

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Program DescriptionThe stan-alone Master of Accountancy program is open to qualifie stuents who alreay have an unergrauate egree from an accreite university in any fiel of stuy. The program presupposes a basic level of accounting an business knowlege an skill. All stuents,therefore,must complete the require prerequisites,either before amission or as part of their egree program.The curriculum consists of 33 hours of grauate coursework,incluing:18 hours in grauate accounting. Stuents may use those 18 hours to evelop a meaningful specialization in a functional area of interest (e.g.,assurance an financial reporting or taxation) or may take a more generalist approach. Areas of interest inclue:oAssurance ServicesoFinancial ReportingoTaxation15 hours in grauate level business electives. This remaining portion of the program is esigne to give stuents a founation in business. Stuents are encourage to evelop a meaningful an marketable supporting area (e.g.,finance,management information systems).Stuents who have previously met all of the prerequisite requirements may complete the 33-hour program in three terms. It may take those with no prior business stuies two years to complete the entire program incluing prerequisites.


课程设置:CurriculumPREREQUISITES:The Master of Accountancy program presupposes a basic level of accounting an business knowlege an skill. All stuents,therefore,must complete the following prerequisites,either before amission or as part of their egree program. Generally,completion of equivalent coursework at an AACSB-accreite university will satisfy prerequisite requirements. Other previously-taken coursework will be evaluate when an applicant is consiere for amission. Stuents who have not complete equivalent coursework previously are strongly encourage to o so after amission as part of their program of stuy.Accounting:Financial Accounting (e.g.,ACCT 2113)Managerial Accounting (e.g.,ACCT 2123)Intermeiate Financial Accounting I (e.g.,ACCT 3113)Intermeiate Financial Accounting II (e.g.,ACCT 3123)Cost Accounting (e.g.,ACCT 3313)Accounting Information Systems (e.g.,ACCT 3353)Income Tax Accounting (e.g.,ACCT 3603)Auiting (e.g.,ACCT 4543)Other:Computer Skills (e.g.,B AD 1001)Elementary Functions (e.g.,MATH 1503)Calculus (e.g.,MATH 1743 or 1823)Intermeiate Microeconomics (e.g.,B AD 5102,or ECON 1123 an 3113)Business Statistics (e.g.,ECON 2843,5023,or B AD 5001 an 5122)Business Finance (e.g.,FIN 3303)Business Law (e.g.,LS 3323)PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS (33 HOURS):Accounting (18 hours):ACCT 5113 - Avance AccountingACCT 6553 - Accounting Theory an ResearchACCT 5100 - Accounting Professional Development12 hours of Grauate-Level Accounting Electives (pf)General Business (15 hours):*FIN 5302 or FIN 5103 - InvestmentsFIN 5312 or FIN 5303 - Corporate FinanceThe Law of Commercial Transactions - LS 5523Management Information Systems - MIT 5602Prouction an Operations Management - SCM 55222 - 4 hours of grauate-level business electives* Substitutions may be allowe base on a stuent’s prior coursework an experience.Degree notes for all stuents:A minimum grae point average of 3.00 is require in all coursework attempte.A maximum of five (5) years is allowe to complete the egree.All stuents are require to take a comprehensive exam uring their last semester of stuy.Oklahoma requires caniates for the CPA exam to have a minimum of 76 hours,incluing 30 hours of accounting,above the 2000-level. MAcc stuents may be require to take aitional unergrauate an/or grauate coursework to meet this requirement.Print-Frienly version of Curriculum (pf)AvisingAcaemic Avisor - Ms. Jennifer Aragon (Price Grauate Programs Office,3050 Price Hall,jharman@ou.eu,325-2074). Most questions regaring course scheuling,course permissions,grauation requirements an proceures,etc.,shoul be irecte to Ms. Aragon. Stuents shoul make an appointment with Ms. Aragon as soon as possible after amission to iscuss their program of stuy.Program Coorinator - Mr. Joe Dulin (joe.ulin@ou.eu,325-5792). Mr. Dulin coorinates the Professional Development program. He is also available to avise stuents on professional an career issues an to provie curriculum avice. Any program issues or questions shoul be brought to his attention.




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