable score on the Grauate Management Amission Test (GMAT) or GRE to be amittable. As a guieline,applicants accepte into the program have an average GPA of 3.5 an an average GMAT score of approximately 600. The GMAT is the preferre metho of testing,however,if a GRE is submitte verbal an quantitative scores shoul be 160 or higher. Scholarships are aware base primarily on these criteria. International stuents for whom English is a secon language must also emonstrate proficiency in English. Proficiency is generally emonstrate by a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 600 on the written-base test (or 250 on the computer-base test or 100 on the internet-base test) an a verbal subscore on the GMAT at or above the 40th percentile.How To ApplyIntereste applicants shoul submit an application through the Office of Grauate Amissions website. Applicants will be aske to provie the following:Official transcripts for all institutions attene.Official scores from the Grauate Management Amission Test (GMAT) or GRE.Three letters of recommenationResume.A statement of your career an eucational goals.For more information concerning the MAcc program contact Grauate Programs Office macc@ou.eu. Information packets are available for the MAcc program in the Grauate Programs Office,Price Hall 3050.MAcc Amission DealineProgram Application DealinesU.S. Citizen InternationalMAcc June 15(Fall Amission) March 1(Fall Amission)Nov. 15(Spring Amission) Aug. 1(Spring Amission)March 15(Summer Amission) Jan. 1(Summer Amission)
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